3 Post – 31 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Incredible amount of work, respect.

If you are lacking ideas for the super long term I could suggest you:

Any kind of ids/ips (intrusion detection system) Deep inspection packet to detect any vpn or crypto tunnel Ability to create a vpn link to another instance of the program (to link geographical disperse nodes)

And many other things that honestly I am ashamed of asking :)

Super good, it is increĆ­ble useful and the ability to find any document in almost any place in seconds in awesome.

Once this is said, you need to stick to a process and it is time consuming, and of course, you need to manually review the automatics tagging feature.

So, It is not a set and forget like most of the people expect

May I ask what is wrong with your archaic setup?

I have exactly the same config and I find it easy and reliable for not asking for a change.

Am I missing some points or what is going on?

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Cgnats don't exist in ipv6. Nat doesn't exist in ipv6

What also could happen is your isp blocking some ports from outside its network as a security approach, but normally you can ask to free a range of port from the firewall.

13 more...

I couldn't disagree more with you. If you are running something REAL life critical the moment there is a patch you install it and deploy as fast as possible. And if it contains any severe patch it is even the vendor who recalls all the equipment with service bulletin and advisory letters.

With life critical you don't wait the bug to appear because It maybe too late to avoid deadly consequences.

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Every time it happened to me was either transcoding, either a real poor network speed.

I would double check the transcoding option

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It could also be noise on the line, try introducing a ferromagnetic filter (low pass filter) to see if the situation improves.

Check also that the occurrences are not linked with the activation of an electric motor. I one bought a meat grinder that evertyime was on the analogical radio got only noise. And they even were not connected to the same circuit.

Take a look onto he following image:

There is always a subjective component in this kind of discussions but this image will help you to see if yiur setup will make sense based in the real perception of the human eye.

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Honestly, I cannt believe it.

Double or triple check it. The problem these days is to get a semifucntianl ipv4, they are expensive, scarce and full of problems.

Ipv6 on the contrary is abundant and all enterprise equipment fully support it since decades.

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Something that is usually forgotten is that cgnats are only there for ipv4. Running your server in ipv6 is almost a safe bet to have good connectivity.

And you know, these days getting a real ipv4 is more expensive than running in ipv6

Take wiht a bit (or a lot) of salt what I am gonna say. Because undoubtedly I am. Missing something here.

But if what you a already say is true probably you are not restricting anything. The recommended way to do so is with a firewall rule (probably in your router).

You are extending the subnet definition beyond the 16 bits. This can create problems and I doubt that your router will block anything if something crafted is received from Internet.

But of course, being the extremely big address space your are probably safe.

I any case, with a firewall rule in your router allowing only the proxy to go receive connections, you should be good and more standard conform

Save yourself a headache and use btrfs/zfs with periodically checks as suggested in another post.

Who cares if it is a problem or not when it has a simple and inexpensive solution.

This is not the Nat functionality as people associated with ipv4, and certainly it is not showing the drawback of allowing the communication only when the NATed client started the communication.

Even if they are alike they are not the same.

I reaffirm myself here. It is possible to have full ipv6 communication and providers do not have cgnats. It is your easiest and most uncomplicated solution with almost nothing to install to make it work.

And in addition, I have to say that I don't see any benefit in using such functionality at home. If someone can illustrate me a use case I would be thankful

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The learning curve is a bit steep but his guide is awesome

In the other hand, the public trackers are dominated by English and, at least I, I couldn't find a lot of Spanish dual movies better than the 720p

In any case, if you can gain access for a Spanish private tracker with radarr support, let me know

OK got what you mean.

For avoiding the cases you are describing I use several plugins for the keepass (original flavour) so in my desktop it syncs directly with the cloud.

And in my android I use keepass2androd thst is able to open the database from the cloud too.


Thanks for the answer, I don't know why but I overlooked this solution.

Let's see if I am able to spin it up

Some tips here:

  • get a platinum rated power supply, if you can afford it go for a titanium. The efficiency in the power supply is half of the efficiency of the rig
  • reduce the number of the modules to the minimum
  • get a platinum rated power supply ;)
  • get big passive coolers, you want to idle the fans
  • reduce the number of usb and connectors to the minimum. Their converters are not the most efficient. Try not to connect enything on them.
  • NO mechanical parts (including fans or water coolers)
  • set schedulers to conservative or power efficient. You don't want to spike the power just because a task is 2ms longer than expected.
  • pick a power efficient CPU/gpu (I think we can discard this one based in your choices)
  • use the latest amd adaptative undervoltage technology to ensure to reduce the wattage of the cores
  • try to reduce to the bareminimum the number of background tasks /services running.

And that's all. Sometimes there is a component of trial and error because sometimes the curve performance / power is not entirely linear and you don't want to hit exponential-non-linear zone.

Good luck and if you can post you build with numbers and some lessons learnt would be great

Good luck

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As a friendly suggestion: Don't rely on wireguard alone, try instead services like tailscale or zerotier because if you set up ur server in residential zone, there are huge chances that you will hit some cg-nat in other cities / countries.

Those are nasty problems that wireguard is not able to solve but those programs can

Apart of that this is the zero risk approach and it should be the default one.

Thx, I will keep in mind, but I have consumer grade hw and I am afraid that vlan in my switch is not possible.

I any case thanks for the bunch of tips

Best answer to your question, try to stick to it

Thanks, I will check this solution too

I already tried nextcloud but it doesn't seems to support a proper a sync (2 ways sync), in addition the address book appears to be common to all nextcloud users.

So unless you can tell me I am doing something wrong it doesn't look like an option

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Oooops, that was not certainly the intention.

Clearly I need to work in my communication skills. My apologies if I really upset you


I forgot to add that it would be necessary not to overdimension the set up. Any extra power is something that needs to be powered.

But with the chosen cpu and GPU there is not a lot of room here.

Give kodi a try ;)

Truly incredible, shame on the.

Question then.

Are you experimenting some kind of connections problems?

I ask because I know some multiplayer games make a heavy use of the ipv6. Steam have some servers that are not reachable via ipv4, and don't speak about vps...

Ok, Thanks to all, it seems I am doing something wrong with my nextcloud instance. I will double check again to see what the problem could be

Thanks for the comment, I will try to check but performance should not be an issue. In the end it is personal selfhosted service.

The you recommend to mount them via the hypervisor?

I was certainly planning to use it in the vm itself....

From your text I understand you are not a really tech savvy person and yiu are really struggling with all the service and configuration involved.

If you want a simple tip, stick to tailscale, it is a vpn and will protect all your services because you will not have access from internet. It is pretty safe and the configuration is trivial.

The obvious drawback is that you won't have internet access without installing the vpn, which depending the use case can be a deal breaker.

Honestly, a proper configured nginx with certificates and strong password are reasonable secure when there is not any misconfiguration. But if you are in doubt stick to tailscale.

Good luck :)

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Yes you do,

Configuration control is a max in this world and you don't have the control/ability/power to decide which patches go in or stay out. The vendor, the person who has all the power and knowledge, is the one who decides.

You can loose all your certifications or being held liable for any problem due to that policy.

Not even red hat (certainly not a life critical system) allows a different level of patches/state out of their approved ones