1 Post – 44 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

I bought like 20 games within the last year on sales and played maybe 4 of them, this time I try to be strong.

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Maybe it could work with some FSR settings? And yeah in this case it would have been better if they did allow to use two game clients, old and new.

Unfortunately, I cannot stop

Hi, I'm dust

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"How can I best serve the company" 🤮

A thought I had not once in my entire work life

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Sex ed was that bad huh

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I wish they would just choose one instance which I then can block. But no, I need to block the 5. AI-"art" com, the 20th "beautiful indian actresses" com and several nsfw coms, just today I blocked like "yiff furry BDSM trans"

At this point I don't like browsing "c/all" anymore

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Last chance to look at me

🫳 Yoink

Did you have to look up minute too?


Yeah I can almost read it, needs more compression

OF plug

Even worse when you've been tired af the whole day but as soon as you lay in bed you are wide awake and it takes an hour to finally fall asleep.

You don't seem to understand

Your computer doesn't have "excess energy"

Whole of Germany 04/2024

Wasn't Abzu made by the same studio? Also very chill game

Yer fond of me lobster, ain't ye?

Many keys on such sites are bought with stolen credit cards. Publishers could disable these keys afterwards but most don't because it's not the sole fault of the buyer. That's another method of selling these keys, never Buffy them for an indie Dev or small studio, they could actually lose money if they need to charge back (including fees etc), for the 500 Trillion $ networth AAAAA-Publishers I cannot be bothered to pay 70$

Nah they're right. My Xiaomi had great vibration, audible without a ringtone but my Pixel now is very weak. Definitely depends on the brand and model.

Damn North Blue

... for people with disabilities you mean?

I truly wonder what sprouted this comment. We're all taking about how this one teacher butchered math by rounding π completely incorrect and you're posting this half-rambling, idk if medicaments-induced, pseudo intellectual crap. This has 0 to do with it, go to some DMT board.

Laughing their asses of I bet

Delete this 🔫

Tag yourself, I'm Turbo Paskal

Cannot cook is a turn off tho. Everyone should know how to cook, at least somewhat.

Rabies vaccine

You just misread and are now downspiraling. It's okay but can now stop writing about your bird fetish

At this point I'll be only able to play it in twenty years, emulated

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Are you his PR agent or why does this look like ads

Does anyone use an actual good language learning app? I recently decided to learn again on transport instead of doomscrolling but Duo fucking sucks. Does not teach you concepts or even verb declinations. Its just "learn this new word" or "learn this new phrase but we're not telling you at first what they mean, you need to guess until you get it right". Feels like it will take 5x as long to get somewhat proficient than to whatever we did back in school learning French. The only positive are the short lessons and the dopamine inducing "good job"s and achievements and whatnot.

Anyone got recommendations?

I wonder too.

If they go full "only google certified browsers and clients" I will just not watch youtube anymore

Big ass ears