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Joined 1 years ago


stereotypical compsci transfem

oh golly, oh joy! i sure do love assigning all of the people i don't like into the same group of people with a mental disorder, thus perpetuating the artificial class divide of the mentally well versus the mentally ill! surely this will have no unintended consequences on swathes of the population who have that mental disorder or are otherwise considered disordered but are also "functional" enough to blend in with less-marginalized society!

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Until I saw thia message, I entirely thought that this post was suggesting using a condom to choke oneself to death.

it's wednesday

I literally go to college with a cis woman who looks like you. To say the least, she is well-loved. Don't beat yourself up over your looks.


"kuno don' fuckin care" vibes

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mold is a biohazard

the people who know you are not going to start addressing you differently unless you come out to them and they're respectful.

the toys finally killed him, and made it look like an accident

While I do believe the other commenter is making a gross simplification of the reasons the average conservative does what they do, there is genuine merit in recognizing the relationship between US Republicans (or conservative movements and groups in general) and facism. The ideological cudgels they use are based in the same foundations, utilize the same rhetoric, and are often intended by their progenators to reach the same end goals. If you are a European, you should have some interest in this - after all, the US of A is not the only country struggling with facist rhetoric being normalized in its culture.

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i like how it implies that his balls act as a safe container for radioactive materials

HRT doesn't fix people, they just often have the motivation to work on themselves after being on HRT. Not everyone gets that motivation just from HRT, though. It took realizing who in my life I'd be sending down the same road for me to end up committing myself to an inpatient mental clinic rather than ending my own life. This was also after two years of HRT - it very much did not fix me, but in retrospect it definitely contributed. That being said, it was only one piece of the puzzle. Your betterment may look different, but ultimately it will have to start with how you perceive yourself - not just in terms of how "womanlike" you may be, but also in regards to your own personal narrative, how you appraise your own value as an individual. Best of luck.

"Sociopath" isn't even an official diagnosis anymore, and certain abusable positions also get noted for their tendency to have high-empathy people working in them - the levels of empathy, in the end, only determine the way the abuse comes through. Empathy is a tool like any other, and trying to insist that it's a thing that can define the goodness of a person is as absurd as any of the other times people have tried to associate a particular feature with some kind of moral position - not to mention how it only ends up harming marginalized demographics. The wealthy and powerful are not going to care if you deem them low-empathy monsters, but some people around you may feel less safe knowing that you associate low-empathy with evil.

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Funnily enough, empathy doesn't always apply to all other people! Many often learn to only utilize their empathy to gain social advantages by leveraging an understanding of others, or practice selective empathy in that they have functioning, typical, empathy - just only within their bubble. It's why some of them get uncomfortable when they're forced to perceive poor people in a more humanizing way - they have empathy, they're just choosing not utilize it in a way that benefits larger society. I feel I should also point out that a number of people fit the qualifications for being considered low-empathy, but are regarded as leading admirable lives by otherwise choosing to be good to their fellow human beings - James H Fallon comes to mind.

voice training, posture, general attire, makeup etc also all contribute. my mother has consistently been misgendered throughout her life as a cis woman because she doesn't wear makeup, has a particular posture from working out/physical labor, and wears like jeans and masc-cut t-shirts. all of these things can be changed and posture nor voice training require you have money if you already have internet access.

...is that it's a capitalism metaphor?

me when media literacy is hard. :^(

seriously, the last thing - relationship anarchy, is very rarely (if ever) supported by incels/misogynists in general, because they want control over women. relationship anarchy is very much not about control. if we're to say that the imagery is indicating which is better, it probably would indicate relationship anarchy is best - given the whole everyone is smiling and look at all those hearts deal. not to mention, as the other commenter said - the shades indicate shadiness. there is a distinct air of it being bad in the long run to both scenarios in which secrets are actively being kept.

So what you're telling me is that you have conditions for your relationships?

In reference to what you said about wait times, generally wanting to dress a certain way or play pretend as a certain character isn't all that goes into feeling trans. Usually, it is on some level knowing that you would be happier as a certain gender or with that gender's features. It's like other forms of body modification, like ear piercings. People don't get their ears pierced because they want to wear dresses, they get their ears pierced because they want ear piercings - though the two are often seen together. Similarly, someone won't just get go on testosterone or estradiol because they want to wear suits or dresses - they will go on the hormone of their choice because they feel like they would be happier with that hormone.

