
0 Post – 53 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Women need better icons.

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You are a gentleman and a scholar. /s

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I think the post you replied to was sarcasm.

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Will this make it easier to reopen federation with instances that were concerned about abuse of our open sign up policy? (or was the issue with beehaw resolved while I wasn't looking?)

Literally nothing. If my remote request is rejected, I'm quitting with nothing else lined up. If I can't find remote work, I'll retire.

I'm never heard of any of them.

That's probably a good thing Do you want any that you have heard of to be speaker?

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I specifically made a new account on an instance that allows downvoting just for transphobes.

Sure, but second rate employees deserve workers rights too. We should at least be careful to not build our rights on their backs.

Wait, the cap is 15TB? I run a small image processing business and I'm right about there with my businesses data, currently.

...guess its time to NAS, but I'd really rather pay someone else than assume the hassle

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They were also the easiest to use offline. I needed internet to set them up, but once they were up, as long as I didn't want to ever use the app, they didn't actually need a connection to operate.

Sure, because the Yoga has the extra screen layer to support active pens. Linux isn't the problem.

Yeah, don't do this, especially with your boss. All he's gonna hear is "I'm shitting on this nice thing you're trying to do."

It's doable, but a tedious pain in the ass.

Its actually decently close, but a touch off. Off enough that you'll definitely sound like an American trying to speak Japanese, and if you're actually in Japan, they may not recognize a few of these. The numbers are good aside from 6 (Roku) and 10 (needs a y in it, like jyew). Ohio is also hilariously accurate enough.

In Japanese, R and L are the same, and it sounds a bit like making both sounds at the same time (its done by trilling the R, a little bit lik rolling an R). In this document, they use L, but you'll probably have an easier time being understood using R. (Key ray instrad of key lay, Airy got toe).

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I share a name with a local airport. It's pretty embarrassing.

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My take's always been Monetization ruined YouTube.

We're at a point where they are so close to codifying their reign into our country's laws that it will no longer matter if they have a majority or not.

That's wildly interesting because it's heavily associated with neckbeard incels (tips fedora) on Reddit because there was a time when it was overused and comparatively fancy for the average yankey american vocal style. It was also often accompanied with "Edit: thabks for the gold, kind stranger!" Thinking around 2011-2013?

We also expect much more from sequels these days. Most old games' sequels are just more content on the same engine with minimal new features. Spyro 2 was Spyro 1 with swimming, ice, and powerups. I don't remember Crash Bandicoot 2 changing anything but the hub world. Did Guitar Hero make any major changes between 1, 2, or 3? Nowadays, Elder Scrolls gets significant engine upgrades between each game, as does Halo, as did Horizon. Totk's biggest critique is "its just DLC cuz it's in the same engine", even though there have been some substantial, non-graphical, physics based upgrades.

A single player offline videogame, even!

This is another war crime, yes.

Hard to chuck unity in the bin when you don't use unity.

We're lucky there are enough other engines on the market at the moment, but eventually someone will need to spearhead a FOSS engine with blackjack and hookers.

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He doesn't think I'm a human being, so I will give him the same respect in turn.

If you're willing to share, I would be interested in hearing your story.

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Saves aren't on the cart on switch.

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20% has been dead for almost a decade...

On a guy, she what???

We lost a good part of our forest because some dipshit thought burning the TP from his morning shit was better than carrying it out with him.

That book was such a hard read, but damn if it wasn't so important.

There are many buildings that Kennedy is named for.

The tldr is not every species with a uterus menstruates.

Most animals' bodies don't convert into a child bearing state until they're already pregnant. Dogs and cats for example don't grow breasts (or line their uterus) until they're pregnant. Humans (and a few other species) evolved to just be ready to raise a child at any time, which results in permanently developed breasts and a continuous refreshing of a uterine lining.

It's a just ok panel. Tends to look really washed out.

My hand span is exactly 7", and my thumb knuckles are exactly 1" long, with the nailbed exactly halfway back.

I only go back for porn

I once had a laptop that let you upgrade the mobile graphics cards. It was incredible.

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That would be fine from a storage standpoint, except that the up front investment is significant compared to what I've paid Dropbox so far. I have to be my own resilience, redundancy, security, and and integration specialist. Can you even connect to a NAS on Android? I'd have to set up tasker or something for auto photo upload. Our power is not reliable and goes out frequently. I would have to learn how to expose it to the world outside my network. I'd have to monitor and replace dead drives. And that's just me, while the other people on my account also need space and access, where they either have to set up their own NAS or use mine, so I'd have to look into file sequestration. I'll have to re-automate everything to not use Dropbox APIs. There's a much bigger mental load hidden behind "getting it up and running" that made paying someone else attractive. I'd've paid up to triple for continued unlimited storage, but now that there's no option entirely and the highest limit is stupidly low, I have to rethink my entire workflow.

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think it changes which syllable you stress? fiAHNce vs fianSAY.

I'd love for that to extend to professional sports, but I understand that's probably a bit too radical, even for Lemmy.

I do have a UPS for some of my stuff. I was planning on getting another small one for some networking stuff, but no reason I couldn't get a bigger one to cover another device.