2 Post – 19 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I'm Gen Z and use all of them


Good to hear

Here's the thing with Arch-based distros: they aren't more stable than Arch, and Arch breaks. Fixing Arch is often possible, but requires Terminal skills. You mentioned you want Arch because of the AUR, why not try Distrobox? It's a tool for integrating containers (and their apps) with the "base" system. With a few commands, create an Arch container, then just use your favourite AUR wrapper (like yay or pacman) as you would on a regular Arch system and you may need to run `distrobox-export ' in the container. Your apps will just show up like any other apps.

Btw, they released it as an extension.

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Why are people saying this is a hypersurveillance dystopian nightmare? Guys, you are still in public! The only difference between this and having police officers sitting there and looking is this is much cheaper and more efficient. The recordings are still being sent to a human being for review.

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There is also Epson EcoTank. No cartriges. Just fill it up with Ink. And also no shady stuff like this,

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Google announced it is partnering with Apple

That's a thing I never thought I'd hear

Should really be using the "! link", not URLs. While both work on mobile apps, on the web version the URL redirects to the community's instance.

GNOME has some quite strict design guidelines (a "vision", if you will). And sticking to that a vision has enabled them to create a very polished DE (probably the most polished DE on Linux). What people get wrong is that GNOME wasn't really made for desktops. It was made for mobile devices (laptops, tablets, and in the future phones). Using GNOME on a "proper" mobile device really makes sense. No, that doesn't mean using a laptop connected to an external monitor all the time, or just using it at a desk all the time. It means using a laptop as a laptops, going out and about, using it without a mouse and using it with it's internal display.

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Number 2 for me. And it's noticeable. I'd love to use it, but I just can't ignore the performance difference.

I guess e-bikes are more expensive.

Hi, fellow Lawnchair user, I'd like to add to get the version from their website, not the Play Store.

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Yeah, as long as we will still have people creating instances (for new people) this seems to be the way.

I think on all distros if you suspend, when you turn your device back on, it resumes everything.

How is it not? You never have to go in a terminal 99% of the time (and on Windows there are those cases as well). The only reasons I use the terminal is either to edit my Nix Flake and rebuild switch, which is only because I use NixOS and would not be required on Mint, to use Distrobox, which wouldn't be needed on Mint as 90% of Linux app are either Deb Packages, Flatpaks or Appimages or simply because I find it easier to do some power-user stuff in there. But for the average user on Mint, they wouldn't even need to touch the terminal.

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Because it is. What is an "industrial OS" anyway? Also it's important to remember that "Linux" is just a kernel (the software that acts as a "bridge" between the rest of the OS and the hardware). Android is Linux, Ubuntu is Linux, Arch is Linux, Debian is Linux, Slackware is Linux, etc. And yet those are vastly different OSes. You would maybe run Ubuntu, Debian or RHEL on a server (which maybe you could consider industrial). But you would never use Arch or Android on a server. Android is the most popular mobile OS, would you consider that industrial? And for the desktop, the average user would use something like Ubuntu, Linux Mint or Fedora. But you'd never use the graphical version of those on the server and I don't think they would be considered industrial OSes.

So anyway, what's your point exactly?

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A non-consumer focused OS. One focused on serving commercial industry.

Linux was actually developed as a (kernel for a) desktop OS. It doesn't focus on the server or the desktop, distros do that.

What distros did you try and when? In 2023, you can totally set up Ubuntu or Linux Mint without using the terminal. Obviously for "power-user" settings you might need to use the terminal or edit config files, but just as regular users cannot do those things, they also don't need that functionality.

"LLMs mEnTiOnEd lEt'S dOwNvOtE"

I really hate this about Lemmy sometimes........

Well GNOME is the most polished, which means it eneded up being the most popular, which means GTK has the most apps, which makes GNOME look very polished, and the cycle repeats itself.

Also the vast majority of people use laptops, not desktops.