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Joined 1 years ago

Honestly I feel it’s even more likely he’s elected this time. The “Hillary hands down” polls were so much wider than any I’m seeing. Unless polling has gotten considerably more accurate, there are going to be a lot of sad and shocked people out there days after the election.

I truly hope my feelings are unjustified but the nation is in big fuckin trouble.

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I see this in my purple state amongst my teenage kids peers, and it’s terrifying.

This is ridiculous.

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Biden could have done what’s best for the country and been a one term president. I’ll still vote for him but not because he’s some amazing leader or anything.

So they did it to themselves if they lose.

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Read the article hoping Moore elaborated the quote in the headline. It’s not there and I wanted to know what “do weird and cringe until the debate, then nail him” means specifically from his perspective.

Anyone have a guess?

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As an imminent Harris/Walz voter, this comment shocks me. It’s 2016 all over again and I’m realizing people are living in a Hillary bubble. Acting like this shit is in the bag. It is SO NOT IN THE BAG. Not even fucking close.

Now I’m not going to spam a bunch of voting links and opine on how it’s up to you to make a difference and make it so. M

This bubble is serious and I’m very afraid of what kind of reality is going to be crashing around all around this country and the world when an also shocked Trump sees the results roll in election night and he is now the new King of America (in his eyes). “They really do love me. God has chosen me. I am supreme.”

You fools. You don’t realize that this is so within the margin of error it’s a totally real and near possibility.

Trump is not done until it’s done.

Ah yes, google nerfing its own services under another browser for its own gain definitely isn’t the issue here.

They’re both nepo kids.

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ngl I’d probably forget them too. Fuck trump anyway.

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I was hoping to read about actual wolly mammoths.

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People downvoting this are dumb. It’s objectively funny. I know that’s not what that means and I still stand by it.

Lighten up, Francis.

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Nah, Reddit source. Wait 5 seconds.

Can I just ask the Supreme Court stuff? I don’t understand how people can just appeal to the Supreme Court after having been convicted by other courts. Why is this allowed?

Serious question, but couldn’t you get more ratings for being the aggressive and combative fact checker when addressing Trump vs the soft ball question lobber?

Is this just a matter of demographics watching and giving more advertising money to traditional media and therefore doing so is less profitable?

I would definitely put my eyeballs more towards any organization that would challenge all politicians vs those who are basically allowing them to advertise their talking points.

I’m ignorant on media and looking at this simply, if it isn’t obvious.

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I get that there is a chunk of “not insane” people out there, but what does it matter really?

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You know, that’s a great point. I’d totally do a “shit job” if it paid decent and be a ton happier. I’m trying to organize and lead and only doing it for the money, and I hate it.

I’ll second this question. I’ve seen a bunch of “hasn’t done enough” but it hasn’t been followed up with what that is. OP could you please share the solutions Biden has at his disposal that aren’t being executed?

I ask this as someone who is ignorant of those, not trying to argue.

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I think the “no config” part is missed on most lemmy users. I have buddies who can barely work their phone. They have consoles. They would be screwed trying to do pc gaming, it’s just too much. Drivers. Filesystems and paths. Cloud shit this, updates that. They just want to play.

He’ll, I know how to do everything and the notion of optimization turns me off. Being in your 40s and gaming is precious time where you don’t want to mess around with anything but your entertainment objective. Yeah consoles have some of those things but it’s more idiot proof and straightforward.

Old guy who has played every Zelda game there is. Breath of the Wild wins.

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Does anyone know what kind of naming pattern or bot identification methods we could use? I belong to a small public server that’s there to serve a public need.

I can ssh into the APs, although I’m not sure about configuring them independent of a controller as I haven’t tried. I use a free google cloud tier to host the controller, which can be managed via web gui and phone app. It may use some Java elements in the controller but it wasn’t hard to set up.

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Son is 13 and gets a lot of attention - especially comments/compliments from adults. Not lewd or obnoxious ones, just like “wow kid you are really good looking! Going to get all the girls in high school” type stuff. He was 6’3” at 12.

