2 Post – 46 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

Multi CDN integration is a thing. And fuck CF. Unlimited means unlimited. Stop trying to lie to your customers and change the rules.

If the IP's were an issue, then they wouldn't have offered to make the issue go away with $$$.

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Well, I just stopped using reddit so this is good timing.

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It is a close race for the biggest asshole on the bench

I'm men. Who are these men?

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I want to argue with you but...

I give up

This is all anyone needs to read from that site:

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English is weird tbh

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Creating a mucj larger dl. What a dick.

Keep telling yourself that.

Just as one example:

Use of Twitter in the US alone has slumped by more than a fifth since Elon Musk bought the site. 23% less usage is a big drop in general, let along from a single country.

So now it is similar to the dead internet where a fair amount of engagement is fake. I logged on a few weeks back and I had dozens of comments and messages from Stacys, Jessicas, Amandas, Jessicas, and Laura's. Funny how I attract only women with those names.

Fuck off scammer

4 or 5 other times it was offered and every time it was shot down by the PA because either it wasn't from the river to the sea or all jews have to leave.

It was never about sharing, it was about keeping it all to themselves.

You saying Israel killed him is like saying Palestine committed Oct. 7th's terrorist attack.

Israel didn't kill the guy, a lone Israeli student did. This is one of those times when facts and nuance matter.

Fuck off scammer

Very good questions!

Hand-jobs for progression!

I use a VPN and they block me most days. I uninstalled the app and said fuqit.

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Fuck off scammer

Clearly 🙃

Fuxk off scammer

This is closer to the facts. The US government just doesn't want any other government having our info. They called dibs.

Another issue is the algorithm they use. China can literally control what we see.

And reads like AI as 90% of every paragraph begins the same way.

That was in the 70's, he was killed by a student, not the government.

And the PA, including Yasser Arafat, have turned it down 4 or 5 times. Yasser Arafat turned it down last time in 2002/2004(?). They have never taken it seriously.

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It isnt about past data, it's about current data and trends. It's also about a foreign government controlling what another government's citizens see through an algorithm.

The mods and adm8ns using all bots for everything now and the ads.

I also got suspended for 3 days for harassing a bot by replying "Hahaha" to an automated message from a r/teslalounge automod telling me I'm banned because I commented in another sub making fun of the Cyber Truck.

Whem laughing at bots is harrasment, its time to run. Reddit is a joke now.

Hahaha, fair.

Though, according to Statutory Instrument 113/1993, the Irish and English markings can be used on their own, or in conjunction with each other:

The problem is that Gaeilge (Gaelic) is the national language and it would simply cost twice the amount to paint Bus Lane underneath Lána Bus and the Irish government is cheap af just like most governments. And lazy.

I have ADHD and also keep all of my lights on. My partner hates it. 😔

Good bot

Good to know that I'm not crazy!

Women are assholes too and this has ti be one of the dumbest acreenshots ive ever seen. Let's just play a word game where we swap out genders:

The only kind of woman who says, "Not all women are ashholes," is an asshole. If you really were a "nice woman," you'd be saying, "Wow, lots of women are fucking assholes to men. Let's do something to change that."

It's really that simple.

Especially because, by saying "not all men!!!," you are conceding that, yes, some women. Some women are assholes.

So, like, you'll admit there's a problem but you won't do anything about it? You won't join us in trying to stop it? Then you definitely are one of those women, pal. You're not one of the "nice women."

Funny how that works

Not this guy!

Cry harder about Chineae malware?

If you don't drive it, it doesn't overheat. Tier 1 solution.

non-interuptive ad format

Yeah, I'll stick with Brave web browser

What are you even rambling about? Who said anything about calling up newspapers? My 12 year old nephew has a better reading comprehension then you do.

Yes, invalid conplaints. The linked article literally says, "according to two faculty members." The entire article and conversation is based on the the third-hand account from these two faculty members after tapking to the students who were arrested who were upset that they spent a day in jail. Sort of strange that not a single other newspaper or online publication is reporting on this though.

Also keep in mind that this article was written by a student from City University. The same University that is mentioned in the article. But of course, there is no way the student-reporter is biased at all.

How do so many people lack reading comprehension?

Where did I justify anything? I simply stated facts and pointed out that the article is written by a student who attended the protest and goes to school at City U. And I said that now they can go protest peacefully, which is their right.

And it doesn't matter whose perspective it is. The students were arrested, spent a night in jail, and were released. Minor charges if they don't get dropped. This story is full of students complaining about how shitty jail was and stretching the truth.

Do you honestly believe the students, while in admitted general pop, somehow were singled out and not fed? I promise you that those students were forgotten by staff the moment the were booked and treated just like everyone else, which is what the students in the article are complaining about:

The conditions we’re hearing about are inhumane,” Mitra told The Intercept. “They take away the dignity of every person in there.”

Yeah, that's jail in most cities.

I just wonder why literally no one is reporting on this if even some of it has truth.

The day Linux says all video games are compatible with their OS is the day I finally switch from Windows for good.

Until then I'm using a pirated version of Win11Pro and wondering how this AI will work with pirated copies.

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