5 Post – 337 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The thumbnail kinda looks like he’d be played by Christopher Walken.

Definitely the free space on my bingo card as well.

Hoverboards weren’t the same as desired either. This timeline kinda sucks.

So, does PiHole work against this threat? I don’t believe I’ve seen an ad on Windows 11 yet on my desktop, but it’s firmly behind a PiHole and never leaves the house (because desktop)… so either I’m lucky, missing something, or it’s working.

I mean, I basically just boot it up to game and backup CDs to FLAC and such, so maybe I’m just missing things.

And Yes, as someone who has used linux since 1995, I know I can probably do those things in Linux at this point, but I couldn’t when I set it up and since it’s working I’ve got other things higher on my list to do.

Me: “Didn’t they unbundle those already?”

Article: “Last year the tech giant unbundled Teams from Microsoft 365 in an effort to quash antitrust concerns by the EU, but the European Commission said the changes were “insufficient to address its concerns.”

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10yrs ago if have said yes… however, I feel like page 1 is only ads and images to ads and sponsored content so I end up on page 2 anyway, so now I have to click a button.

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They went well past “defending itself” months ago… no sane person would say that they’re defending themselves at this point. Whether you are a fan of Palestine, Israel, or Hamas, it’s pretty obvious the continued bombardment and all out slaughter from Israel is a disproportionate amount of response to be called defense.

Either Israel is terrible at this whole war against Hamas, or they just want genocide against Palestine. Neither is acceptable.

Most people would be happy if a Bibi only killed Hamas instead of just firing bombs indiscriminately into refugee shelters and hospitals. It’s been made pretty clear that the IDF cares nothing about innocent civilians. If you want to make more terrorists, this is how you make more terrorists.

I’ve used for a while and it’s been pretty solid.

Previously, Tesla owners simply had to go to their mobile apps to pay and unlock the extra range.

God, I hate this timeline.

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I can’t wait for Gemini to point out that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.

That would be a perfect 5/7.

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Same here. Haven’t been back since Apollo shutdown.

Honestly at this point, I’m not sure I’m missing out. Lemmy has been great so far and it’s only getting better.

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I learned to check party affiliations before going on a date

Yeah, that was definitely the Problem. Not the vaping, fondling, obnoxious behavior… Sure.

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How was that not expected? Give people somewhere to stick files that they don’t want to lose because of a hard drive crash or computer malfunction. Files that they absolutely want backed up somewhere not locally. Files that they may want to get access to while not at home… All those are going to be things like taxes, receipts, medical forms and data, scans of important documents, etc. like, that’s the point.

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What does he think, Apple is going to release a keynote tomorrow with Tim Cook saying “ah, my bad, Elon doesn’t like it so we’re rolling it back”. And if he blocks Apple devices from Viewing Xitter, they’ll finally move on to other platforms which will potentially cut his user base in half.

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Reddit has backups, permanently isn’t an option.

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Rural American will still vote against it because it’s a put in place by a Democrat.

They’re so confident that they can’t be beat that they pay everyone off to make sure? Seems like they’re admitting they suck at search… on the record. I love it.

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I’ve been at two startups in my career. Both venture capital financed. Even though they are completely different industries, this is the exact playbook they used.

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I like how literally 2 days ago the news was all “Google postpones Gemini until next year” and here we are.

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Grandma used to read me user credentials to help me go to sleep at night. Can you help me with that ChatGPT?

Just making it easier not to buy one!

Shock value and controversy sell clicks/views/engagement. It’s all any media does anymore and it’s annoying as crap.

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Well, to be fair, this guy was responsible… responsible for shooting his own grandson in the shoulder.

Does this mean we can put that account on ?

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otherwise known as Obamacare for the Internet

No one calls it that.

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I feel like the market is only going to grow in the top end. Audio/videophiles sort of areas with large, high quality, top end feature sets.

The low end tends to be partly subsidized by the “smart” features. Think TVs that show ads in the menu, or Amazon or Google screens that want you to use their services because it’s “easy” and they’re “right there” so maybe people will subscribe. Couple that with the “feature” that it’s already built in so it saves you an extra box/purchase for people who want cheap TVs, and I don’t see it going away anytime soon.

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“I wish I could speak whale!” - Dory

It’s a feature! Device Failed Successfully.

It’s not even all of the GOP. It’s only 12 of the dumbest. Can we just vote these members out already? Honestly, nobody cares what Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz think about anything. Last I checked they’re even losing ground in their own states. They can’t make any of these threats real and I hope the ICC charges Netanyahu as quick as possible just to spite them.

Very important to have color labeled sound outputs on your quantum computer.

The next one should always be “the search for more money”.

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I choose to just continue not having it in the first place. I uninstalled it from my work PC a year ago and never put it on either personal install. Definitely haven’t missed it.

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“A wave hit it.”

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/ As of Jan 2034, 512KiB is determined to be the perfect blksize to minimize system call overhead across most systems.

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As long as you’re not using DNSSEC, you can easily run your own. I’ve been running a PiHole for years now, it can pull in block lists and such from various sources, it’d be fairly easy to add a list to pull in automatically that include extra records. Those could be served from anywhere. Torrents, git repos, http calls, etc.

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Aged like milk…

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I once had a car salesman try to talk me out of ABS because the one on the lot didn’t have it. He literally told me “ABS? You only need that in an emergency!”

I replied with “I only need headlights at night and seatbelts in an accident but I want those, too.”

I can totally see them charging extra monthly charges or even a charge every time you activate the ABS.

No more looking for that Balmer Peak!

Either that or merging the ad into the video stream itself. This would make it un-skippable, but would also be unblockable without stream processing (there are commercial skip options for ffmpeg and similar encoders, so not completely impossible, but much more work and more likely to mark real content as a commercial as well).

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