He is much more personality and brains than looks as a person, so I guess I’ll just not worry about it. Lucky kid.

Yeah that, or Donald fuckin trump?

I might be explaining the joke out of turn, but the soap says “fight club” on it held by the guy who says not to talk about it. At least that’s what I thought the poster was pointing out. Not sure why they’re getting downvoted..

The price will be super high to do so by then. I don’t think it will escalate to civil war status, but if he’s effective enough it could end up being a house of cards depending on how events play out. I hope the second act results in maga whining, the center yawning, and him just going tf away. I fear it could be a much worse tinderbox of protests with guns with all of the rhetoric though.

If he wins I kind of fear the same, too. It’s just awful he’s the candidate all around.

I like your curiosity. Smoker turned vaper here. Being addicted to anything rules a part of your mind and life. I crave it constantly. It seriously occupies so much of my time and focus and I don’t really get anything out of it outside of feeding the addiction.

I guess you can say it’s fun but it doesn’t stay fun if you get hooked it’s like a tractor beam.

I’m only talking about my experience with the drug, I realize it’s not this way for others. It’s a powerful drug nonetheless.

Will they also report themselves?

And the Witcher!

Tats a really hard question. I guess Newsom or Whitmer if we’re talking politicians that seem to be up and coming. But I can think of many other candidates that I would like to see take the position even if they aren’t as electable. Tammy Baldwin, Mark Kelly, he’ll even Adam Schiff, even though he couldn’t win in the general.

Biden is fine but he looks and sounds horrible quite a bit of the time. There is nothing exciting about his policies and I feel he has way too much baggage.

Gavin would probably be the best pick. But if we’re making up scenarios, hell put Tom Hanks in there or Jon Stewart like that other commenter said.

Really I’ll always be bummed about not having Bernie but that ship sailed as well.

I’m not a super leftist, more of a left leaning no centrist. Still reason, passion, radical change for what a leader could and should be like really get me fired up. The policies are important but we all know that the president is a figurehead as much as it’s a powerful position. I’d rather see someone call the citizens of the country together and be a fighter for even the same type of incremental changes that Biden professes to embrace and maybe have a signature mission.

I do feel that his administration is chock full of smart and professional people. As a leader and a figure he’s just old and gross. Haha.

As other commenters have pointed out, anyone but a conservative would be fine. They all fuckin suck with their evangelical positioning and horrible policies. Trump being the nastiest of the pile.

Fingers Clarence Thomas?

I’m not sure if you’re just hopped up on hopium but this is very very far from a secured victory. It’s anything but.

What, me worry?

I like money too. We should hang out.

Yeah I hate read Fox News (webpage, there’s no way I could actually watch) every day for this very reason. What might I be missing? Honestly it’s more of a bad habit now than actually netting any honest insights, although I admit I do see stories/opinions not mentioned on other news sites. Even aggregators. I do enjoy challenging my own beliefs though. It’s a fun exercise.

Curious why this was downvoted so much

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Can you tell me how gaming on Linux is solved? It’s the only reason I use windows still.

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As someone long undiagnosed I would like to hear more about your diagnosis journey.

We’re you just nervous about meds and hit a threshold? Outside of cleaning what else have you experienced?

Also I don’t understand the two “when the meds worked” - one followed by I was always at work and the other “at my work apartment with my meds working”. So they were working and then they were working at your apartment. Sorry I’m stupid.

What is a rebound?


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If you’re undecided about whether you think Trump or Biden are better leaders in an election at this time, I think news of Trumps conviction isn’t going to sway you. Sorry for sounding so jaded but I just can’t fathom this swaying anyone. I personally don’t understand those people.

I less the labeling system sucks, which it does. Also the rules. There’s no innovation and every damn feature of outlook should be basically available and EASY to use in gmail and any other mail client. The shit has been around forever and the lack of advanced options is just astounding. I’m simply disappointed.