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Part of it was faulty pricing from a Norwegian electricity exporter. Also, they have almost finished the new infrastructure, so they do not have to import as much in crisis situations. I think a new nuclear power plant goes online and lots of renewable stuff. The problem OP is maybe talking about seems to be very well handled by the state and already solved. https://www.helsinkitimes.fi/finland/finland-news/domestic/24708-electricity-prices-in-finland-return-to-normal-levels-in-2023-down-64-from-previous-year.html

I think he's pointing out that in the future, this could lead to regulatory measures by the government because they get pressured by the big corps that AI locally is dangerous, but AI with big corps is all good and the right way. Which is an understandable concern. It's not about you using whatever model you're using; it's about the broader philosophy of how AI should be integrated into our world. He's saying the big corps are trying to monopolize the AI market, which is valid because that's what's happening right now.

It's a birth defect - Big Ed Brown from 90 Day Fiancé has Klippel-Feil syndrome, which makes his body look different from others.

I don't watch it, but making fun of someone for his looks, which he can't control, is a doozy, so I hope they laugh because of his antics and not his body. Would be kinda cheap otherwise.

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Well, it's a bit surprising that Tesla is the worst-performing stock so far. I mean, the Boeing scandal was a disaster image-wise, and others are struggling real hard. But even with all that, Tesla is performing worse than the airplane manufacturer, who can't build secure and quality-controlled aircraft. The tide is turning for Tesla. Competition is getting stronger and starting to roll out strategies like the BMW 50% 2025 Plan, which means Tesla as an electric automobile manufacturer has dire times ahead if they don't start fixing things.

Tesla long stopped delivering on promises they, or rather Musk, made. They need something other than words and visions to sell, and fast, otherwise, the stock is going to normalize more and more, to a degree a mid-sized automobile manufacturer would be, as the shareholders slowly start losing faith and jumping ship, as long as the stock is overvalued and there are buyers.

As far as I know, it is the other way around. Catalonia wants to separate from Spain because they are the economic powerhouse region of Spain, in addition to cultural and ethnological reasons.

There are reasons to boycott some Spanish production, significant water problems in certain regions due to unfavorable water contracts for the population, labor issues, etc., but definitely not like this. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-20345071



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well some of it is on cam at least the first part of the escape

lol XD, let me tell you, if someone is financing something like that, they sure as heck expect something in exchange someday.

So, you believe a government powerful enough to make unaffiliated companies bow to their liking won't leverage their investment?

Why do you think they invested? Just for fun?

You invest to gain influence, not to have less influence.

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These are the quotes this article is based on according to another news outlet, and it is unsure if the translation (especially the wording for the proclaimed statement in the title) is up for debate since there are multiple translations.

(“from the river to the sea,” according to an English translation on the Israeli news channel i24NEWS.

According to other translations, Netanyahu said that Israel “must have security control over the entire territory west of the Jordan River,”)

"Every area that we evacuate we receive terrible terror against us. It happened in South Lebanon, in Gaza, and also in Judea and Samaria [the West Bank] which we did it.”

“And therefore I clarify that in any other arrangement, in the future, the state of Israel has to control the entire area from the river to the sea.”

"This truth I say to our American friends,” Netanyahu said Thursday. “And I also stopped the attempt to impose on us a reality that will jeopardize us. A prime minister in Israel has to be able to say no, even to the best of friends. To say no when you need to and to say yes when you can.”

Does anybody know what "proposal" the USA made that he's referencing?

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You meant it intensified; they existed and attacked the shipping route before this conflict escalated.

Also, many people forget the modern West uses retaliation as a tool against terrorism. Basically, if you mess with civilians, you'll face swift and harsh consequences. The attack legitimized a retaliatory response.

That's why it was confusing when Hamas initiated this phase with a terror attack, as Israel would invoke the retaliation card, supported by the USA. Humanitarian concerns become secondary to the objective of neutralizing or controlling Hamas. Crying for more humanity or boycotts won't significantly change the priority list.

