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Yeah there is no safe amount of cocaine to do. There is also no safe amount of alcohol to do. At least if shit is legalised people can decide to use cocaine or not with informed consent and can be sure they are actually getting pure cocaine.

I had a friends cousin die from using cocaine but it was because they had bought it off a street dealer and it was tainted with fentanyl. They just wanted to have a little extra fun on a night out on vacation. They'd be alive and well if cocaine was legal.

Prohibition doesn't work. It just adds suffering and stigma to addiction. One of the biggest factors to addiction is isolation something that criminalizing health issues greatly contributes to.

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Starlink is shitty and yet where I'm at its still easily the cheapest, fastest, and most reliable option. Infuriating really.

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Nonsense. Alcohol is a carcinogen, every part of your body it touches has an increased risk of developing cancer. It is directly neurotoxic. It damages the liver and stomache. A bottle of it can kill you. Stopping taking it can kill you.

Weed taken orally is physically very safe. It can still be habit forming and there are other unwanted side effects but to act like it is physically comaparable to alcohol is silly.

I say there's no safe amount of cocaine because it is directly cardiotoxic and has been known to cause heart defects in healthy young men at moderate doses.

I don't think ant drug should be illegal I just think people should be aware of the dangers of substances so they can make an informed decision.

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Eh, varies tribe to tribe on the ownership thing and the "coexisted spiritual connections with the land" thing is damn near the Noble Savage stereotype. Which kinda infantilises natives. They were fully realised peoples who sometimes lived peacefully and sometimes fought brutal wars with each other over the land. And some of them probably lived in a good balance with nature for some time and some of them probably would have run into ecological crises of their own making.

I would never recommend people out themselves to a potential employer. I talk about my ADHD and amphetamines lots at work now but that's because I'm in a position where I am a relatively rare commodity and my job is already seen as the weirdos on site. I do it knowing it won't make my job easier but because I see so many apprentices struggling with the same shit without realizing they might just be different from other people. And the amphetamine talk shocks people which I find funny but anyways. Maybe some day it'll be OK to do but for now I have to assume that outting yourself as autistic or ADHD is just a good way to get discriminated against in most fields.

Strong flashlight. Even in a well light room, getting down there and moving a flashlight around will reveal little screws your eye wouldn't have ever noticed without the changing contrast and reflections.

I've noticed a consistent decline in all skills in the last decade of new apprentices. It used to be that you'd get a "computer smart" kid or a "hand skills" kid, farm, shop class, etc. Now I typically see neither. My last apprentice had only ever used an iPhone and a Chromebook(what schools use now apparently) and an Xbox. So when I handed him my laptop to teach him how to configure some devices he got lost on the use of filling in an excel spreadsheet and saving and finding and opening the files. It would have been just as fast to have someone who'd never even seen a computer before. And he wasn't able to lift very heavy things and had poor grip strength. Good kid, he'll be ok but it could all be a lot easier for all of us.

I blame the school systems and the general trend of making all devices extremely consumer unfriendly. I used to tinker with all the aspects of the family computer as a kid, and my dad and his friends would regularly get together and work on their vehicles. Now every device is more appliance than tool. Anyways that's my prematurely old man rant for the day.

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I dunno I feel like most bugs would be pretty decent fried in Gaelic butter with salt.

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These fascists do that with everything. They take a real social issue people are upset about and then use it as a pretty container to fill with their bullshit. I was around then and I don't even remember the original controversy just the weird backlash against women as gamers.

Yeah and if my province hadn't sold of their public telephone company to private investors I'd be even more better off so I'm more pissed about that.

Most people weren't hippies. They were called counterculture for a reason.

I'm good on things tied into the brain. Now things tied near the brain like sub vocalisation or little eye twitches or even somehow passive brain wave scans or something maybe. But actual hardware tied into my brain I'm gonna take a pass on.

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I mean smoking anything will cause cancer but there's no reason to think weed taken orally isn't one of the most safe chemicals we have.

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Checkout bullet journaling. Its a system for keeping yourists from becoming a doom pile of lists. But you mostly make the system yourself works for me since its pretty flexible. My work life would be fucked without it.

I use a VPN to stop work camps I stay at from knowing what porn I watch, to stop media companies from sending me copyright infringement notifications, and to stop public wifis from having as much info on me.

Its all about threat model. If you're concerned with government actors then you need to be more secure than just a VPN.

My countries intelligence agency is not working with media companies like that. The cops and courts would eventually enforce some order against me if it ever went to court but more likely is my ISP just ditches me as a customer if I get too many strikes.

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OK, but I'm ADHD as fuck and keeping a journal/lists of what I want to do and need to get done and what I did do that day has really helped me out a lot in the last few years.

I use something like the Bullet journal method she talks about here.

Modified for how much of a slacker I am at filling it out. Because this way its an organization structure but its a voluntary one that I made and can change myself which I find to be a big thing. Because I need some kind of structure and organization but if its forced externally or I can't change it to suit my current needs than I will just rebel against it and hate it.

And no I don't manage to fill it out every day but I don't pre fill the days so there isn this big chunk of blank spaces waiting to accuse me of not using the journal as often as I should. If I skip a week I just start on the next page anyways. The big thing was its a system to organize the lists otherwise you just end up with a doom pile of lists you made. Some of which might be really important.

