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When Seiko beat the Swiss at their own mechanical watch accuracy competitions, they decided to cancel the long running prestigious competition entirely instead of make a better watch.

Capitalism breeds innovation!

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So far, sentiment seems very understanding of the tough situation and a call that had unforeseen circumstances.

Except, oh wait, it’s all bullshit passive voice copaganda.

From the literal article:

Los Angeles officer Jordan Head had a 40-millimeter bean bag gun, but before he could aim it at the suspect, Jones fired his AR-15 three times.

Head “did not discharge the 40-millimeter launcher because, before he could aim, rounds were fired, and the suspect fell to the ground and was no longer an immediate threat,” according to the Justice Department analysis of the shooting.

Officer Michael Mazur, who assumed command of the scene on arrival, told Jones to “slow down” multiple times, and at some point later told Head “It’s f—– up.  We tried to slow it down.”

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Normies genuinely turn on their Smart TV, watch start menu ads, open the YouTube app, wait 90 seconds for the shitty cpu to load the web view, scroll through hundreds of Spider-Man Elsa brainwashing videos and thinly disguised ads, open a video, watch 3 minutes of ads, straight into a 3 minute sponsor segment. All before seeing any actual content.

And they see no problem with this at all, the thought that you can make ads go away literally does not even occur to them as a possibility.

Humanity deserves extinction, I’m gonna go release some refrigerant real quick

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breed is literally bred to increase aggression over hundreds of generations

nooo they just look scary they’re so cuddly noooo you don’t understand

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The problem people have with your argument is not the existence of 5.1 surround sound.

Nor is it that the vast majority of households can’t afford a properly tuned surround sound setup instead of haphazardly throwing speakers around which arguably creates a worse experience than stereo.

It’s that the Dolby implementation requires publishers to license it and pay for an unstoppable ad that plays before every session, while benefitting only the petit bourgeois.

Notice how you reverted so quickly to your capitalist brainwashing. May be a good inspiration to see what other ideologies have been implanted into you.

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No don’t you see, working manual labor inside an active wildfire for $0.13 an hour so you can buy a $5 Top Ramen to avoid eating the chlorinated sewer runoff they call food (see the infamous prison loaf) is totally different from gulags.

p.s. don’t bother applying for the same job you did for free in prison once you’re out, having a record disqualifies you! Good luck paying rent!

“They were valid military targets. Hamas is in the hospitals. Hamas is in the tunnels. Hamas is in Tel Aviv.”

“Just a little genocide is worth it to save democracy. Look, I made a funny trolley problem meme to prove it.”

“There is no genocide.”

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Look all I’m saying is, when shit like this happened to medieval Chinese peasants, millions of landholders died and they still had more free time than us

(Before a liberal points out the obvious, I am aware technology has advanced since the Qing dynasty)

Mate are you seriously saying System of a Down is a non political music act

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I’m hearing a lot of OG Homeworld fans turned off by this one.

Instead of retaining unique charm, they spent a shitload of money on generic video game story #6 and generic wet-looking cutscene render #4.

Simultaneously, many core gameplay mechanics were dumbed down and made more palatable for the masses.

It’s a tough pivot to make, but what else are fans of the genre gonna play hahahah

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They are objectively better insulation than polyfill lmao. Anyone that’s ever worn real down in actual conditions that require it would agree.

You had an argument in the ethical right and then threw it all away with ridiculous hyperbole.

Ahhh, and the self report comes out - as it always does.

defending a right wing think tank

uses a false definition of DEI to strawman against it

having no idea what Marxism is

Nice try, fascist! That shit doesn’t work on intelligent people. Only yall.

I bet you fancy yourself as one, eh?

This image causes an impending sense of doom

Shit boomer take

In hindsight it was pretty fucking obvious when TD was regularly inspiring terrorist attacks and was allowed to thrive while CTH got banned for saying 17th century slave owners deserve death

As long as it’s for personal use I don’t think Microsoft gives a shit (beyond what is legally necessary)

They care more that you’re using their software and it stays the default productivity suite for workplaces

Genuine question: are you saying the harbor pilot/guide/whatever should have somehow simply fixed a total loss of power and control surfaces caused by negligent maintenance practices on a ship larger than the spaceship Enterprise instead of using those few minutes warning authorities to limit death and damage?

100% agree, however it is also important to keep in mind the many other decisions made by corporations explicitly to cause pain at the cost of less profit.

In capitalist society, cruelty is the point. Happy workers are proven to be more productive and care more about the company’s well being.

The whole return to office debacle proves executives care more about power and abuse than profit.

In conclusion, corporations are people and that means their executive boards should be sentenced to [this comment was removed by Lemmy].

I straight up see top comments calling for the death of all black people on front page subs lmao

Seems like your ADHD manifests in a different way than some others. I have no less than 90 tabs open across three monitors and damnit I nEeD all of them!

You just plow through them, there’s not really much a ship that size can do

The good thing is, sea life of any kind will stop being a navigational concern within our lifetimes!

They do, every year, at career fairs across the nations schools. It’s called divesting from the military industrial complex.

You just pretend not to see it.

This issue is brought up literally every time the Saudis are mentioned. However, your take is a fresh and interesting one that makes absolutely zero sense.

