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i think the only way Linux is increasing it's market share beyond fringe enthusiasts (that's us) is by more devices coming with it pre-installed. expecting anyone outside of the tech space to change the operating system their device came with is a pipe dream

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the world is hard and kids need to be taught about us in a controlled environment like a school.

Piracy being easier is the only risk. Once again ruining the experience of legitimate customers to try and stop a thing that they have had no success at even slowing down.

just by the by, the Japanese name for it SHOULD just translate to "naked festival" the "man" is an English inclusion.

I once got food delivered to a work site and it took like 15 minutes of go the last mile. Slowly walking all the way up the entrance drive to this place (it was a museum on the waterfront with like 1/2 mile of driveway before the parking lot) turns or he blew a tire and decided to walk it the last mile because he was almost there.

I felt so bad. He should've just looked after himself... I'm guessing the app would've punished him with a suspension or something if he failed to deliver though. Wanted to tip more after all that, but there was no option to posthumously raise the tip in app and I wasn't carrying cash.

Guess that's what happens when your boss is a robot.

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There's times in human history that it was done to humans for the same reasons. Eunuchs were just castrated human servants. Some were even done just to keep their voices from dropping so they'd sing in a "castrato"

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reminder not to judge a book by its cover. these kinds of self improvement books are often titled to attract the people that need them more than reflect the opinions inside. like that one social media post of the lady burning a book titled "guys like girls who..." because she assumed it was hateful, but the point of the book was to help young women build confidence and realize they don't need male approval.

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that would be a decent assumption to jump to if you didn't know the real answer i guess...

sorceresses in the Witcher were largely discarded children that were sick or disfigured. they eventually use magic to "fix" their bodies. many of them are obsessive about thiz and use magic to be the most beautiful person in the room because of their disfigured past.

there is very little connection between high birth and being a sorceress in the Witcher. all of the specific examples we hear are of farm peasents being scooped up just to take the burden off their parent's hands.

this is a bleak story, many of the sorcerers and sorceresses in it are at Best morally grey. it is not beyond most of them to take that child and experiment on them if they don't have the aptitude for magic. they are also sterile. much like witchers, they must take in outsiders to propagate.

unless the show has its own lore or something. IDK i stopped watching after season 2 was completely its own story, unrelated to the books at all.

some said i was destined to be a doctor with my handwriting and family. i decided to break the cycle and become a videographer that barely scrapes by. my family is... they like the videos i make of our get togethers...

at least i haven't accidentally killed anyone.

i mean, they already mobilized and attacked once. January 6 was not a spur of the moment thing. if you watched the hearings for it you'd know that the fbi knew about j6 for months and warned everyone they could.

presumably there's much the same kind of planning happening right now.

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"neighbors house just went up" -crime dad

nothing suspicious here.

i mean... I'm basically the only American i know that has actually chosen to walk as a real way to get somewhere in the last 5 years.

the idea that most Americans literally never walk anywhere isn't inaccurate. especially for anyone living outside of a city.

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the most, worst, and most blatant corruption is usually in local government. it's just so much harder to get people to notice or care until it's like Flint Michigan water levels of bad.

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one important tidbit in this whole situation that sheds a lot of light on where and why is adopted: webp is Google's horse, jpegxl is adobe's horse. that's why jpegxl has poor web support, and why webp pisses off designers.

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i mean, if you could appreciate it anywhere it would be a lot better. how the fuck do so many people actually not have ANYWHERE BETTER to take pictures of wildflowers than the side of the freeway. that really highlights a big problem with Texas. they may have had beauty, but they bought, sold, rented, and ruined most of it until there's only a trash covered vestige at a dangerous crossing left. it's the biggest contiguous state, and somehow has nearly the least public land.

honestly, y'all should both give strange new worlds a shot. to me they're the closest we've ever gotten to TOS. even moreso than TNG. and i agree that the other new treks were ass.

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as someone with wrist and hand problems that make writing a lot by hand, I'm so lucky i finished college in 2019

oh there's some tasty bugs out there already. people are just too squeamish about it.