The best outcome Hamas could have hoped for with the attack that started this is what's happening now: chaos, more hate, conflict, and the end of normalizing relations between the USA and some Middle Eastern states. They knew Israel would use the "9/11 card," and the USA would allow and support it.

Just to be clear, I neither support any form of "genocide" nor take sides in the Israel-Palestine conflict. It's odd to categorize so broadly and inclusively.

If you believe China's reluctance to participate in these maneuvers is due to the genocide allegations, then it's improbable, considering China isn't known for opposing genocide, (especially against Muslim groups). Practically, what Israel is accused of aligns with China's agenda – acquiring land, eliminating cultures, religions, and populations based on ethnicity. Just because China is more discreet doesn't make it morally superior.

Example here: Uyghur genocide.

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How do you define causing more harm than good? To our species? The people who can afford overseas vacations? The economy? And surely, it's not foolish to think that destroying our planet has no consequences. 😊 What do you think people should do to protest? They have been protesting for years with proper permissions and official support, and guess what? Nobody cared. I'm not defending their actions, but I can understand why the situation is escalating. Depending on where you live, tensions rise in more than one sense. It's difficult to witness the world deteriorating. You can choose to ignore it, of course, but ultimately it won't matter. We are all facing consequences, whether from nature, our own species' actions, or social and economic inequalities. Perhaps it's a combination of all these factors. Who knows? XD - The next chapter in our civilization will indeed be interesting, as in one way or another, change remains the only constant in life.

If you really want, you can use almost any cloud-based solution that allows you to sync folders, with some caveats.

I use Obsidian with my Google Drive; it took me about 5 minutes to set up, and it works like a charm now. However, you need to set it up on every device you plan on using for synchronization. Also, you cannot work on the same document on two devices simultaneously. Otherwise, it works as you'd expect.

It's definitely messier than the Obsidian cloud, but for my needs, syncing it via Google Drive is more than enough.

RIP Argentina. I don't know the situation that led to this, but man, that sounds real, real bad for the average Argentine people.

I know of one person in my wider circle who reacts also pretty bad when children are being children around him. In his childhood, every time he was loud, wanted attention, or just did what a child does, his parents (they did not even want children; he was an "accident") got really angry at him. So children being children is a trigger for him.

Talking to a trained professional helped him immensely to handle this.

Yeah, sure. Have you ever heard of 'reactions to actions'? What do you think would happen if Russia were to start targeting foreign satellites? How confident are you that they actually possess the technology to disable around 2000 out of the 4000 Starlink satellites to clear paths above Russia/Ukraine? Or, what do you think Russia is capable of in this regard? and did you really belive musk does this for free and with no ulterior idea? 😂😂😂, but there's no such thing as free. Here's just one example: Link to CNBC article on Pentagon awarding SpaceX a Ukraine contract for Starlink satellite internet https://www.cnbc.com/2023/06/01/pentagon-awards-spacex-with-ukraine-contract-for-starlink-satellite-internet.html

They have, but they are not in charge. Apple's goal is to make money; everything else comes as an afterthought.

It is a lot more complicated than that - since G/O media was bought out in 2019, it goes downhill. The new owner pretty much goes with the strategy of prioritizing advertisers and shareholders over workers.

So, they maximize revenue streams upwards to GHP, which is hard, but an easy way to do it is to minimize fixed costs like salaried workers and their benefits. If the revenue goes up or is stable but workers get laid off and salaries get squashed, and part-time or contract workers get hired to do the same job for even less, workers are not going to like this, especially workers who are organized in a union.

Looking at one revenue number as the sole indicator of "healthiness" is exactly the mistake that ends up with worker protests and dwindling quality.

In other words, the money for fair pay for all would be around, but the owners would rather have an even bigger piece of the pie.

