1 Post – 46 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Everyone suddenly gets diagnosed with ADHD and gets prescribed stimulants.

Having worked 7 different jobs that all were in the same field made me have some backbone of standards that nobody else could have built without going through that, though. It's a blessing and a curse, so be warned. The things I picked up on that I never realized I would care so much about in the healthcare field is good office administration and Director of Care leadership. The morale is just as important as the pay rate.

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Oh I don't even know this economy and he's blaming me for some cult he started following called corporatism? Bro, you need rehab.

I'm very accustomed to trying to do this because I remember everyone I've wronged and think about things in my past a lot.

I've realized however that apologizing doesn't mean that the person you've wronged because of an instance they've wronged you before will ever change how they treat you. Even if you two were best friends. I had a very toxic friend in highschool who never owned up to something he did to me and I never really got over it. Instead of moving on I fought back, but looking back I can at least acknowledge he is a narcissist and never wanted me to be happy in the first place. I wronged him by letting my emotions take over, but he was oblivious to the pain he put me or anybody else through. It's that mantra that keeps me from wanting to fight him again even if it's been years and years. I want to get over it and I think I can with enough change in my life but God damn I never thought I'd feel that kind of rage.

You act like they have to pull it up with a number ID and don't already have every xkcd alphabetically, pneumonically and categorically sorted in their bookmarks.

I'm not gonna pretend like he's doing great things and all but I also have a strong suspicion he's got a reputation reversal PR team that controls every aspect of his social life and that's why he's always hanging out with the mega church pastors that wear their swimming trunks down to their ankles in public to show off their pelvic tans and have only positive news clips where he's praying for Africa and throwing wads of cash into subway station crowds. He's becoming the new Ellen.

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Well.. this is the fediverse after all.

I didn't know this because I generally tune out anything sponsor related either by sponsor block or just shut my brain off to it so that makes I guess a bit more sense with context. I think that in an instance like this not too many people will get that though. It still actually comes across as over the board because of the severe implications with Linus as a company shareholder, but this is Twitter so maybe I'm just over this kind of advertisement exposure.

Tbh, if I worked as a webpage artist in Pokemon GO I think I'd do the same. It comes with the ethos of the company.

They're both good. I can't get into other apps like Infinity though. I just tried it and now I'm too used to the sleek look of Sync. Connect is very close in the race, and without ads it may as well be neck and neck.

I guess they announced that in 2017 but there was so much backlash they backed out. That was around the time they introduced 3D Paint. Now I'm wondering if they're going to silently remove the og Paint and call 3D Paint just Paint with all the new features.

Talk about trying to keep the coals hot.

Reddit is also listed as a search engine on Firefox. It's literally considered an equivalent search tool.

I knew having a Lucifer type character would be one of the more entertaining features of having a vampire as a party member before I even knew he was a vampire

I feel dumb not seeing that one coming.

That's what Bezos got the idea for his rocket ship from. He just added balls and girth to it.

Almost 6 months with my daughter, nobody told me these babies get teeth?! Now she's crying at me because she bit herself and it's my fault!

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F9 was used in most Bethesda games for quickload. Not sure if this was a typo but AFAIK I only used quicksave before but it still counts as a hard save in BG3 which I appreciate.

r/gamingcirclejerk sounds like a unlikely place to find mods who are open to opinions. I'm at the point where I've conditioned myself not to comment on big subreddits because if I know not enough people will side with me about something it's pointless to say it. That I feel like a lot of people sense in intellectual debates. They think you're all on camera and this is for the front page of a newspaper or something and you have to have full time editors proof reading it. It never was meant to be like that though, and it creates an information suppressed community.

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And even then they probably still have your account, just won't tell you they do.

Did he watch the movie Don't Look Up and go with the script word for word?

Did you look like a Triceratops?

I used to love love LOVE this song until I heard it over a thousand times trying to figure out which mod was making my game crash.

I know a streamer who also got banned for a personal message he sent to a fan. He had the word bastard in it but it was in jest. On his own subreddit... He talked to the fan on a stream and he even denied reporting him, which means Reddit watches your messages and you can be banned for a week for saying "bad words". Reddit is dead lol.

Fellow Lemmy LPOTL fans rise from your grave!

What? Next you're gonna tell me Santa Claus wasn't real when I was a kid.

I love how this is my same routine except I only have 600ish Gb to work with total, the rest is for gaming.

"just enough to justify not paying their workers livable wages" FTFY

Political memes are so stale these days.

I'd try adding more milk or cream if you've already got some. I ain't wasting an extra can either. I'm the kind of person who puts a ton of beans in my chili compared to ground beef because I can't waste them lol

Now they're making canes out of sugar?! /s

Just a Canadian chiming in but it's been $900 and up since 2017.

At least I'd see the A10 before it mows me down.

We've done nothing and we're all out of ideas!

This is the opposite for me because I keep losing them if I don't put them immediately back in their charging case. But I don't like bringing it wherever I go, so that's the only draw back imo.

Here in southern Ontario near the border we've been getting REALLY great deals on Arizona lately because our local market buys in bulk from across the border. I've never been able to get Arizona for 50 cents my entire life before. It must be overstock or something, but I'm having one or two like every day.

This is part of why I let my wife order for me, then check the bags to confirm what we have and what we're missing, cuz shit if I'd have the guts to do all that without having a panic attack or two.

Been there, you have to actually have been a regular member for those said months until you can earn tokens. I don't think the elders give them out to randos on the street.

At that point I'm more comfortable on Lemmy instead of bending over backwards to accommodate for shitty Reddit UI anymore. I used to use old reddit but that was when I actually had time to waste in highschool pretending to do work on the school computers, now I have a newborn and would never scroll on my PC to just browse Reddit, or any social media for that matter..

You're the first comment on Lemmy that made me realize I need to turn off image preview in the comments.