1 Post – 22 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Too bad neither Israel nor the US are member of the ICC. That gives them far less leverage, even though they will likely put pressure on some weaker members of the ICC.

At one of my clients, a large institution, they go further: you're not allowed to use the local browser's password manager. And still have to abide by the usual password rules: rotate every 3 months, complex passwords, etc.

As a result,, users store a plain text file on their desktop (some go as far as printing it), that conveniently allows them to retrieve their passwords.

Too much security kills security.

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I remember the early 90's when fiber connection was being developed in research centers.

Researchers had found a way to transmit all of a country's phone calls' bandwidth through a simple fiber cable. Then, they wondered: what could we use this for?

This was a few years before the explosion of the internet...

What prevents you from revoking your payment mandate at your bank?

In Europe at least, your bank must honor this request and there's nothing your debtor can do about except spending 1000's to recover at most 3 months of payments with the current legal apparatus in Europe.

That's why trade unions in France maintain their own security forces, trained to spot troublemakers or hysterical militants and reign them in. Perhaps is this what makes for successful démonstrations.

Usually, an impact study is made before such type of laws are made:

  • if this law is enacted, how much will it cost to the manufacturers to update their factory settings?
  • how will this be impacted on the device cost in the UK compared to other markets?
  • how many users will get stuck when losing the unique ID of the device, what are the recovery procedures, how costly is it to end users?
  • how many users will be protected by the measure and what cost for society does it represent?
  • how many users will set a dumb password anyhow and what is the cost for society?

I’d be curious to see the impact study, as many of those are actually botched.

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My aunt visited Afghanistan as a tourist, in a christian group of women, in the 1960's. I really wish I could do the same when I retire.

I'm afraid forcing watermarking generated content is doomed to fail, for 2 reasons: first it has to be voluntary, second, watermarking can always be removed if one does not care about preserving the exact content.

Rather, I believe systematically signing original content may alleviate some of the issues created by algorithmic content generation.

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At my modest scale, I was banned from reddit/worldnews for pointing out that the title of the stickied thread "Iran attacks Israel" was not suited anymore to the events in gaza, and that this thread's very low upvote count was a show that its content was not so consensual.

There are lots of efforts by Likud extremists to reshape the narrative and suppress dissent.

But I'm optimistic that their efforts won't work: the students protests are strong enough, alternative communities like r/internationalnews are developing, so that a more balanced perspective emerges, that doesn't downplay Israeli crimes against humanity.

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When the fine for littering and the cost of repair or recycling is higher than what you can recoup from this sort of lost property, it's a win win for the police.

My recent permaban from r/worldnews for stating the obvious (is "Iran attacks Israel" still the right title for a stickied thread on the events in Gaza?) has had the positive effect of making me renew with Lemmy.

r/worldnews is a cesspool of hasbara fanboys, but their unilateral view on the conflict starts to draw away people from their toxic propaganda.

Indeed, and the legality has been challenged by the ACLU. Although they could not pursue to issue a condemnation.

The present case would be an excellent opportunity to resolve the question of whether or not a President is entitled to kill a US citizen and setup better checks and balances (because, in the case of Obama, there were definitely some, but those were disputable).

I have been running my own mail server with similar requirements for 20 years now.

I empathize that getting flagged by major providers is the most worrisome part.

Yet, it's not as bad as it was in the years 2012-2015 when SPF, dkim and dmarc strated becoming mandatory.

I maintain my outbound server against all odds, mostly because I think it's very important that independent providers can still exist.

You forgot the /s

Does this means we can invade truth social or reddit/conservative and they won't be allowed to ban their contradictory?

Indeed, we've had autonomous trains for 3 decades now, and without 'AI' to make things murky. Automation in airplanes and industry is also very advanced. The key to success is not in the software, but rather in overall system design.

No, numeracy is when you draw cards to see the future.

Crypto is very useful in defective economies such as South America to compensate the flaws of a crumbling financial system. It's also, sadly, useful for money laundering.

Fir these 2 uses, it should stay functional.

As commonly said: the product advertises its new AI feature. The job posting of the person who implemented it was 'data scientist', and the technique used is called logistic regression.

Well, in this context, it's more image comparison or some other simple technique not even relying on a training dataset.

Now the Satanists have to declare the Kama sutra and other erotica as sacred books to circumvent this ban.

Which group in France is against? I consider making this issue a top priority for choosing who I vote for.

Could be both. After all, red is both the color of communism and republicans. May be this is enough commonalities to confuse a MAGA hat wearer