History and context behind the situation:

G/O Media's leadership, introduced after the purchase from Univision, has been subject to frequent criticism by employees.[9] Complaints include closer advertiser relationships, a lack of diversity, and suppression of reporting about the company itself.[9] In October 2019 Deadspin's editor-in-chief, Barry Petchesky, was fired for refusing to adhere to a directive that the site "stick to sports."[15] Soon after, the entirety of Deadspin's staff resigned in protest, leaving the site inactive.[16] In January 2020 the GMG Union, which represents the staff of six G/O Media sites, announced a vote of no confidence in CEO Jim Spanfeller, citing, among other issues, a lack of willingness to negotiate for "functional editorial independence protections."[17]

On February 4, 2021, the Writers Guild of America East filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board alleging that G/O Media told employees it had fired Alex Cranz for labor activism.[18]

In mid-October 2021, G/O Media removed all images from stories published before 2019 from the 11 websites it owns, including Gizmodo, Jalopnik, Deadspin, The A.V. Club, The Onion, and Jezebel.[19]

In November 2021, Gawker reported on substantial staff resignations at Jezebel over the course of 2021, comprising around 75% of staff. The resignations were reportedly related to a "hostile work environment" created by G/O's management and the new deputy editorial director Lea Goldman.[20] In January 2022, another article detailed similar staff decline at The Root, with 15 out of 16 full-time staff having left throughout 2021 since Vanessa De Luca started as editor-in-chief.[21]

In January 2022, seven senior staff members at The A.V. Club left the site after management required them to move from Chicago to Los Angeles. According to the Chicago Tribune, the departing staffers cited a lack of salary increase to account for increased cost of living due to the transfer.[22]

On March 1, 2022, GMG Union members went on strike after failing to reach an agreement on a new contract.[23] The strike was resolved on March 6 with a new contract that included some of the members' terms.[24]

On June 29, 2023, G/O Media implemented a "modest test" of artificial intelligence-generated content on its websites, in a move similar to BuzzFeed and CNET. The move sparked backlash from GMG Union members, citing AI's track record of false statements and plagiarism from its training data.[25] The first AI generated articles on G/O Media sites appeared on July 5 and included a "chronological list" of Star Wars movies and television shows on Gizmodo's io9 section that wasn't in chronological order, omitted Andor and The Book of Boba Fett and stated that the events of the television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars came after those of The Rise of Skywalker; a list of the "best summer blockbusters of 2003" on The A.V. Club; and a list of "the most valuable professional sports franchises" on Deadspin.[26][27]

This isn't about AI and has nothing to do with whatever bullshits Musk is/was up to. They basically integrated drone tech into a Cessna and flew it remotely from a ground base. It's drone tech combined with an autopilot—fairly basic and proven, already utilized in military, agriculture, and hobby industries. Also its for cargo not humans.

"90 Day Fiancé star Ed "Big Ed" Brown is working on himself mentally and physically.

The interior designer, 55, opened up about his insecurities stemming from having Klippel Feil syndrome, how he's been combating them and his fitness journey that resulted in a 21-pound weight loss."


"I grew up with the condition called KFS - Klippel-Feil syndrome- where it looks like I actually don’t have a neck," Big Ed explained. "But I do. I have 3 vertebrates that are the size of 2 when most normal humans from this world have 7. And I have a bigger than normal chest cavity so I’ve been bullied all my life.” While some viewers have been cruel about Big Ed's appearance, he is used to receiving criticism and standing out."


Yes, it is not feasible; it costs more to extract it from the air than the benefit obtained from burning it, and then it still needs to be stored for at least a few hundred years in solid or gas form. Otherwise, it goes right back into the atmosphere and the effect will be null. We looked at a similar concept at my university, and the professor said, I quote, "Whoever comes up with these bullshit solutions does not really understand how climate change or physics works; it is not a solution to our problem." We also had a project like this in my city where they captured it just to sell it to a greenhouse, which releases it back into the atmosphere, so the concentration stays the same and, de facto, they have removed zero carbon from the air because it basically goes right back into the atmosphere. Actual solutions exist, but they are expensive and extensive; people will start implementing them in, let's say, 70-120 years from now, right around when we start feeling the full effects of rapid human-induced climate change.

