4 Post – 228 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

i hate it.

Because the cartel members want their super high res content only available with Genuine DRM Bullshit™. The gambit won't work, of course, but they're gonna try like hell.

Papal infallibility is also traditional doctrine. Sounds like some people really want to be excommunicated.

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You'll probably be severely throttled (I know my local coffee shop does) and if you aren't, you'll be being a huge dick to anyone else on that AP. I strongly advise against it.

Aside from DisplayPort having more bandwidth, as someone else pointed out, HDMI is consumer video garbage. DisplayPort was designed for use as a computer display. Also, HDMI Forum is a cartel that charges ridiculous licensing fees for their proprietary interface. VESA is a standards body and their licensing costs are much more reasonable.

Torvalds isn't an asshole because of a nonexistent moral compass. He just has strong opinions, and he's usually right, anyway.

Two pilots were on board. Apparently there were issues with the ship's propulsion system at last inspection. My money is on a mechanical issue; if not, this was a monumental fuck up by the harbor pilots and/or the crew.

edit: lol, I am pleased with how this comment has aged. Yes, it was a power loss. Quick thinking and action saved lives. Bravo. Now it remains to be seen whether deferred maintenance or similar negligence were to blame; if so, people need to pay up.

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"Who the hell" writes an OS in assembler in the 80s? Uh, some of the utilities are in C, but compilers were slow and generated slow code back then, and it was quite noticable on a slow machine. When every byte of memory counts, you often need to hand-optimize.

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Honestly if even half of the effort that goes into every XMPP replacement du jour instead went into improving existing XMPP clients, we wouldn't even be talking about this.

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DP has HDCP too. I get what you're saying, but there was more profiteering involved even than what you describe.

Laughing at all the Hollywood shit in this thread. A single pass erase (or ATA Secure Erase, if they are SSDs that support the command) is more than enough. Nobody is going to waste time and money recovering data of unknown provenance from a landfill.

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This letter is absolutely savage. Citations practically every other sentence, interleaved with abject trufax.

When your own life is so miserable, you need to spew your trademark bile in response to an obituary for someone who was very much not an evil person. Maybe you'll find peace someday, but probably not before you jettison your shitty attitude.


Free speech is merely an ill-defined right to speak without consequence from the government, not the right to a podium wherever you choose.

Idiots. Idealism is fine when it doesn't endanger any and all future chances of actual progress. "Not being worried" about Trump makes clear that these people are whiny babies who can't possibly come up with a real solution or demand.

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There is no allocation if you haven't configured any. Whoever can get their shit stuffed in the pipe first wins. From that point, any bottlenecks either FIFO to/from buffers, or if buffers fill up, just start taildropping. TCP (and other transport layer protocols like QUIC) implementations then have a sliding window algorithm that figures out the optimal amount of data to keep in flight at one time based on RTT and any packet loss caused by taildrops along the way.

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Imagine if Pirate Bay or Napster were considered completely above-board businesses just because they took down torrents if explicitly requested by the copyright holders.

That's kind of exactly how the DMCA works. That's the bargain, you take down offending content and make an effort to ensure it does not return and you are allowed to continue to exist and not be sued directly. The problem is that this goes against torrent sites' entire raison d'etre (usually under the argument that they don't even host offending content, just a torrent file) and so it never happens this way.

Just playing devil's advocate (I hate the DMCA for many other reasons), but if service providers were directly liable for what their users did, the Internet never would have grown up to what we know it is today.

Duh, we crushed racism after they...shot...Dr. King. Or something.

The technological incompetence of the cheeto crime organization is utterly unsurprising. The only thing they are good at is grift, and really, they could be much more effective at achieving their goals with just a few more functioning neurons. Thankfully, evil and intelligence don't often travel together.

I would pay $56bn to watch him get eaten alive by a bear.

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No, you're just insufferable.

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I used to have everything backed up to a 2TB USB drive. Which I accidentally dropped down the stairs. I lost thousands of family photos and documents. That changed my backup perspective.

If it's the only copy, it's not a backup. It's the master.

Because people think domain hacks are cool, and also, gTLDs are usually more expensive.

Indeed. I was trying to (probably too obliquely) highlight how futile it is to inject any logic or reasoning into the situation, given the subject matter.

Don't forget about capacitance. Longer distances == more capacitance to charge up on state transitions. This wastes power and puts a ceiling on how quickly you can switch.

Her wording is more powerful and less ad hominem, exactly how such a letter should be written.

edit: I think I understand what you are saying, and you're not wrong, either.

Conventional ACs don't "operate at 100% all the time" either. The compressor is cycled by the thermostat. You cannot calculate consumption of either without knowing the temperature gradient between the conditioned and outside space.

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Let this be a lesson: never use .NET in new projects.

Someone got a visit offering lots of money to keep quiet on the CCP's data collection engine.

Kleptographic trash needs to be banned 4 years ago.

privacy features

Like my network-wide * DNS blackhole?

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My last straw was when they killed OtherOS on the PS3, which was very much part of my purchasing decision. Sure, it was kneecapped from the start (Linux still ran under the hypervisor, could not use the GPU, and was only given 6 Cell cores), but it was there. At least I got a $60 check from the class action settlement!

Bunch of cocksuckers. I have not purchased a Sony product since.

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This is crazy. At work, collecting PII about data subjects is merely a tangential thing that happens in the course of rendering services and we are super careful not to run afoul of GDPR. Is reddit truly running roughshod over the law like this? Why the hell do they think they can get away with it?

I'm not so sure. Nobody is claiming the Bible ordains noncompetes, so we might be in the clear here.

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Yes, under which to do anything worth a damn, you will be using open source toolchains, libraries, and quite possibly whole applications.

Good to know I have never given money to anyone on the list. Just don't buy products where the manufacturer is even in a position to pull these kinds of bait-and-switch manoevers, then you won't have to worry about who they are.

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he’s a piece of shit

Pot, meet kettle. "I just hope it hurts the whole time he is dying," indeed.

On the FTC side, Lina Khan is on a roll. Every little bit of the tide turning creates momentum, and thank god we have the EU setting an example, too.

I mean, Turkey is no stranger to inflation. When I was there in 2000 before revaluation, it was something like a million old lira = $1.

Lol, it's not just me downvoting you, pal.

Edit: lmao