
1 Post – 89 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm in this rule and I don't like it

Palestinians maybe not. Hamas, definitely yes.

And Palestinians support Hamas.

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Potemkin villages or human zoos? Come to Xinjiang and find out for yourself.

I should apply for a job at the CCP propaganda offices.

Well they are. Both (Edit for clarity: Hamas and Netanyahu) commit atrocities in the name of their sky-daddy. Both are supported by their populations. Both have an interest in maintaining the status quo.

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Everyone deserves respect and dignity of life.

That's it. Nothing to add.

Signed: another run-of-the-mill cismale dude

But her emails!

Ctrl - them - all

Descending deeper and deeper into paranoia, I see.

Good, good.

orcas don't seem interested in training their deadly skills on us

... not yet

They'll say nothing first and, if pushed, "but what about Guantanamo?"

Tankies are so predictable.

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I hate agreeing with conspiracy theories but everyone here gets what they want. Everyone being Hamas and Bibi, and what they want being sticking to power.

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  • Tankies: “Resisting invasions is now good”
  • Russia: “Invasions are bad”
  • Republicans: “Sending arms to fight invasions is good”
  • China: “A two state solution is now good”


  • Qatar: "The West are hypocrites"
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Tip: do use the ship log. It tells you where you still have something left to explore. So if you visited somewhere and missed some details, it will let you know.

Oh no. Anyway.

Because evolution settles for the good enough (to let you survive and have children that survive) rather than the best.

Green pesto contains pine nuts, and nuts are dried fruit.

There was a worry that Putin would act on his nuclear threats if the West escalated military help too quickly, so it looks like the strategy had been to slowly boil the frog.

Hamas supports the status quo though, because the moment the war stops they slide into irrelevance.

You need iodine pills

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At least the Nazis were smart enough to figure out why everyone hated them.

I'd rather get a cow-mammal burger


I vote for Thunder

You think you're anonymous here, but next time I see someone in a public toilet washing their hands with their pants down, I will know their Lemmy handle is @PopularUsername.

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Decoy hotels even

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I believe Russians wouldn't be able to resist bombing a site with a "Children here" sign.

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In those cases, I simply switch to bash, do the deed, switch back.

I'm sure the parents of those 6 kids, as well as those of the dead in Ukraine care enough.

It's Putin and his clique who could not care less.

It mostly depends on your tastes, competences, and goals, rather than on your computer's specs.

That's not a passkey. It's a security key. RTA.

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Baldurs Gate was published in 1998

I doubt any US president has 60 million dead under his watch as Stalin does.

And if you care for your body integrity, I personally would avoid sharing your 70/30 idea in Ukraine, where the Holomodor is still living memory.

It's uncomfortable for my fingers. The floss eventually becomes tight and stops the blood.

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If you have #!/bin/bash on top of your scripts, they will use bash.

This needs mpd, tofi, and a nerdfont installed. I bind it to super+m and lets me search and play one album. Nothing else.


# create menu items
albumartists=$( mpc list albumartist )
while IFS= read -r albumartist; do
    albums=$( mpc list album Artist "$albumartist" )
    while IFS= read -r album; do
        if [[ -n "$album" ]]; then
            artist_album_list+="$albumartist 󰎈 $album\n"
    done <<< "$albums"
done <<< "$albumartists"

# offer prompt
selection=$( echo -e "${artist_album_list[@]}" | \
    $menu )

# extract sel_album and sel_albumartist 
sel_album=$( echo "${selection#*󰎈}" | xargs )
sel_albumartist=$( echo "${selection%󰎈*} " | xargs )

# echo $sel_album # testing purposes
# echo $sel_albumartist

# play
mpc clear
mpc findadd artist "$sel_albumartist" album "$sel_album"
mpc play

Problem with this is, when you realize it's not fun anymore you're sometimes too down the rabbit hole.

I did pot only but I wasted 5 years to stupidity and paranoia.

When you're a teenager you're not always aware of your mental health issues.

Nah. The Germans and the Japanese have a sense of State, of common history someone could build upon. Japan went to the Middle Ages to the industrial era in little more than 100 years once it made contact with Europeans. Germany was always a great European power.

The Afghani have nothing of the sort. Their politics is nothing more than a bunch of warring tribes trying to outdo each other in backwardness.

And Russia is a nuclear power. Nobody is going to touch them with a ten-foot pole, certainly not in the way Germany and Japan were rebuilt post-WWII.

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