7 Post – 67 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I'm so tired of these woke CEOs and their snowflake whining over misgendering their companies. There's the name that a company is assigned at birth, and I'll be damned if I'm going to change the way I've always called them (for my whole life and ALL of god-fearing Christian history) because some liberal snowflake CEO one-day wakes up and simply declares, "twitter is now X" ffs.

The facts of the birth incorporation certificate, DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS little pissant mUsK... GET OVER IT!

/s since satire is dead.

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“I don’t want them to advertise,” Musk said. “If someone is going to blackmail me with advertising or money go f*** yourself. Go. F***. Yourself,” he said. “Is that clear? Hey Bob [Iger, CEO of Disney], if you’re in the audience, that’s how I feel."

  • the guy who bought the website for 40+ billion dollars.

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There's plenty of great commentary here about why Christianity is divided up into different sects, but I think you're primarily interested in the narcissism of small differences. (

Basically, if you've read about Dr. Suess' Starbellied Sneeches, you get the idea. Human brains are exceptional pattern recognition machines, and when a society is so homogenously Christian then those small differences become the cleavages along which identities form. That leads to things like Catholic / Christian divisions and the formation of the best joke in The Guardian history:

Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, "Don't do it!" He said, "Nobody loves me." I said, "God loves you. Do you believe in God?"

He said, "Yes." I said, "Are you a Christian or a Jew?" He said, "A Christian." I said, "Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?" He said, "Protestant." I said, "Me, too! What franchise?" He said, "Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?" He said, "Northern Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?"

He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region." I said, "Me, too!"

Northern Conservative†Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912." I said, "Die, heretic!" And I pushed him over.

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Yeah! Airbags suck! Wait, what?

Clown take if I've ever seen one lol

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Thanos was way more relatable than Elon though.


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Solving yesterday's problems, tomorrow!

It's just crazy to me that Israel went from forced migration, following ghetto concentration, to concentrating others with the same dehumanizing rhetoric in the space if a generation.

Not to excuse Hamas' actions in the slightest, the rocket attack is unjustifiable no matter anyone's political beliefs. But it boggles my mind that a national identity can flip so drastically that Palestine can be put into de facto concentration camps by people who remember being in camps (albeit in tiny surviving numbers nowadays).

Propaganda works folks. Don't be a sucker.

We all talking about the rapist Matt Gaetz? The Matt Gaetz that notoriously trafficked minors across state lines to have drug-fueled sex with children Matt Gaetz? That child rapist Matt Gaetz?

There really was something about the windows phone UI though. If you weren't around to try it, it's hard to properly explain how different and fresh the flat pane interface felt compared to iOS and Android. It really was a phenomenal design language compared to the same old thing in the market.

I honestly believe it they had just sucked it up and subsidized the cost of doubling the ram on those last Nokia devices, it could have been good enough to break through. Microsoft had everything possible to gain from integrating the desktop-to-mobile workflow for business clients. Then they threw it out the window...

Seriously, I doubt many people here who aren't used to corporate environments can fully understand how big the market was, that Microsoft gave up, by not spending enough to fill the BlackBerry hole that formed. They had 98% of the solution already developed, and fumbled the ball with a single yard left to go.

There was room for three players, if one of them actually serviced the business environment; and nobody was better positioned to do so than Microsoft at the time. Excel and PowerPoint that synced from your work machine, to the field, in a zero trust environment... Gah.. they were so close.

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Biden might not reel in that electoral sweep that's been forecasted for Missouri (

Real talk though, elections matter and this is not a "both sides bad" situation. Specific policy disagreements with one side and the systematic dismantling of the American government are not equivalent criticisms.

Vote and bring a friend. Every year, the number of eligible voters who don't show up at the polls represent a big enough voting block to win the election outright. While you face almost impossible odds persuading a member of the opposite political party to switch sides, after college age, it is entirely possible to convince someone to get in the car with you and vote (even better to mail in where possible).

Mobilization is what will decide 2024, not persuasion. Everyone needs to remember that despite 2020's outcome, the election was decided by fewer voters than you can fit inside a football stadium (due to our electoral college fun times). If you live in GA, AZ, WI, PN, NC, NV, or MI—You. Must. Vote! ...preferably early.

Cynics who tell you otherwise do not understand how much harder it is to rebuild a system than it is to maintain one. This one needs significant maintenance, like back to the shop engine work. We will not have a repair shop left to go to if we don't get out the vote right now.

No you're right. It's like Mitch Hedberg used to say about drinking though.. Still does, but he used to too.

They are, but Wells Fargo too.

Basically, this coming election will be decided by the margins because almost everyone who follows politics–at all–knows who they're voting for already.

Think about the number of people who follow politics and then understand that those people are already not the demographic that will likely decide the outcome. It's the people who are surprised they Joe Biden and Donald Trump are on the ballot that matter.

It isn't worth trying to pressured persuade either the right or the left. What we need is to activate and engage the non-participating section of the electorate. This is hard, but achievable. It's people who work multiple jobs and don't have time for politics that need to know it matters if they vote. Civil rights are not a given and 2024 will be hugely consequential.