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If I'm interpreting the CEOs Post post correctly, the severance package is only applicable if your contract gets canceled prematurely or if you are being laid off. If your contract ends and is not renewed, all obligations are fulfilled, so there is no severance package since the contract simply ends. (Timel/Project based contract). I could be wrong though. It would make sense to have project or time-based contracts - these layoffs mainly affect the "permanent employees."

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I'm pretty sure the point of these protests is not to make an immediate impact on statistic you pull out. They know better than that. It's about the big picture. It's about raising awareness of environmental problems and keeping them at the forefront of people's minds. It's about reminding people what's at stake. The details of how much emissions they saved that day are irrelevant; it's about taking action.

There is one if you use the discovery features. Well, it's not a dislike, but I think it does the same thing, maybe?

Lol, you just described every open content platform out there. This is not a YouTube-specific problem. You can't personally control what's uploaded on these sites, but you can choose if and how you interact with it.

Stupid question: What's the point behind this? Is this actually financially viable for a company in the long run? Was this an attempt to get Reddit to crack down on those subs?

Isn't this always a fight against windmills? i.e., you can't fight a symptom without addressing the market as a whole?

I never said it was not for profit. I said you invest to gain influence, which is true by fact, not an opinion. If I buy a significant number of shares in a company, I do so because I want more than money; I want influence on decision-making. I do not think the Chinese government is only interested in monetary gains; do you think that's their only goal?

And again, do you believe a country/government able to indoctrinate any business that wants a share of their market, like the Steam example, is only invested for monetary gains and nothing else?

Tim Sweeney can do and decide many things, but opposing the Chinese government is certainly not one. And I don't know how you imagine influence, but having 40% of a company is something I call influence, wouldn't you? Even if they can't tell him how to run the business, he sure as hell will do nothing that could worsen the relationship between him and his biggest investor, aka Tencent. And who is behind Tencent? The Chinese government.

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I mean, if I were an investor looking at this, I would also get excited about making this change - much less risk, less cost, less customer support, etc., all for basically the same output in revenue. In other words, if I cut the small business (6% of value but over 100k accounts to handle) out of the model, I can make more money because the cost reduction is higher than the loss of revenue. And in the long run, when "big game customers" jump ship, I just downsize some more. I also don't need to invest but can be sure it will generate a certain amount of revenue, as long as I do not squeeze the relevant customer groups too hard. This strategy is very feasible and relatively risk-free. I am not a fan of it, but I think a lot of software companies will go this way after they establish themselves in a market.

Yeah, but wasn't all the art stuff in austria pre-migration? So I would say he is a failed austrian painter turned german dictator?

Apologies for the misunderstandin of your statement. My bad.

Why do you think China, one of the main trading partners with the West, should not be expected to participate in securing a primary trading route, especially after expressing a desire to play a more proactive role in securing the Middle East?

Certainly, the recent surge in attacks stems from the Israel/Palestine conflict. While one could argue that we all bear some responsibility for reaching this point, the attacks on trading routes are carried out by a third party financially backed by another entity, mainly Iran. These attacks, though related to the conflict, involve non-direct participants, including the ships they target. This categorizes them plainly as terror attacks on a trading route, and there's no need to let it escalate or reach a point where other uninvolved groups might be tempted to join in.

I agree; China's best move for now would be to sit and wait, maintaining distance. It gives them more breathing room. China, especially the CCP, has its interests in mind and isn't particularly interested in helping causes that don't further their goals. More "chaos" in the Middle East is something CCP leaders would likely appreciate.

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In other words, the market is nearly saturated now, and Evernote makes its money with business people and institutions who often adhere to the "don't change a working system" principle regarding their "tools." Most of them will just keep paying if the functions are needed and already integrated.

