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Joined 12 months ago

Tanya Chutkan.

An Obama appointed judge voted in unanimously with McConnell leading the senate.

She's an absolute baddass and she's got no patience for bullshit. She was picked at random, and holds the standard for giving out the harshest sentences to Jan 6ers

You entirely missed the point of this picture.

This picture isn't about breaking Steve's fingers so you can both play shitty guitar. It's about making sure you can both access a guitar and lessons to learn.

The equality picture would be shoving a guitar in each of your hands and a coupon for lessons, while failing to address that you live 2 hours away from the teacher while he lives next door.

Eta: equity would be providing you with a free buss ride to the teachers house 2 hours away. This gives you all the tools to get guitar lessons, but, you might not be able to take advantage of this because a 5 hour commitment isn't the same as a 1 hour 5 minute commitment and you lose out on opportunity cost. You get free guitar lessons and a ride, but the system is broken. Justice is fixing the system so that there's enough guitar teachers within a reasonable distance. Like say, making sure that no one is more than 20 minutes from a guitar teacher.

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My husband had a nasty cold and the self scan he was using we later found out should have had an out of order sign on it. After missing the fact that it wasn't dinging for every item because he couldn't hear well, they pulled him and had him arrested. His total was off by $100 and he should've realized it, admittedly, but he just wanted to get home. We were able to get them to drop the charges because the self check out was malfunctioning but he's still banned from Walmart.

Those are likely suites of rooms. You can kind of see the partitions of larger areas before it becomes maze like.

As a palace, accommodations for residents and guests would need to account for entire family size, as well as potential retinue.

I can say that all 4 of my dogs caught it.

They're still alive, but my 13 year old has not and probably won't return to full function. He's got some pretty significant scarring on his lungs. We are in one of the affected states, and they caught it from the neighbors' dogs who brought it home from the groomers.

It's definitely in my area.

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Cross stitching.

I must have $700 worth of floss a 200$ custom stand and then accessories, I just gave away 82 skeins of off brand that advertised dmc dye standards, but WEREN'T. Don't buy floss from Amazon kids, it's worth it to do a custom order from joanns or Michael's mid project.

It started with wanting to do a fun little Christmas ornament project with the Littles and now I have 7 mid finished projects including a massive LOTR project I've restated 3 times, that has 1 of 12 8×11 pages done on this beast l nearly 3'x2' Aida cloth.

Just because you opted in, doesn't make their statement untrue.

The simplicity of use in the walled garden, caters to people who aren't techy. It's a huge reason for their success.

But just like "nontechy" people like my husband can use an android, "techy" people can opt into a system that caters to the opposite.

Do you know how many companies use just organic, and not "usda certified organic"


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Every person who goes by an American name because their real name is just to hard for their American friends, Co workers and neighbors to pronounce. Pretty much everyone in the US who says Cordon blue, Ganache, bolognese, prosciutto, Bon Marché, Coq au Vin, Verde, the name Guy, and dozens of other things I can name off the top of my head.

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Many top loaders will lock at certain points in the wash. Most often during the spin cycle. A top load with an agitator is just begging to break an impatient child's arm.

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Us, never. Just like with China you can't win a land war over here, and a home attack has a greater risk of uniting is against a common enemy.

Taiwan possibly. Though I don't think so. Taiwan is much more useful as a political chess piece that China can beat their chests about. They can invoke the island and be offended about support for it whenever they need leverage right now.

Not to mention it isn't just the US alone that needs Taiwan and movement there risks a global response.

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Honestly, it's worth skipping season 7 if you do make it that far. The leviathan are one of the worst television plots in history imo. That said it gets pretty decent again for a few seasons.

Jokes are funny

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The 80s will always be 20 years ago. Y2k was ten years ago, the 2010s didn't happen and we're both old.

The problem is that the GOP forgot to keep it a boogeyman. Hypocritical conservatives could continue the culture war against abortion as long as the independent, Democrat, and liberal woman believed SCOTUS wouldn't rip apart half a century of precedent. As soon as the monster came out from under the bed and became real woman began arming themselves to fight it.

Generally. Trump has an uncanny ability to secure bank loans though. And, if New York requires him to sell his properties in the fraud case it wouldn't surprise me if he was able to leverage the impending sale to secure the bond and then pull, well, a trump.

Remember, the rules you and I play by are not in effect here.

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And this is what it is for me.

The customization on sync gets me so damn close to what I had with relay that I'm just happy.

I used others, but they were heavily inspired by Apollo and the customization to make them closer to my muscle memory wasn't there. I'm happy to pay a talented developer who can give me my preferred experience.

And I really don't get this raging choosing beggar entitlement to people labor for free

You failed at reading the rest of the comment.

This is where justice would come in. Fixing the system so that resources are distributed automatically to provide everyone with equitable access to the tools

Hey cousin

Wasn't he in Belarus recently, threatening to take a large contingent of the Wagner group to "sightsee" in Poland?

