TFO Winder

3 Post – 94 Comments
Joined 5 months ago

TFO Winder

It's IRC

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I think it matters more what percent of their holdings they sell rather than the amount they sell.

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You guys have headphone jacks ?

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What to use them, if not DDG

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This is really bad.

Yes just like cortona, Microsoft account and other shit.

It's not on by default..... Yet

It's a game of cat and mouse again.

One leaker caught and account got banned .. Another account created.

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This saying in my local tounge

Which roughly translates to

"You small, I big , this thought of world is incorrect, A Thirsty man feels the the ocean is smaller than than a glass of fresh water"

Imagine above is a really Catchy rhyming.

I don't think anyone will understand but here it is in local tounge trying to write the sound in English.

Tu nano, hu moto, e khyal jagat no koto. Tarsa ne to dariya karta loto lage moto.

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No. No

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Here are some lines from article.

The Fediverse will soon have power on the social web to shape its future, but only through and in the interaction with Meta. This is the reality the Fediverse has to start arranging itself with

it will shape the web in the next couple of years and that means, it would be a good idea to study it. At first, it could look like an unfair battle, but in fact, Meta has some weaknesses as well just as the Fediverse has some advantages.

Also: Meta is playing for time: the Copernican revolution of the social progresses merciless, and they can only somewhat control the consequences of this. At the same time, the open Fediverse will also have to be willing for this indirect coalition with Meta and if they will do that is nowhere near certain.

What a load of crap

How bad is Microsoft?

Bad enough to be stay away from

And I can repair when it breaks.

It was unquestionable.

The opposition in India is at rock bottom historically.

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I am myself Indian

I think most Indians don't realise how large and diverse India is. Most Indians underestimate how foreign parts of thier own country are in terms of economy, culture, language, food etc.

I just tried it 3 days ago on Fedora 40, Did not run for me.

Followed their wiki

How did you setup?

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To raise money from the public.

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Had a front end dev who didn't use adblocker.


Excat opposite of this,

(January 2000) Abortion is a divisive and emotional issue. Add racial overtones and the implication that public officials do not deserve all the credit for reductions in crime during the 1990s, and combustion is inevitable. Informed debate is not. Stanford Law School professor John J. Donohue III and University of Chicago economist Steven D. Levitt ignited a debate last August when they released a study on the relationship between abortion and crime. Their findings suggest that legal abortions have prevented the births of many would-be criminals. The absence of these people, according to their research, is behind at least half of the dramatic drop in crime rates seen between 1991 and 1997.

I think it's free.

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What did they do ? I thought all processor are following standards hence I am running Linux on my Intel or AMD CPU.

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I hate dnf downloading 100 mb of meta data before I can install a package.

I had worked with Pacman and it was just so good with repos.

Does it feel better?

Isn't usenet paid?

I tried once exploring it but found out have to pay my ISP or something, so went back to torrenting.


rm -rf --allow-unsafe

Or something is required

DMCA hurts more than it serves

This law should be struck down.

I am sure majority of people will benifit from this.


set -x

For debugging

It's gift from the god.

I just now found a book recommendation and it's on my Kindle within 30 seconds.

Android is open source platform, you don't need Google for Android.

Android gives you a base system so that you don't have to reinvent the wheel while creating an operating system. All phone manufacturers build on Android to create OS for their mobile.

Googles monopoly is because a lot of things we benifit from Android is cross compatibility of devices from different companies which is facilitated by Google - Play Store, Etc.

This monopoly of Google is not forced but domination of it in Android space since the very beginning.

Anyone can create an OS without Google services but it would be very less useful compared to Android with Google services, because of lack of compatibility.

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In india there is no law barring from paying/owning property from jail.

There is no difference between defaulting weather you are in jail or not.

It would be treated as if you ran off in case you don't respond and fail to pay the required payments, things would proceed accordingly.

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Searx improved a lot since I last used it. Was really slow before

Can you give example?

I cannot understand what you mean by powers.

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It should not affect the working of the disk as UUID is used for identification of the disk for booting OS.

Any alternative for F1 pls.

I know it's not on cable but still. :)

Can same game be with DRM on steam and without DRM on other platform.

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She looks like an old lady to me.

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It means no person it more valuable than other. When you need help of someone he is the most valuable to you no matter how small he is.

Overall idea is that everyone has their own place in world and no one is above anyone else

I see nothing wrong in this.

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They are interested in your data because you are human and you do human things, the more they understand you and your activities the better they can gather knowledge for economical decisions such as Ads, Trends etc.

Most commonly they use this information to manipulate you into using their services or changing your preferences by marketing and Ads. The more they understand you the more effective it is.

I would like such a device too.

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Win people's support. Voice your concerns, if they are widely realised you will definately make a difference for people you care for.