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Joined 1 years ago

I lost count of how many specific part numbers of defective Apple products he rattled off with the same design flaw, but that was a stunning display. Just exposed that they know these things are problems and just don't care, because people will keep buying their products.

I have an idea for a debate. These two go to a golf course determined by a neutral third party (like, I dunno, make the Libertarian party agree on something for once in their lives) for a 9 hole game (18 holes probably wouldn't work in the TikTok world). Eight topics, and then a concluding statement. On the first hole, they make their introductory statements between shots. They start with the same amount of time, but after that, they get more time to articulate their points based on how well they did on the last hole. After all the golfing is done, that's when they deliver their concluding statements, again getting time based on how well they did.

Let's settle the question of who the better golfer is once and for all.

9 more...

Telehealth pill mills like this are the reason we have an ADHD medication shortage. We had a TON of people prescribed Adderall over the pandemic and now they're hooked. This company's entire business model was about establishing a nationwide customer base of amphetamine addicts to maximize their profits.

My favorite mod is Undead Legacy. It lets you craft schematics for the items you need by scrapping the ones you don't need. You can find cars in the world and repair them to full working order, including lights and sirens on police cars. The progression is much more granular with item tiers doing from H all the way up to S three stars, and that includes the item mods now. Your inventory is weight-based instead of slot-based (except for containers) and you can carry a much wider variety of gear.

If this mod sounds fun, I strongly recommend also adding the anti-bullshit sub-mod that someone made for UL.

2 more...

They're not immaculate. They used to outright deny people the right to refund their games, but they turned that around after a massive lawsuit from a government agency. Good change! I support that. But they're not behaving in an anti-competitive manner. What, are they supposed to intentionally make themselves worse in the hopes that other stores pop up? That's not how any of this works.

I am absolutely certain that people stacking themselves with debt won't have any long-lasting consequences. Not even if they reach the point that they can't pay for anything other than their debts any longer. Like, honestly, paying for your pizza and your hoodie all at once is so outdated, right?

Sure, they can do whatever they want, but everyone else is free to criticize them for doing so and go somewhere else with their time. Limiting the amount of time people can spend on your social media site, when you want as many people as possible looking at ads, is a bad idea.

I only really need something to keep track of my notifications, and maybe as a flashlight occasionally. So I just wear a PineTime, and it links up with my phone with Gadget Bridge. It's really nice, completely free and open source, and it's pretty cheap too. Week long battery life is nice, but I don't know what it's like with other smartwatches.

They're probably getting a cut of the revenue from this collection.

Among a few other things, it makes leveling up twice as fast as normal UP (apparently UL doubled the XP needed to level up), you gain two perk points per level, the amount of research data you get from schematics (which you need to craft others and upgrade workstations) is doubled, and the chance to upgrade items is changed to always 100%.

And we'll all float on agai-ain

And we'll all float on again

And we'll all float on agai-ain

And we'll all float on anyway, well

Does a few weeks count? My first job was at a data entry place, and I quit within two weeks because the place gave me carpal tunnel. It went away soon after I left, even though I got a different office job shortly after.

I'm having a good day. Although my Thanksgiving trip was canceled a few days ago (hours before I left for it), it means I get more time to relax at home and recover from my pinched nerve. So I'm chilling after Mass and having a couple of beers.

Until Discord either starts selling data to OpenAI or they start scraping data from/similar to sites like .