Take your friends with you on election day! Register for vote by mail and bug your friends too! Take about it and don't leave easy points on the table. Yes the options are terrible. Yes one of them will make the possibility of improving it ever infinitely more difficult.

The people saying it doesn't matter do not understand what they stand to lose. It is so so much harder to build something than tear it down and our imperfect institutions will not save us. Politics matters and the luxury of not caring, will lead to co-optation and the loss of rights that are easy to take for granted now.

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You've received several responses but the meaningful "come to Jesus" story actually relates to Saul (Paul, who is responsible for much of Christianity) on the road to Damascus.

Paul was persecuting primitive Christians and while he was traveling to Damascus to arrest them, he was temporarily blinded by divine intervention that led to his conversion and stopped him from continuing to persecute people. The dramatic intervention disabused him of the errant beliefs that caused him to injure people, in other words.


That's what the comparison is talking about. It's a metaphor that relates to needing a dramatic and often violent wakeup call to snap someone out of doing something wrong. From a Christian perspective you can see how Paul being shaken up enough to change his name, religion, profession, etc was a real "come to Jesus" moment.

That's the key context I think you're asking about. It's not really about converting to Christianity. It's more about having a BIG wakeup call that you're on the wrong path (literally in Paul's case) and you need to change your ways because you're hurting people (or you'll stay blinded if you're Paul I guess).

Hope that helps!

Obligatory crooked timber post:

"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protectes but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."

It's pretty nakedly just a cult of personality with no other policy platforms that I recognize. For 50 years quality of life for Americans had meaningfully stagnated or declined. It's brutal paying so much for groceries and gasoline when rent has been commodified. Answering that with mythical "I alone can fix it" is a very attractive and easily understood pitch. A lecture about the nuances of globalization and market efficiency is not. As important as bathroom access and preferred pronouns are, they too are not a sufficient political answer for a minimum wage that hasn't matched productivity for decades.

It's a leadership issue but any sane person would never subject themselves or their families to running for office in a news environment like America's. That leaves us with a government composed primarily by clinical narcissists and grifters.

Feels bad.

Yeah, the Palestine problem is surely a tricky one to solve. They'll need some way to get rid of these undesirables once and for all though. A 'solution' that's 'final' or some kind of name like that..

/s for sad satire is dead reasons. Nazi punks fuck off

Only safari (webkit} shells. There's been rumors of apple preparing to open up that requirement for appstore approval, but hasn't happened yet as far as I know.

Honestly that, and not being able to side load, are the only things holding me from switching. Yes I could get a pixel and install graphene OS on it, but I don't have time for that anymore and I just want a simple solution that gets support out of the box, and allows me to run the apps I want.

It's not all one thing or the other. People ascribe these kind of blanket generalizations to US foreign policy frequently but it's as short-sighted as painting German foreign policy as imperial. Certain US presidents have started wars. Others the Marshall plan, WTO, IMF, the UN, NATO, etc.

Right now there's a crisis in the US driven by the same fear of change that drove them into containment during the cold war. That isolationist populism certainly benefits some narratives but it's no better than the worst elements of China-first economic coercion in the ACS that's alienated a lot of Philippine fishermen in recent years.

Fact is the biggest threat to the human race is the dissension these isolationists/populists are selling. No meaningful action on climate, migration, or the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine can occur in that worldview and anyone should be suspicious of politicians who promote them.

Most US policy has been quite good when non-isolationists have occupied the white house, just like most non-reich based German leadership has strengthened European unity. The Nazis and Trump's me-first exceptions prove the rule. Education, familiarity, and exposure should be the Rx for the US right now, along with all the countries dealing with the current wave of populist snake oil movements. In the words of a US propaganda film of the same name "don't be a sucker".

Yes and no. You are of course right about the economy of scale that injection molding gets you for price per part, but that isn't the whole story is it?

When you are fighting in a highly fluid conditions, setting up production lines that rely on tooling would be really really nice, but that not the operating environment in Ukraine where they need weapons yesterday and can't rely on long logistics trains.

With intermittent power at the front, and the difficulty resupplying anything under fire, a mobile production station like a cheaper 3d printer is the difference between being able to use existing mortar rounds as precision munitions, or needing to spend the fuel, time, and risk of compromise to the logistics convoy and personnel. Trucking in parts from a place with stable electricity, and tooling to produce something cheap and efficiently pales in comparison to the flexibility being able to rapidly iterate and adapt to the changes on the ground gives you.

It's about the right tool for the right application, and there are negatives to additive manufacturing that are outweighed by the positives on the ground. It's so much better to be able to make a small change mid-operation, than needing to redesign and change tooling for a minor but important change.

Right tool, right job, right time. 3d printing is a part of that, but not a solution. Nothing is really.

"The King can do no wrong" bit also lays up really nicely with "The President must have absolute immunity". It's an insightful commentary all around.