The circumstances of that bill are weird af too.

They gave democrats no time to read it, and barely any time to get to the hill for the vote on the first place. Arguably, the only reason they voted for it at all is because of the congressman who pulled the fire alarm, giving dems time to read and see it was a reasonable bill.

But, if the dems hadn't had time to read the bill, they likely would've voted against it on the premise of not voting on something they don't understand hasn't read, and someone they inherently don't trust presented under shadycircumstances. Then McCarthy would've had a shutdown like Gaetz wanted, but, one he could've blamed on the dems, for not voting for this very reasonable extension bill.

Oh poppy cock. Oregon has some pretty diverse grocery options most of them cheaper than Kroger and Albertsons.

For example, corvallis, has a winco, Walmart market, grocery outlet, and traders Joe's, all of which I can easily spend less at than Safeway or Fred Meyer, which is the big Kroger brand in Oregon.

Then there's also, university market and natural grocers, 15 minutes down 22 there's an iga, locally owned chains designed to be close to certain housing, smaller, a little more expensive.

Then there's the Asian (like HK) and Indian (like Desi) markets. There used to be a Mexican grocery they're but it shut down. I'm certain you'll have one in Portland though. These places have amazing specialty ingredients as well as some great deals on standard stuff.

Finally there's a market of choice which is traditionally expensive, but occasionally has some seriously good deals.

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He could get a bond to secure the appeal of he can find a bank who will lend to him. Which might be easier, with what looks like the impending sale of his New York properties

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We can hope.

Last I looked he was in financial ruin which is why he had to sell the gun on ebay. He filed multiple failed lawsuits that were dismissed. His wife divorced him. Accused of intellectual property theft.

He does seem to have an "uncanny" ability to avoid criminal liability though.

I feel like prince of Persia missed on timing more than anything. It came out too close to dragon emperor imo. And the same year as clash of the titans. It's a decent flick, but not good enough to outrun the comparisons on what all 3 did poorly. (Mostly dialog)

That's actually where justice comes in.

Fixing the system so all people have equal access automatically under the system

I honestly think I say "no" at work when I mean yes, (and everyone knows it) just so that I can have this little rebellion

Define support.

They're not devoid of allies beyond the US and in general have vocal support of most of the western world.

But only 13 countries recognize them as a country, but not even the US is on that list of 13. Interestingly however, the Vatican does recognize them.

Which is why, they're remain a nice political chess price for China.

There are high efficiency top loaders too. I have an old style one because I couldn't afford to keep repairing my HE, and 400 for a new top loader was cheaper than replacing the motherboard in my HE for the 3rd time.

The juxtaposition of "anyone he wants without raping them" against "sentenced to 30 years for rape" has a pretty clear contextual implication that you intentionally ignored.

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No company holds themselves back from viable improvement because of a timeline thrown out at the beginning. What a weird take.

What is more likely "nope wecan't make a change yet, this better product is out on every other peice of tech we and our competitors used, but someone said 10 years 2 years ago so we're gonna wait another 6 to begin development"


"This product is so serviceable enough for charging a phone and as long as we keep it we can continue to make significant money off of proprietary connectors"

They upgraded the iPad because the lightening was no longer a viable charging cable, the tech couldn't keep up. And the EU has been threatening to establish a standard since the 30pin was in service, because it locked out competition back then. It became a serious issue to deal with after dongles became standard.

Edit: Oh God it's you. 4 days later and another hot shit take. Apparently I need to block you to improve my lemmy experience.


The company I work for now has very much this attitude for the last 50 years.

As a result they have 3 locations, no sops, and no accountability.

Over the last 6 months is been my job to put us back in compliance with local and federal reporting requirements and develop SOPs. The feedback from the bottom up is that it's wonderful to have consistency, different bosses giving the same answers to questions, auditors being able to complete audits in expected and appropriate times, and in compliance with reporting regulations.

Can companies go overboard and employ people like me who do busy unnecessary work? Absolutely. But it is definitely appropriate to have a couple of administrators.

Oh someone mentioned it under Washington, but cash n carry is gold too. It's a restaurant supply store and is better for bulk imo than Costco because it's just food and kitchen supplies. Easier to walk in and buy what you need then leave than Costco.

Also, no membership needed

Also sorry if I seemed like a dick. The poppycock thing sounded funny in my head but on reread came across condescending.

It's literally the title of the post my dude.

That was said in response to the context of Danny Masterson being sentenced to jail for rape.

It is relevant, and you are choosing to die on the hill of pedantry on a point no one but you is actually asserting. You choose to take a figure of speech, that was a juxtaposition of the title of the article and apply an absolute. It doesn't read that easy to anyone who isn't making a choice to omit the context.

That's a choice you can make you do not speak for all

Weird. We pass word documents back and forth all day and formatting is no problem. Even Adobe pdf to year conversions come out fine across the board.

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It's always funny when people make bad jokes, and insist it's everyone else who has a shitty sense of humor.