It's a model most of these types of companies adopt sooner or later if they are for profit, and investors see the potential of this business as almost exhausted. It's: grow, establish, grip, and squeeze.

Yes, and you are entitled to your own opinion, but that does not change the facts. No, the influence is not "what if it is there" – it is there, plain and simple. That's not up for discussion. It's public knowledge that Tencent owns 40%, and Tencent is a government-controlled entity. It does not matter if they "abuse/use" it actively or not. It sounds like, in your mind, influence is only relevant when you use it actively, which is not true.

The data forming the basis for the economic argument is from the INE (Instituto Nacional de Estadística), it's not "Catalonian propaganda." link to INE: https://www.ine.es/dynt3/FMI/en/

I do not argue for or against separation, thats their matter. I just wanted to clarify and add a few sources regarding the issue. I do belive economic differences contributed to the separation movement, though.

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Please, you are so right - but please do not engage further with this kind of posts in the future, just report them - the OP of this post is 1 day old, most likely a bot account - Lemmy needs better moderation, and that fast, it's getting worse and worse, day by day.

Well, I hope you are right. xd

It just seems to me like a monopolization of the market by the big tech corps, which won't be beneficial to the majority, but at least a few billionaires will get richer.

I was recently invited to the Google research center where they presented their new AI assistant features, which should be coming this year. It was weird; it was at the same time more capable than I thought and more restrictive than one would assume. It's like not even Google knows exactly what to do with it, or what it should be able to do, or what exactly it is capable of. I also once got to try an "uncensored" / "unrestricted" information model, which was actually a bit scary but far more useful than any of the current "restricted" chatbots. I'm sure AI will change things up, but how, when, and why I don't know, and the more I find out, the more unsure I am about predictions, besides the one that big corps will try to monopolize the market.

I'm not understanding the part where you accuse me of spreading misinformation. I provided the official source from Spain, an anecdote, and sources for each of my points.

So, brother, do we agree then? Is Catalonia the economic motor of Spain? So, who's getting whose money then?

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I agree — some gamers do not understand that the gaming industry is grown up now, or at least old enough to play in the big boy money league. And the big boys are not in the business to make games; they are in gaming to make business. Inherently different decision-making process.

Also, before someone buys something, someone has to sell out. So why do we always have a problem with the buyers, aka investors, whose intentions are clear but not the sellers?

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Interesting perspective, but these attacks were different from what they did before. I can see the argument that the Israeli government downplayed their preparedness to make Hamas's attack more devastating than if they had taken it seriously from the beginning. This tactic could then be used to partially legitimize retaliation and the subsequent siege of Gaza.

There are too many factors at play for this to be a "normal" Hamas attack gone wrong. The scale and preplanned targets suggest it was not an "ordinary" Hamas operation.

While I usually agree that the simplest solution is often the right one, do you really believe this was more or less a "normal" attack that spiraled out of control?

This happens rarely, and if it happens, the chances of it being someone we know from the media are almost 0; that would be all under the table. The "best" are the ones you don't hear about because they are too busy working on actual stuff, same in most science fields.

Most of them are recruited in "normal" ways; there is much more talent around these days. No need to engage with criminals and put them on actual sensitive stuff. Also, they get paid more than you might think; the people leading these projects are not stupid and make a simple mistake like underpaying talent they still need.

I get your point and understand where you're coming from. I think you're right from a certain perspective.

But I want to add that it doesn't matter that they declared they want to stop shipping to Israel; if the entire trade route is affected, it's just terrorism, plain and simple. Securing vital trade routes and sending a clear signal that this conflict won't spiral is crucial for stability.

Also, this is an international issue (trade route security), not purely an American one. While the U.S. could handle it easily by themselves, it would lead to more significant problems and conflicts in the long run.

I just believe inclusivity is always better than exclusivity.