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Joined 1 years ago

I've used Firefox for years. It's always been the underdog imo.

If it ever becomes the top dog, I'll switch! To the next privacy underdog. More competition is good.

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This is starting to make sysadmins sound like John Wick.

"And then my son, a few days after his wife died, you steal his 3d printers and smash his fcking Apple 1."
"The sysadmin will come for you, and you will do nothing because you can do nothing,"


I use the broadcast, zoom, grouping, and the guake/yakuake style dropdown. Also it has layout switching like xmonad, ie you can ctrl + space to cycle pane layouts.

There are people out there who sound a lot like SJ and you could probably clone their voice a lot cheaper. I worked with one and it was always uncanny.

My stats say my phone gets ~140/day. I definitely ignore 99% of them, just like my 10k+ unread emails.

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It just seems like really sarcastic trolling to me.

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False. We love all chicken sandwiches regardless of how old they are.

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It's worse than that, it's Threads, Jim!

Sounds like TRRRRRRS

Oh I see how it is. You're like the Leonardo DiCaprio of chicken sandwiches.

Or just use PlayOn to record your shows.

We're all the way back to recording movies from TV with our VCR.

Sometimes those positions are meant for promoting internal candidates, who obviously sat in, conducting the same interviews in the past. So the difficulty is dialed up to "I am Death incarnate!" levels and they then have scoring data to support their selection of the internal candidate. At a friend's workplace, they'd opened up a 2-3yr exp position to convert a great intern, and had some great 10+yr exp people apply. My friend said that was a little awkward. Even if Mark Russinovich or Linus Torvalds applied for that job, they still had no chance at getting it. I joked that I might put a resume in his manager's pile for the creator of the tech stack they were interviewing for, just to hear how that reaction was.

That's probably not representing even... 5% of these gauntlets, but it might make you feel better. Sometimes, it's the hiring manager fulfilling the letter but not the spirit of some process, but it means they are frustratingly hard on candidates in the process.

And perhaps, ultimately, you have dodged some bullets.

Even home warranties won't defray much cost, or often have combined limits for annual reimbursement that are lower than you would imagine.

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That's why I feel old. I don't want case windows, or RGB. It's all about the framerate and the score.

Sent to my state representative. Thanks!

I saw it earlier. When I tried it, it still kept the ?utm=blah&rel=blargh stuff on the URL from FB. 🤷‍♂️

It seems that Steve Mould looks progressively more tired in his videos as he goes along.

This thing just never worked for me. As in, the product was broken in several ways all of the time.

Can't even read the website, as the third modal, the newsletter modal, refuses to close. Yeesh.

I do love a good Grandmaster Flash reference.

Stop, Hammer time!

"Go with the flow", it is said

Things are built to spec. Everybody wants that 4500sf house but most people don't know what quality looks like. When I was house shopping, the new construction homes homes already made me very disappointed and leary. I eventually bought an older home with a Stablok panel and felt better about that. 😂 Swapped the panel out after close, I'm not nuts.

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All of these and then some.

A small part is that I'm supporting the underdog.

It's not created by a company that sells ads.

I am in a similar position. I used to post or engage in meaningful discussions on reddit almost every day. I was already reading reddit prior to the digg exodus, but I truly jumped to reddit when digg v4 landed. I never went back to digg to participate.

Oh well. I'll be on instances here I guess.

I couldn't get my 6900XT to drive my G9 at 240Hz, but 120 isn't too bad. I should probably try again soon.

Been 20+yrs of some random flavor of driver problems for me, since my 9700 Pro at the very least.

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Notifications get rolled up all the time, if I've received a lot of messages in Signal or Teams, I just have one notification in the dropdown for each group, even though I may have "received" 50 notifications from that group.

On emails, reply-chains are prevalent, so I can read the latest one and usually not have to open 20 emails.

I have some services set to email me events, transactions, and notifications, which I don't need today. However, sometimes these sites go offline, discontinue a product, remove the ability for you to view prior information or contributions, archive old data, change their ToS to something you can't stand, any number of things that might mean that data is now unreachable to you. So for those emails I just sort them off and they're archived.

Encrypt your logs: exactly what you feared, and someone can just disable the encryption call or edit the key in memory too. Lots of ways to attack it.

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If they change the key in memory, then it doesn't matter that you have the other side of the prior asymmetric key.

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JF works fine on tons of devices, the ps5 just kind of sucks as a media player.

Louis, what mobile device brands are repairable and secure?

I got some old celeron N4100 4gb RAM/128gb NVME Thinkpad 11Es for $50ea with the power adapters. With as useful as they've been, I'm sold on doing something like that in the future.

Me napping to Archspire

I doubled up on homes too. \o/

I don't really get a lot of notifications from discord. Sometimes a "server" will @everyone but that's rare. I usually just disable that feature when I join new servers anyway.

Indeed over DP. It works fine at 240Hz in Windows, but of course the graphics quality in games is not as good as with nvidia.

You might try The Division. There should be a brief trial iirc. It does have loot, but you said you hate buying items too, so it seems like you just dislike gear in general. You aren't required to manage your gear or loot well to complete the game, you just want to pick up better gear as you level up. There is some skills/tech stuff in there that can take a bit to get used to.

You won't be OP. You'll be using cover to stay alive. Some enemies are bullet sponges.

If you've ever had to hit the streets somewhere immediately following a natural disaster, it might feel a little eerie or uncanny. At least, it did for me. The snow is beautiful.

Playing against Xero on Nightmare! setting.

This obviously doesn't solve any of the larger problem about MS pushing TPM, but you can bypass most of those W11 requirements.

I've definitely used WP in that manner as well. At that time there were plugins that would render the pages out to static HTML in object storage. I'm sure there still are, but possibly not the same ones I used.

I just prefer not to use or manage WP whenever possible.