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A hobbyist game dev, professional software engineer, and incremental connoisseur. I'm the creator of Profectus. He/him

I haven't gotten into vrchat personally, but I love that it's become well known as a good safe place for people to explore their gender identities

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Fwiw, I think using a self hosted home automation setup (shout out to home assistant) paired with smart devices that don't use internet (e.g. zigbee, zwave, or matter once it comes out) can allow you to have a smart home without these kinds of fears.

That said, I would definitely agree to using mechanical locks. Although a monitored smart security system is probably still a good idea - you're letting a company virtually enter your house, but you can't rely on a self hosted solution to notify you when your power goes out, for example.

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I think you're confusing liberalism with leftism. The post is talking about neoliberalism, which is fundamentally a political philosophy of "no bad systems, only bad actors", and is actually pretty darn anti-change and therefore conservative. If you'd like to watch a longer form essay that goes into more detail on the points that greentext brought up, and explains it within the greater context of Rowling's own politics, I highly recommend this video by Shaun (a leftist YT essayist):

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Good point, there's probably 999 other people working on those same exact pieces.

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All contributions being from monthly contributions is a very interesting note. They are what will allow you to reliably make long term decisions. Glad to see the monthly donations are still covering the expenses, and the runway is getting longer over time.

That's a really interesting article on how Amazon makes it money when prime is such a good deal for the consumers. I really hope Amazon gets broken up

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I'm personally a pretty hardcore leftist, and from this position both liberalism and conservatism are too right leaning for me. Of course the democrats are closer to me, but I think it's important to keep in mind they are conservative lite, not truly left leaning. Establishment Dems in particular do not have the best interests in the people in mind, similar to Republicans. "Both sides" are acting to preserve capitalism and consolidate power, not distribute it.

With that in mind, the typical "both sides" argument that there's extremists on both sides is ludicrous to me. Extreme leftism doesn't mean forgiving student debt or implementing a UBI, it's banning corporations in lieu of co-ops, or replacing any company that provides things we need to survive with state-run monopolies (like single payer healthcare, for example). Neither side is left enough, and rhetoric that there's a happy medium between the two parties will end with us being incredibly right leaning.

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The bit about "no" not meaning "no" means they're specifically implying meta employees can be sexually assaulted even if they say no. I'm sure it's said in jest, but it's still a fairly offensive comment.

I wonder how memes about WinRAR still get made. Besides everyone mentioning 7zip is better in every thread, windows explorer has been able to unzip things for ages now. Who is still using WinRAR?

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I think this article makes reasonable sense. Also that quote from Spez is so disheartening. Glad I'm not on reddit anymore

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I won't fight too hard against this, but I'd like to weigh in that I feel I'd fit more into a antiwork community than work reform. I legitimately believe we should abolish work (as opposed to labor), and work reform dilutes the cause.

But I understand the concerns with the baggage the term has and would sub to work reform if it was the one created - I can still sub to socialism and other leftist communities.

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I understand the typical issues with cops, but what issues are you thinking of that would also apply to firefighters? Are they systemically racist or enforcing the capitalist class' rule?

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Just as a heads up, anarchism doesn't preclude monetization. Co-ops are anarchist alternatives to corporations and already exist in many of the more progressive areas of the US today. The principle is just to remove unjust hierarchies, and you can still do that as much as possible while living under capitalism. Sure maybe some have founded some anarchist commune and live completely cash free, but I think the majority are just trying to flatten the hierarchies as much as is reasonable, and acknowledge the necessity of money in our current society.

As an anecdote, I'm pretty far left myself and will regularly read and participate in anarchist communities, but am totally okay with people trying to earn money in an as fair and ethical way as is reasonable in our current society.

I'd really really love for matrix to take off and to effectively replace discord, with continued development so things like stickers are supported in more clients, and to let servers be leaner.

However, if the friends and communities I want to talk to are all on discord, it's hard to pioneer the alternative chat.

I'll keep my matrix account and use it when I can, but discord will have to be on all my devices for the foreseeable future

I was looking into hosting a threadiverse app previously and was interested in kbin because lemmy was dealing with the csam stuff at the time and I liked the idea of combining microblogging into the threadiverse app. My overall takeaway from kbin though was that it was too new / missing too many features I needed, and development was slow enough that it felt like I'd have to implement all I need myself. So a community fork of an already not super active repo sounds... Well, I'm not optimistic about it, at least.

I think they mean in the sense that it's not a native desktop app (or mobile)

pixelfed seems to be getting some really nice improvements at an incredible rate. Props to those devs!

I'm in TX with a whole bunch of constituents amendments on the ballot. Never too optimistic about making a difference in such a conservative state, and particularly annoyed the only thing that could have a positive effect on our failing electric grid is a tax incentive for natural gas 🤮.

