
0 Post – 13 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I misread this as "give Reddit a try" and thought you were insane.

oh, I fucking called it a mile away.





Manifold Garden

Massive Chalice

The Pedestrian

Solar 2



Unfortunately, you want to see Twitter win, because if the music dudes win, Twittwr won't be the last platform they attack, and you might actually like the next one.

What are the tankies?

Question about how moderation works: If a user registered on your instance makes a rule breaking comment on Beehaw, who's allowed to moderate that comment? You, Beehaw, or both? To what extent do automated mod tools exist, and whose automation is triggered in that case?

Nope, first party SteamOS

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Got it, that makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the information!

Maybe this is a dumb question, but why not install SteamOS?

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The entire Tales Of series EXCEPT Arise

Huh? the first thing that comes up when I google SteamOS is DIY install instructions.

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On the one hand, I hate the right's bullshit. But, on the other hand, there was some comfort in having the ability to keep tabs on them. If they pick a different space, it'll be harder to anticipate what they're planning.

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The posted install instructions say its just Debian. I would assume it would have Debian's hardware support?