21 Post – 149 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Chat this is weird

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Very nice, I will google how to find cougars

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Go to uni.

Never appear in Person.

Watch all online lectures in 1.5 - 1.75x.

Gradually forget how fast humans are supposed to talk.


4channers going 1 step forward and like 20 back

"a new volume mixer" - please just be an interface change and nothing dramatic 👀

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Yeah no, the last time I saw a discussion with a large percentage of hexbear user's, they were all praising Putin, it wasn't even on 196. So fuck them

Link Aggregation enjoyers:

People posting a 5000 Word essay at 3am for no reason:

You need more happiness my friend

The manga has been out for over 20 years lmao

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I once had to solve like 12 puzzles back to back to log into psn, I will never do that shit again.

I just blocked the one guy who dumped his whole reddit post archive it seems

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Dark Soles III

Nothing of value was lost

Renting a DvD / Blueray was like 7$, going to the movies is 10-15$, why TF is this platform so expensive??

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Looks like a Dharman video Plot lol

Bit of a normie but the Dark Tower series would be awesome. Mixing tons of genres, having very different locations to film in. It would be extremely expensive to produce.

The gunslinging of Idris Elba in the movie was nice but everything else wasn't.

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Yes exactly like that

Top right smells like r34, what is your defense, OP?

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Looks like my fucking kitchen sink

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Mommy issues

Same tbh

You make coffee, go to your desk again and start working. After an hour you notice your mug standing there... What now, throwing it away or reheating it?

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Ich hoffe wir stören nicht zu sehr / Hope we don't disturb you too much

It was urgent

Wei Wuxian?


Mad Max

Me looking up the exact order of commands I have to give the machine to get connected to a real first level support employee.

You should leave immediately and stop trolling

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I don't even know what font that is supposed to be wtf

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I think I have not used the desktop for like a decade. There's always something full screen in the foreground and it would take forever to minimize and maximise every window to what it was before. Most apps I search or have pinned to start tiles. Anyone else?

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I watch it for the plot.

The imagination of pushing a straw through someone's nose just makes me deeply uncomfortable.

reverse image search

no images found

OP please no

Räum dein Zimmer auf, please. Und die true fruits Flasche kommt in Altglas.

Ad by "Futaloving Cockmaster" hmmm