3 Post – 66 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

Supporting politicians you like and supporting basic human rights being taken away on the basis of completely arbitrary factors outside one's control are two very different things.

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This setup is the Bomb, but charge yo shit for fuck's sake

ReVanced is proprietary, better LibreTube or NewPipe

EDIT: To be more clear, ReVanced is a mod of the stock YouTube client. ReVanced's patches are OSS, but Google's spyware still runs at its core.

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Community systems are not bad, that's most of Linux, but there needs to be an ethical, FOSS-friendly enterprise system to get corpos invested in Linux and FOSS. Besides, corporate systems usually have massive dev teams and upstream/open-source a lot of their work. As much as I shit on Canonical and Red Hat, they've done immense amounts of beneficial work for Linux and FOSS.

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It's not possible to answer that precisely with the data available, but we can make an estimate.

43.3% of respondents are straight. 58.4% are cisgender. If we assume there's no correlation between being straight and being cis, then 43.3% of cis people will also be straight. That gives us 43.3% × 58.4% = 25.3% of respondents being both cis and straight. 25.3% of 950 is 240 people.

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"Posts" and "content" are not the same. Most recent Reddit posts are not content. Few people left, but the ones that left were the content creators and moderators. Reddit, the platform, is dead, and Reddit, the social media, wears its skin.

Cinnamon is hands down my favourite DE. I always see people talking about GNOME and KDE, to me Cinnamon is the best of both worlds. Strongly recommend it with the Orchis GTK theme, which is made for GNOME but works fine on Cinnamon.

My favourite graphical app in the more traditional sense is Firefox. If CLI apps are allowed, I'm a big fan of GNU Nano, a CLI-based minimalistic editor, basically Emacs Lite.

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Sorry, but WTF is this math. Cis people, regardless of sexual orientation, are less than 65% of respondents. Straight people, regardless of gender identity, are also less than 65%. How come people who are both at the same time would be more? You are saying that e.g. cis straight people are more than straight people in total.

What your math gives is what share of cis people are straight, if we assume that all straight people are cis.

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Sorry, but I'm a bit out of the loop, what is an EEE attack? When I look it up all I get is eastern equine encephalitis, which I somehow doubt is related.

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It cannot be octal, there's an '8' in there. Maybe base-9?

Trump and the EU Co. taking a picture:

EU Co. gossiping about Trump:

This is not a general ban on the bible.

People will still be completely able to read, carry and distribute the bible outside of schools. People will still be free to read the bible and pass it around in school, provided they bring their own copy.

This is just a ban on the school library keeping and lending copies of the bible.

(Though a general ban on the bible would certainly do the States some good.)

It's not even so much about F(L)OSS for me, it's mainly about privacy. Haven't contributed so far, but been using it through Organic Maps. OSM lacks no address in my town, and that's enough for me. I only need a map to get frow A to B, and I'd already know what's at B if I'm going there in the first place.

When I first saw the image, I thought that it contained a recursive screenshot of itself posted on lemmy and I was gonna get a stroke.

While your advice is sound, I think you might not have read @jrubal1462's comment in full. They already installed Linux, found FOSS alternatives for the proprietary dive software and their printer, to their shock, worked OOTB.

Me after installing Slackware on an NVMe with a UEFI-only MoBo

Google Pixel 7 Pro with GrapheneOS

NeoLauncher with NeoFeed on the left.

On the first page, Mull browser search, Geometric Weather (location edited out) and Metro (a fork of RetroMusic player removing some Google libs).

The second page is taken up entirely by Telegram FOSS (stock client with proprietary dependencies purged) and FairEmail widgets, but I'm not showing y'all my chats :P

I usually don't have any apps on my homescreen, except the dock, and I use it as a dashboard while launching apps from the drawer.

Apps in dock are Koler, QKSMS, Telegram FOSS and Gcam apk (don't remember from where).

Yeah, France is already done colonising and exploiting Africa, Russia us just getting started.

The Ten Commandments are literally the word of God, straight from their mouth (hand?) and onto stone. Doesn't get much more important than that.

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He makes a lot ofmoney - he just loses more.

Is this a JoJo reference!?!?!?

Google Pixel 7 Pro

Love the performance, the battery life, the camera and the amazing display, but most all I love GrapheneOS.

What I hate is its massive size, 5.8" is more than enough for me.

Still, all those models are, even conceptually, far removed frow AI. They would most properly be called Machine Learning Models (MLMs).

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Brother, no one said shit about love, and certainly not about rape, WTF?

What he meant is that people are unhappy when he asks about non-voters, and also when he asks about voters. He can't win [the approval of people on Lemmy]. Also, not all leftists are marxists.

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Well, I'm by far not a fan of invasive policies either, but the CCP is constantly spying on its citizens anyway. No privacy and no phone-addicted youth sounds better than no privacy, period.

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But what about X11?

  1. Some people are going to care enough about the CCP not reading their chats to use Secret Chats... and those people are exactly the ones the CCP wants to spy on, so it's a problem.

  2. Even without Secret Chats, messages are still encrypted, just not E2E encrypted. They are encrypted until they reach Telegram's servers, where they are decrypted, backed up, reencrypted and forwarded to the recipient. This is done to enable chat synchronisation across devices, but all chats, Secret or not, are encrypted at all points outside of Telegram's servers. The CCP doesn't control the servers, ergo the CCP can't see the chats (unless they find a way to snoop on the user end, but this is harder for them to do and easier for users to circumvent).

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People dunk on Purism and the Librem 5 because:

To summarize, Purism is a cult that sells iPhone 8's for more than iPhone 15 Pro Max prices and then doesn't deliver or refund them. My old Huawei P10 Lite has better specs in every single way, and it cost one sixth of their price when it was released six years ago.

Well, using a more complex search does improve results...

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The promlem is not Microsoft pushing Edge or setting it as default, which is already the case, the issue is that MS is forcing people to use Edge.


Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice Sayonara Wild Hearts

Bulgarian here. Telegram, Viber and Instagram chat are infinitely more popular than WhatsApp for private use. As for business, no clue.

Try, it is the web frontend to NewPipe's backend. Like a better Invidious.

Check out Organic Maps, it's a frontend for OpenStreetMap with a gorgeous UI/UX.

Assuming that I'm allowed to kill, and that the person would historically die at the age I fight them:

  1. Living: Ali Hosseini Khamenei. I believe of all tyrants in the modern world, only his death would be productive, due to the existing societal unrest. Cunts like Putler, Xi and Kim would just get instanly replaced, killing Ali might actually topple or atleast destabilise the regime.

  2. Dead: Hitler. No comment.


  1. Living: Putin. I hate the petite mouthbreather and whooping his Funko Pop-sized ass is going to feel orgasmic. (besides, he's so old and fragile by now that even if I don't kill him, he might get brain damage or straight up die from the beating later).

  2. Dead: Bruce Lee. No point, but it'd be fun as fuck.

EDIT: Formatting and spelling.