7 Post – 18 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm just an old guy with a lot of opinions. I am a sysadmin by trade. I like Linux, cool gadgets, Sci-Fi, DC comics, bass guitar, prog rock/metal, and annoying my kids with dumb dad jokes.

Hot take. I think the instances that are trying to be Reddit are the ones that give their users carte blanche to create new communities without any thought of looking to see if the same community exists elsewhere. I'd prefer that community creation be limited to the admins of each instance, that way they could - hopefully - at least do a cursory search to see if the community exists already and then just add it to THEIR instances subscriptions. There's a reason why every community shouldn't be on a single instance. It's a single point of failure.

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Community discovery that spans all federated instances should be one of the top things that development should be working on. And it should be integrated into Lemmy, not as a separate website people have to go to and search.

Peoples are lazy. They don't want to have to go to some separate website and then search for something. And lets not even get started on the difficulties of adding a remote community if your instance doesn't know it exists, its wonky at best.

If a user cant type "Stephen King community" in the search bar on their instance and then get results, they are either going to assume it doesn't exist OR they are going to be hitting that "Create Community" button.

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Gorgeous! Is there any chance that you have more build details? A list of parts needed or even perhaps photos or video of your work would be great!

I'm not saying you shouldn't be allowed to create a new community. I'm saying that due diligence should be taken BEFORE creating a new community, to be sure that community doesn't already exist.

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I really like SearXNG for searching. It combines results from multiple search engines (that you define) and strips out advertisements. You can host your own SearXNG instance if you are in to self hosting, or you can use one of the many available public instances.

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That's not how Lemmy works. You just have an account on ONE instance. And then subscribe to all the communities that interest you, some may be local to your instance and some may be hosted on other instances.

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Of the themed instances that exist now, I'd be willing to bet that in addition to their local communities they host that they also subscribe to other communities that aren't strictly related to whatever theme they are going with.

For example, I'm sure the Star Trek instance also subscribes to the community so the admin can stay abreast of Lemmy news. And probably also follows other technology related communities as well.

I think most people would just want to gravitate to whatever they want to be identified with. There's nothing stopping you from joining a music themed instance and then adding some non-music subscriptions to your list. It doesn't force those subs on anyone else on the instance.

And if you don't want to be identified with any specific topic or community, you can always join a general Lemmy instance like Beehaw or and subscribe to whatever you like piecemeal.

I have most of my domains on Google, but also have a couple on CloudFlare. I suppose I will just move them all to CloudFlare. They offer free WHOIS privacy and several other features for free. For those of you self hosting on a dynamic IP, there's a pretty good API that you can use for DNS updates.

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Love it! Thanks for sharing!

Consider joining my Show Me What You Got community to share this there. This is exactly the kind of content I'd love to see there.

Seems like the best thing to do would be to run that on a daily schedule and also ideally something done in the ui. I worry for those admins that just "followed the recipe" to get a Lemmy instance up and running but lack any real sysadmin ability.

I think theres probably a big overlap between the novice admins and the instances where the admins are unaware they are getting flooded with bot registration.

I tried doing that with a previously unsearched/unsubscribed community as a test on my own instance, and I got a 404: couldnt_find_community error when clicking the link. As you stated, it seems like in most cases that special link will not work unless someone has previously manually searched for the same community in your instance.

I think I'd rather link directly to the instance for the community than get a 404 error. For most people, getting the 404 will just deter them from proceeding further.

Perhaps it would be best to include both links in a post?

I was explaining it to a friend today, and I came to the conclusion that Lemmy is a LOT like the old FIDOnet message network that was used on BBS's.

I only have com/net/org domains, so I never noticed that. But you've provided good information. There is a list of CloudFlare supported TLD's here

There are things other than porn that is nsfw. Some workplaces are strict.

Basically I don't want people posting nude pics/videos of themselves or others. That's against the spirit of the community.

But other content that might not be acceptable on a work screen would be ok.

Will you be publishing an arm64 docker image for 0.17.4 soon?

Thanks for all you do!

If you are familiar with Docker, you can easily run it in your existing VPS. It doesn't use a lot of resources.

If you are not familiar with Docker, you should look in to it.

I guess at the end of the day that I don't have many concerns for privacy. I am not searching for things that might get me on a watch list. Searching from my private instance is no more/less secure in terms of privacy than it would be if I did a Google search. The search endpoints (Google, Bing, DDG, etc) all know the IP that the search is coming from even if its passing through SearXNG first. So if I was doing something shady, I could easily be tracked down that way.

The main reason I run my own SearXNG is so I can strip ads and search multiple search providers from a single search.

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I was never insinuating that an instance owner should limit their scope. But just because you run an instance doesn't mean you have to be the home node for all the communities you are interested in. It goes against the idea of federation. If a community already exists on another instance, as an instance owner you should subscribe to that community rather than making your own. That increases resilience.