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eh, you were born just in time to be a YouTube star. you just missed your boat.

i think the line generally comes specifically at "publicly traded company" that's when everything other than "line go up" is thrown out. publicly traded companies are inherently bad for everyone but those who invest in them.

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they happened to occupy the same time slot. that's what it has to do with passover.

it's kind of like when the trans day of rememberence was on Easter. Easter is a holiday that moves. it happened to move to the same day that the trans day of rememberence was always on. people got all mad that Biden put that on Easter, even though he didn't.

this is a protest in response to police violence. that violence happened Friday. today is the first day that the people they are protesting are back at work and can be affected by the protest.

there you go, that's everything this has to do with passover. now you know and can stop asking.

sure, but if you look at literally ANYTHING ELSE about them you'll see what we mean.

they're a far right religious extremist organization that wants for Palestine what the Taliban is doing in Afghanistan. they don't want to stop oppression, they just think it's affecting the wrong people right now. that region well not get less shitty with them in power.

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yes, all of them. if what the tech was made for.

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who do you think is using literally anything else other than tech people?

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i wanna visit that one Christmas in world war one where they all got over their shit for a day and had snowball fights and stuff. play in the snow with some of the most damaged and traumatized people in history.

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i think letterkenny might have the most realistic representation of "the dark web"

buncha tweakers in their mom's basement with a nerd friend that helps them look at onion sites so they can feel like edgelords without actually buying anything.

oh i know a lot of people who half heartedly voted for trump the first time as a meme. especially terminally online 18-20 year olds who had never voted or cared before. i know 6 people who voted for him as a meme then regretted it.

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oh but that's basically only humans. our mouths are one of our fairly unique features.

you're right, this is more like the 1968 Columbia protests. you know, the one where they put flowers in the barrels of the rifles.

America has its own long and storied history of killing protestors and strikers. we don't need to look anywhere else for analogies.

to me it was more the straw that broke the camel's back. every rude and unreasonable interaction i have in here is with someone from .ml. it's not even about their politics or beliefs, they're just not pleasant to have around.

the second you try to engage them they throw the real arguments out for pedantry about definitions and using that to call people dumb instead of actually having meaningful discussion about ideas. they're the worst kind of "it's not my job to explain it to you, Google it" people too. like, i get the mindset, but it's just not going to change anyone's heart or mind. it's not how you actually win an argument.

every person on argues like an annoying 14 year old atheist that just discovered Internet arguments and the think whole Internet is Christian. they're just shitty to be around and basically never add anything meaningful to a discussion other than "you're wrong and dumb"

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hmm, I mean, the law does explicitly mention discrimination based on ancestry. the caste system is just a structure of ancestral discrimination. one could argue that caste is interchangeable with ancestry for the purpose of this law. i can see why he wouldn't want a different law to ban every synonym and foreign language word for a thing that's already banned.

i mean, i think it's pretty obvious they meant like dress uniforms. these are just short and tight compared to dress blues, but generally in a similar style.

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what it he just says "you can't" he's giving truths, not wishes.

mass sms to everyone work, and there's even a whole "emergency alert" system built into both Android and ios. it's used all the time in America for things like missing children.

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i mean, this is one way to win a war. the other is with bombs and death. Russia chose to enter this war, it shouldn't be surprised when it affects its citizens.

no one should get to keep their war over seas and out of their own borders.

imagine a future where we could stop wars by just taking people's jobs...

there's a lot more than generative fill.

ai denoise, ai masking, ai image recognition and sorting.

hell, every phone is using some kind of "ai enhanced" noise reduction by default these days. these are just better versions of existing tools than have been used for decades.

yes, but we still need to test our own ideas. sometimes we're wrong. we have these kinda of tests because sometimes things we think are very obvious are proven wrong under rigorous testing.

yeah, but we already went down this road and defeated it in court back when they were leasing inmates after the civil war.

hey now, there's also goat milk among others.

honestly, if recent history was anything to go on this investigation would have never started or immediately ended, agreeing they did nothing wrong.

you might have a point about supreme Court meddling, but this all feels new to me.

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