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what is unethical about stealing from a chain grocery store

I'm not suggesting solving all our mental health problems will stop billionaires from existing (though in truth, class disparity creating the stressors it does would definitely make stopping billionaires help population mental health), nor am I suggesting that billionaires should get any sort of excuse. I am pointing out how people in abusive class positions (i.e. billionaires) can still be high-empathy people, and how sociopath literally isn't a diagnosis anymore. I believe you are having a reading comprehension issue.

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...maybe freud was right.

Oh absolutely - it's specifically most effective to start hormone replacement therapy when one would be going through puberty anyways, and most would agree that the less time spent with the wrong hormones, the better.

while i won't argue people don't care at all for looks, i've seen some people who would be conventionally considered very ugly establish long lasting loves because they are genuinely wonderful to be around. it also helps to try to be around other folks like you. i had a terrible time dating until i did so in trans circles. i am now in a polycule every partner i have is trans and we're all fucking weird and most of us are at least a bit gross. you don't even have to entirely cure your depression or complete your transition to find the people are out there, you just have to find some people with things in common. and to be blunt, you calling yourself genetically cursed is akin to much of what incels say. you gotta get out of that headspace. it's not good for you.

No one's playing 4D chess but it's not wise to think people aren't opportunistic, or might be following in the footsteps of people who came before - remember the US contra affairs? This kind of shit has been happening forever, and truthfully - even without literally funding their national bogeyman, there's a lot of things one can do to create their own enemy. Have you ever wondered why Hamas hates Israel? I'll give you a hint - it has to do with powerful people colonizing land.

Nicholas J White, or Whitey. Makes music in a bunch of different genres but it tends to circle back to electronic alt-rock.

Loved all of Lost Songs - excited for his new album. I'm particularly excited for more stuff like Journey to the Bottom of Your Mind

Eewooo eewooo, false dichotomy alarm!!!!

Hey, you look great in this photo, but a real quick tip about mirror photos like these - it genuinely helps a lot to look into the camera in the mirror rather than to look at the phone to make sure the picture looks good while taking it, or at least to look elsewhere in the mirror. It gives a much better impression of your typical expression, unless your typical expression is in fact looking down with your eyelids mostly closed - but I say this from the perspective of someone who's eyes are usually drawn forward.

I think that's the point.

Disco Elysium moment

why do people keep posting this specific whitey album art to this community without actually mentioning the music artist

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hope i don't SLACK OFF

I mean, that was what mine cost back in like 2014, and I would've kept it that way for a while if not for my growing interest in VR, which admittedly had me shelling out another $200 for a GPU in around 2016. It trchnically wasn't a gaming PC, sure, but it's kept up pretty well in recent time. I still don't see myself having to replace any parts for a while now - I'm consistently still able to play current games on medium-high settings, occasionally having to turn things down a bit for games like Darktide.

I mean, technically it referred to itself as an office PC and not a gaming PC, but that's just pedantics when it works all the same.

YES YES ABSOLUTELY. So much of Disco Elysium is about how your past shapes who you are and Cuno is no exception. Like he's literally still just a kid, and he's in a town undergoing horrible acts of violence and his parents are barely present in his life! I'm nowhere near done with my first playthrough of the game yet (only just got that first bridge situation figured out) but aaaagh. Every time I interact with Cuno I'm desperately trying to be a tiny figure of support in his life :'^(

Solving our mental health problem won't prevent billionaires from existing.

Didn't say it would. I have no idea where you pulled this from.

Making excuses for billionaires isn't a mental health issue, it's an intelligence issue.

I alsi wasn't giving any slack to billionaires. I also have no idea where you pulled this from.

Both of the above statements from you imply you either didn't read my comment or understand what it said, primarily because they feel like arguments intended for an entirely different comment. Please tell me how I can best rephrase it if I communicated my ideas unclearly at all.

Also, please refer me to the part of the DSM-5 where it lists "sociopath" as a possible diagnosis.

me when fight or flight response