What are you doing?

Oh that’s right, nothing. Okay.

It’s not even a fucking meme in the tankiest Putin apologist communities to support Saudi Arabia.

Seriously where are you even getting this from?

Some species travel better than others! Think a relatively small ball of roots vs a sprawling deep root network.

The LG flex had a flexible and self-healing screen in 2013

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Interesting, however I am a bit confused why you are being so disingenuous and straight up lying. Surely the right wing dogwhistles you used are just a misunderstanding on my part.

One of his signs claimed that Mr. Trump and President Biden were “about to fascist coup us.”

he said his critical views of the American government were shaped by his research into Peter Thiel, the technology billionaire…

“Trump’s in on it,” Mr. Azzarello said on Thursday. “It’s a secret kleptocracy, and it can only lead to an apocalyptic fascist coup.”

It looks like he struggled heavily with mental illness, and shows all the hallmarks of old school deep state conspiracy theorists.

he threw a glass of wine at a framed autograph of former President Bill Clinton

Yeah either they’re unemployed, work from home, or have terrible IT practices where they work hahaha

The most fascinating thing about blue MAGATs is how they keep peddling this narrative that leftists will vote for Trump.

None of the leftist discourse online I have ever seen has embraced this idea. Admittedly I never see lemmygrad posts due to instance.

So in your worst case, a fringe group of like 3000 hardcore Putin supporters will maybe vote Trump for fun. The West has fallen.

Maybe when your only talking point is “it’s just a little genocide”, it’s time to reflect.

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A dogwhistle for what? Are you aware words have meanings, you can’t just repeat leftist talking points and pretend they support you lmao. That shit only works on fascists

I’d like to add some context as some people may take a misinformed meaning from this.

Lo’i are a small part of the deeply rooted native Hawaiian cultural tradition.

This culture integrates the idea of environmental responsibility so deeply that it is hard to describe in one comment.

For example, the Kingdom was divided into narrow triangles starting in the mountain and ending at the sea. Chiefs were responsible for the entire slice of the ecosystem. Fresh water was considered a sacred resource and being greedy would literally get you beaten to death.

Lo’i function to reduce erosion and the taro family was the staple crop of the islands before colonization. These work by constantly flowing water through them. You divert part of a stream, irrigate your shallow ponds, and return the water to the stream.

The rest of the article this comment doesn’t mention is how rainfall is becoming more sporadic - more dry days, and more heavy rain days where the water has no time to enter the watershed and just pours into the ocean.

While there is absolutely merit in adapting our current techniques to current conditions, this is ignoring the brutal colonization that killed over 90% of native Hawaiians and to this day diverts the profit produced by local labor back to the mainland while burning every last resource down.

There used to be entire forests of sandalwood there.

I’m not sure what to tell you other than you’re straight up wrong, mate. I agree that they should be public property 100% but that’s not what the law says, unjust or otherwise.

UC property is owned by a public trust, which is a private entity, therefore the land is private property.

Again I’m not saying I like it but unless the law changes, the state may enforce it with their monopoly on violence.

The question is, what can oppressed people do against a tyrannical government when peaceful protest is met with violence?

The answer is not allowed.

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How quickly people forget how major metro hospitals in the US had rows of refrigerated semi trailers because there were too many bodies

How doctors and nurses were told to wash and reuse their N95s despite it being proven to compromise their effectiveness because supplies were so low

I hope this bird flu shit blows up even worse, maybe then these dumbasses will get the message

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My brother in Christ, those are literally not game DLCs. You can just not buy it and still get the exact same game.

They’re just as ugly as the LV monogram luggage or 20 pound Rimowa carryons and yet nobody gives a shit about those and Crocs have a utility value of being comfortable.

(Side tangent in case anyone tries to convert me to Rimowa. There’s a reason flight crews don’t use them.)

Here’s a hint dear reader: it’s class war. Really weird how it’s always class war.

Also see Hawaiian slack-key for a super unique and culturally rich style

Liberals pulling out a Merriam Webster definition and acting like they’re the holy good guys while making no effort to understand what liberalism even is…

Is such a liberal move I’m not even surprised anymore.

Enjoy your right wing echo chamber, real funny how that always happens when liberals and fascists get in a room together.

Looks like there is a syntax to set a custom rule to exclude a domain from a particular filter list. Honestly I couldn’t be arsed to figure it out at work and Google has been ruined by SEO but there is a way!!

A 5 point harness like what the pilots wear would be better

But we’re talking about people who couldn’t even wear a little fucking mask outdoors that doesn’t even restrict airflow without having a meltdown and shooting people so….

There’s no problem with someone equipped to handle violent situations being present.

The problem is if they unnecessarily escalate and get involved instead of standing by.

The solution is to dismantle the entire police system and rebuild from scratch with accountability and training.

We just need to vote for the Democrats one more time and they’ll finally do something about it right? That’s what all the funny memes here tell me. The democrats that are literally sponsored by police unions and advertise that fact endlessly.

Lmao what trite contrarian bullshit, you yourself asserted your high value in this same comment thread.

Get over yourself.

I make more btw, cheers!

These .world comments are fucking wild. Really telling that the are the same people desperately trying to convince the LBGT vote while posting bigotry in the next breath.

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