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Theres also serious though niche demand for people with trades knowledge and IT skills too. Plus knowing how to automate all your reports is always helpful.

Things to consider if you have that IT kinda mind and don't mind playing in the mud. Instrumentation and Controls Technician, always need someone who can mess with comms and networking bullshit. And im some places can get into automation programming, called mechatronics sometimes? HVAC/building automation technician. Industrial electrician focussing on trying to get into commissioning and PLC programming/automation.

Same with engineering type courses too. And all my science labs. And any contracts job forms etc. I'm constantly trying to get apprentices to break the habit of scratching things out. We dont destroy information. What if you were wrong about being wrong? And write units for things and not just numbers dammit.

Its mainly the market share thing really. Using good default policies on windows or Linux would kill a lot of malware but typical Linux users still just copy paste shit into the command line and add random repositories etc anyways. And a program running with my privileges in my home directory would be 99% as bad as it running as root since my machines are really just me using them.

It'll always be a problem for cracked software. But on Linux I find a good Free and open source alternative more readily than windows. I personally keep a good windows 10 VM around with snapshots for running software of dubious origins.

Maybe they just find their names distasteful.

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I mean, I bet he could. Im glad he doesnt, but your presidential executive model of democracy seems to be more prone to presidential dictatorships than some of the other legislative models.

I doubt most people know an open furry. But there's always been antifurry hate since they're kinda weird and niche and you can always try and link them to bestiality but just like now its always just been a thinly veiled wedge to start hating on gay and trans people and really anyone different. I think a lot more people understand intellectually someone who was born male but identifies as a woman than the whole fursona thing. Honestly antifurry rhetoric seems like an easy predictor to all kinds of minority hate. Love the litter box in the bathroom one have to tell people that's obviously stupid all the time.

And don't use alone, pretty tricky to narcan yourself. Also gotta watch out lots of non-fentanyl tranqs getting mixed in with shit these days and narcan only works on opiods

You might if it was a lower level position and you had like helped run your team or something like that. Or maybe university sports. I had hockey team and my high school band on my resume until I had real experience. Talk up things like working with a team and our fundraising stuff. Proves you probably aren't a complete antisocial weirdo at the least.

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It also picks up new episodes as they air.

If I had no other eyeballs probably. I would still hesitate if the hardware wasn't open ( I don't want an eye that they stop updating after 1 year or that gets ads when I switch insurance providers)

Eh, we have ice roads across lakes in the winter time for heavy hauling and everyone drives their vehicles out to go ice fishing and shit. I'd be more concerned that buddy just didn't known where the runway was lol.

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But you miss that having the money isn't necessarily the point they have power and control over resources people and machines as well as influence in government

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I dunno some intercity buses and trains would be nice... Like unless you can fly or rent a car I don't know how you get to most of the country without your own car.

Well spirituality will never go away but we can still try to shape our society in such a way that keeps institutions like the church from gaining massive power.

Yup the first person i thought of when seeing this meme is my apprentice, he is 19 and has only ever had an iPhone and cheap Chromebook. Even at school and everyone he knows is the same. We work in controls and all the technician side programs are all interfaces straight out of the 90s, I let him use my laptop the one day and he can barely use the menus, cant use any office program, had no idea what an IP address is and if the default com port doesn't work there is no way he was going to end up at the device manager page. Not that most people wouldn't have a bit of a learning curve.

Its the "apps" and web-apps its just one more layer of abstraction to turn your computer from a tool into an appliance.

He'll be fine eventually, he's going to buy himself a real laptop and start playing with it he said and there's the internet to learn anything he could need eventually. (Well not always where we work but hell manage). But I'd have almost the same difficulty teaching a young man who'd never seen a computer before as I would him.

Oh I know, it's a whole conspiracy to make everything an appliance you can only use in specified ways rather than useful tools. But its honestly going to start coming back on thses companies in another decade or two when no one can work on their shit for them without extensive training. Course I bet well see the big companies just buy out and run their own corporate schools and make good useful school for your kids one of their benefits for working for them but I like to believe that public schools arent dead yet in my province.

Totally, I just wanted to make sure people aren't discounting all journalling because of a therapist suggesting it in a shitty way.

Graphene also is way easier to use their google play sandbox then messing around with microg and shit on lineage. I'd love to see the sandbox stuff ported to lineage or similar but I imagine its pretty baked into graphene. Since I care a little about privacy but also just want my phone to be rooted so I can do whatever I want with it. Oh well maybe someday.

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We'll just have to carry gas generators on our electric trucks to drive to work in the bush I guess.

Well yeah but I don't like unsalted unbutter shellfish either usually.

Not the perspective I was arguing. I was arguing that people should be allowed to make informed decisions about what they want to put in their body and that criminalizing drug use doesn't help anyone but criminal drug gangs.

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Would that actually work? How long should the north have kept armies raised and occupied the south to completely root out all bad guys? How long of doing that before you become the bad guys? How would you keep the trials from just becoming witch hunts?

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I've had corporate LANs that I couldn't route around to my wireguard servers from even using netmakers turn server stuff which punches through most shitty lans.

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