The only prop I'm still on the fence about is the university fund. I'm skeptical of state funding for universities, because my understanding is quite a bit of that goes to admin instead of lowering tuition. But most organizations seem to support the proposition, and the only ones who oppose it say they do so because the universities are too "woke". I don't want to vote in alignment with some alt right organizations :/

What happens when you name a mob JavaScript?

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If you picture the political compass, where the y axis is how how democratic the society is(where the top is tyranny and the bottom is anarchy) and the x axis is how socialized it is (where the left is communism and the right is capitalism), OP claimed that ancap (the bottom right quadrant) doesn't exist, and that those who claim to be ancap tend to be authoritarian right instead. You argued that democracy could exist in a socialist (leftist) society. You are not disagreeing with OP, because what you described is not a capitalist (right leaning) society.

Mentioning meta discussions about the community reminded me of this leftist video about how facism can infiltrate and convert communities. Amongst other techniques, facists can portray those who call out any negative problems developing within the community as enemies of the community. The whole series is very enlightening and has changed how I choose communities to participate in, and how to run any I'm part of the moderation team of.

Edit: and just to be clear, I'm here on beehaw because I believe in y'all's moderation philosophy, and trust it will continue to be a safe space for everyone

That last sentence is a bit annoying. Why wouldn't I trust anarchists with data? Did they just pull up a definition of kolektiva without actually understanding what anarchism is? The last sentence really implies they're using the incorrect but common definition of anarchism meaning "no rules" instead of the actual definition "no unjust hierarchies"

I'm going to give a narrower scope and mention something that bothers me in my neighborhood. I can bike to a park and ride for a bike-friendly train that goes directly to downtown with a decent frequency, which is fantastic! Unfortunately it's really only accessible by car, and I have to take quite a significant detour to get to it without needing to ride ~a mile on a very fast very busy main road without sidewalks :(. We're so close!

To clarify, that's for them hosting the service for you, and is intended for enterprises mainly. You can self host element, since it's open source, while only paying your own server costs, or just use an existing instance like on

I think it makes sense for a community to dictate what tags are allowed within that community. It's a similar system to tags on reddit. The programming community would probably have tags for each paradigm, you just wouldn't have to worry about people writing Vue, Vue.js, and Vue.JS as different tags.

I don't want to defend meta here, but I've heard this or similar about literally every social media site ever, when it first opens. It's way too early to tell if threads will be proactively moderating hate speech and other dangerous content.

Talking about a location with a map showing where it is, then revealing that the audience doesn't know geography / the place is not well known, because the map was wrong.

If you go to very leftist areas of the internet (socialist or communist areas, anywhere from anarchistic (bottom left) to authoritarian (top left)) you'll see people using liberalism by its political science definition, rather than the definition its taken on within American culture. It stems from the idea of capital moving freely (that is, liberally) without restrictions. You'll also see it referred to as neoliberalism in the same spaces.

Full disclosure, I myself am pretty extremely socially libertarian (arguably borderline anarchistic), and have used liberal derogatively myself.

Beehaw moment 😔

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Well funnily enough I think that part, legally, is totally fine. There's nothing anti competitive about being in two unrelated industries, and I don't think there's a good case that aws is a monopoly. There are viable and cheaper alternatives like hetzner, aws is just popular but it's not manipulating the market

That's a good article :+1:

I'm not sure I understand how this isn't already possible. Create an account on some federated platform, such as your own self hosted one, and people from any federated platform can now follow you. Isn't that already POSSE?

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That looks pretty cool! Especially since it looks like they're recently been working on docs for self hosting it. The obsidian integration also looks really interesting - I need to get better at actually using obsidian as a "second brain" rather than just a glorified TODO list haha.

Imagine looking at a video where he explicitly states leftists have no desire to rule by violence, and repeating the tired comment that he's a tankie.

Not new, but we are still defederated from world so I can't subscribe

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I totally agree. I'm optimistic about technology once we escape capitalism. Under socialism automation and technology make everyone's lives easier. e.g. the classic example of a technology that allows workers to be 2x more productive would mean the workers all keep their jobs and pay, but work half as much under socialism, but under capitalism half lose their job and the rest work just as much for the same pay.

That said, things like sustainability, social responsibility, and the other pieces of the "demoralization campaign" should absolutely be considered. They're important.

Considering the reasons for shutting down, specifically that it took too many resources to keep out bad actors and keep the site as safe as possible, I don't think making it open source is a good idea.

That looks pretty cool, although it doesn't appear to be FOSS. If I could use an app like that and self host the server or use next cloud to sync it that would be very cool. I noticed in their FAQ they're going to stop supporting nest and Google home voice commands, so if it were foss and you could integrate the server with home assistant that would've been super cool.

I'm just using matrix through other cinny on web and schildichat on android. You will need to self host if you want to host the bridges yourself without any possibility of another server owner seeing the unencrypted chats, but matrix is definitely the way to "future proof" your chatting imo.

Based as always, and it's a shame Congress won't listen