Non credible defense is skewing older and more colon-health conscious than I would have initially expected..


This is not accurate. It's a provacative narrative, but the heyday for private military contractors passed a decade ago. Blackwater was such a disaster for the military, they relegated 99% of contractor jobs to BDOC/BOSI (tower guards etc) roles ages ago.

This move is almost certainly related to transitions from limited counterterrorism structures to great power conflict Army force design. The military has missed it's recruitment goals by massive numbers in the past couple years, and filling obsolete positions is actually impacting Forces Command from meeting their manning strength mandates.

I fully expect to see more of these changes announced over the next 3-5 years as military procurement and restructuring guidelines catch up with implementation timelines. But this is categorically not evidence of a large scale plan to turn active soldiers into PMC personnel (to work around rules of engagement restrictions). There's manpower shortages as it is, and there's no institutional incentive to make those shortages more drastic than they already are.

Unless of course, you're on a movie set and the armorer has called it a cold gun and pointing it towards people is part of the movie.

Then it might be the fault of the person who knowingly co-mingled live and blank ammo in gross disregard for any kind of safety procedures.

Yes if you are handling a firearm, you have a responsibility to know safety procedures. But in film, obviously you have different familiarity levels with weapon handling. That's why you hire an armorer who enforces safety procedures. So non-shooter actors handle prop weapons with blanks.

Now, arguably as a co-producer Alec may have had some culpability in hiring an unqualified armorer? Somehow I doubt he was heavily involved in those kind of nitty gritty hiring decisions. Seems significantly more plausible that those decisions were made by the actual producers who work for a living and not the a-lister who gets titled co-producer for SAGAFTRA billing purposes..

Call me crazy, I know.

That's the stupidest thing I've ever seen. How could someone be so irresponsible? Now the spider has the bathroom gun! Great job Einstein.

Will no one think of the quarterly earnings reports? What the hell is wrong with you people?

The "if my grandma had wheels, she would have been a bicycle" fallacy.

Whata you say make-a no sense! False equivalence

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Can you do me a quick favor?

I've never met anybody with this kind of access before, so could you punch the guy who decided to get rid of the little tabasco bottles in the face real hard?

Alternatively, (preferably both) if you run into the guy in the hallway carrying something hot, would you please trip him?

Thanks! -everyone in the army

Yeah? Well that's just like, your opinion, man..

For real though, formatting in word is a nightmare of ribbon-esque proportions.

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First off, we're free speech absolutists and censoring Hunter Biden's dickpics was the crime of the century.

Secondly, anyone who disagrees with our unfathomably narrow worldview should be met with the full might of the state!

Free speech! (but not like that)

Have you been to East Oregon or Idaho? They're way ahead of you. Looking for an extremist compound and lax gun laws? Look no further. Good potatoes though...

In her defense, once you have actually broken the legislature, to the point it is literally not functioning, where do you go from there?

Mission Accomplished banner waves in the background as SpongeBob and the freedom caucus save the city!

Trader Joe's has banana yogurt! And also discontinued my favorite pastry (the kouign amann

I'll never forgive them...

Sorry for your loss..

Today in "win stupid prizes" news...

You're right I hope. Especially about gorillas sharing video! We need a guerilla movement to get these gorillas some cell phones and I've been saying it for years!

Oooph, this meme is a heart breaker.

Clean it up OP. Find Jesus!

Boondock Saints is trash.

Can't think of another movie I remember loving as a teen, and liking less as a grownup than this movie. Directing, plot, premise, are just as contrived as a film could be. One out of seven rating (and the one is only because of the rice).

It's all solar energy too. Just a matter of how many degrees of separation really.

Another post mentioned just giving cash anonymously and I think that's easily the best option. You would almost certainly have access to their mailbox if it's a suburban stand alone type? If not, an unmarked envelope under the door, with cash, would preserve plausible distance from making the neighbor feel like they have to decline out of etiquette.

Don't think about it more, they clearly need the help if they mentioned it, and if you can help without feeling the impact just do so without strings or direct attribution. They'll suspect it, and can if they approach you in genuine thanks if they want, then you're able to be gracious about accepting, or simply act surprised and happy that such a nice thing happened if not.

I've had people clearly embarrassed at the grocery checkout take a 50$ bill I claimed fell out of their pocket before several times. Preserves their dignity even if it's just a pretext for helping. Puts the ball in their court at least. "Hey man, I don't know what to say but it's not mine. Pay it forward for someone who needs help if it's not yours" is the worst that's ever gone for me before. Nobody likes being a charity case.

Initial capability of 90x truckloads of aid per day, scaling up to planned 150x loads capacity. 500x needed a day to meet the requirement and vastly more inefficient than simply driving it in. JLOTS is not a replacement or even a fraction of the need for simply opening the Rafah gate—where aid trucks are already staged to drive aid through without needing to add dock operations to the equation.

It's pretty heavily curated, but it's where I go for non-bot discussion on any variety of topics. Sorted hierarchically, and they keep out the riff raff pretty actively.

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