1 Post – 59 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I know this comment could receive some negative feedback, but Lemmy lacks diversity in its userbase, compared to Reddit (or Tumblr in the old times). It's just a feeling, when I scroll through comments and posts on Lemmy, I picture most of the users as 16-46 yo white males.

EDIT: changed "45" to "46", see comment below.

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You should see beyond what's written: Venice has a big tourists' problem, who are not only increasing in numbers but also disrespectful of the history, the city and the people working and living in it. This story isn't anecdotical, it's emblematic of a widespread issue of touristic consumerism.

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I thought the Dreamcast earned this title

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reminds me of the abu ghraib photos

"Light bounces around, getting in the shade does nothing against sunburn because the sunrays are bound to get to your skin from elsewhere than just a straight line"

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People of different background have more chance to have a bigger diversity of point of view. You may not be able to guess the background of a single commenter, but you can spot things missing. Also, I wasn't actually thinking about race, but gender identities and sexual orientations as well.

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Trolley buses are great, look them up.

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it eggs ten state

you're an idiot, you're not exchanging anything, you're confusing agressivity with wit

The italian mind for sure tolerates more contradiction than most, but that doesn't mean italian people can't complain.

Also, there is a lot of different factors at play in your comment. Even only in regards to sewers, can you imagine the complexity of designing, implementing and renovating a sewer system in a historical millenia-old city built on water?

Reverence is a projection, I don't think italians demand reverence, but respect and empathy would be a nice start.

It is in place because using entirely renewable power means changes have to be made to the country's electricity grid.

as a Swiss, it is an issue. our glaciers are metling more and more every year and we rely on hydropower a lot, we need all the rain and water we can get, even if it seems like there is a lot.

This report has no critical value, they're trying to convince sceptic investors that bitcoin has a value as an investment. Their whole argument is that it has the qualities and potential to replace other monetary goods. There is no questions regarding how the system works, the speculation, the inequalities, etc. Looking at the state of the world and the role of capitalism in this tragedy, it feels completely disconnected to read that bitcoin is great because it could maintain the statu quo.

Isn't it because alot of US aid actually goes to arm's producers in the US who then send weapons to Ukraine, so if Ukraine produced those weapons themselves, this money would go towards ukrainian salaries too?

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I think you're right, maybe I'm just being impatient. I just appreciate the mix of points of view, I think it helps to see things differently.

That's not world news, that's propaganda. The article is so biased and doesn't even pretend to understand the dynamics or context of Switzerland's parliament.

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you seem confused

I just had to stop and note how great this comment is, I learned more in two sentences than in several articles relying on my attention for money. Thank's!

That's the answer, the gnocchi pastas imitate the shape of the potato gnocchi. I also wouldn't really call potato gnocchi pastas, like if I invite people to eat and say I'm cooking pastas, nobody's expecting potato gnocchi. But I think in Italy they're in the same aisle as fresh pastas. The thing is - and op's picture is correct - that italians actually differenciate between different shapes of pasta, for the simple reason that pasta shapes have functional reasons and different shapes correspond to different dishes.

It's an emblem of Venice, whether you like it or not. Things have a symbolic value separated from their historical or financial value.

Also, the people of Venice aren't a homogeneous entity, they encompass various opinions, values, etc.

Finally, things aren't black or white. People of Venice can rely on some kind of tourism while not wanting to be invaded by disrespectful tourists.

This cynic's stance is lame.

I have never agreed more with a stranger on a topic so niche

In Switzerland we don't even have Amazon. We can order from one of the neighbourhing countries' Amazon, but they don't always ship here. There are a lot of alternatives though.

well you gotta do what you gotta do

I've only been on Lemmy for a few weeks but this is the best comment this platform will ever have

Thank you for taking the time to explain my muddied understanding of linux and its various distros! You're completely right about the stuff around packages and updates being the important differentiators, and it's really hard to grasp without using linux and testing different things. Coming from popos and typing apt-get in steamos, but wait I should use pacman and oh what are those AppImage I keep hearing about: that was really confusing because I didn't know what knowledge I lacked and how to look it up. reason was and some information about it was just contradictory. I think the steamos thing changing from debian to arch actually confused me a lot too, plus contradictory information and command lines, etc.

From what I gather, and thinking back on my short and past, while appreciated, incursion into the linux world:

  • I prefer KDE over gnome (I think that's what's bothering me about my install of popos at the moment)
  • Typing command line doesn't bother me (on the opposite: I feel like I understand what is going on better if I can actually type in commands), but I don't fully understand the difference and advantages/disadvantages between pacman, apt, yum, etc. I'm more used to apt and I feel like there's more information available, but that's it.

Thank you also for the info about nitrux and the others, there is a lot of confusion between prettiness (or eye-candiness ;) ) and actually good ui/ux, and you were on the point.

one suggestion: pocketcasts

Calling the 153 countries who voted in favour of a ceasefire, including Finland, Canada, Australia, Japan, Norway, Belgium, Sweden or Switzerland, a "block of authoritarian and Muslim countries primarily" is a bold claim. Here is the list of the 10 countries who voted against – for fun I've included their latest score on the Democracy Index, on a scale from 0 to 10 where 10 is the most democratic –: Austria (8,2), Czech Republic (7,9), Guatemala (4,6), Israel (7,9), Liberia (5,4), Micronesia (no data), Nauru (no data), Papua New Guinea (6,5), Paraguay (6,1), United States of America (8,2).

Thank you for the suggestions, I'll besure to look into it. I think I had an intuition but completely underestimated the importance of the community around a specific distro. When you're not actively using Linux, it's hard to grasp what criteria should be favored and what significance they will have, not just for anybody but for me.

So I should try it, and I must say the more I hear about fedora the more interested I am.

I am really pleased with all the answer I got and surprised by their wholesomeness. You were able to bring some clarifications on important points that have been really obscure for me for a long time. I will take some time to reply and/or ask follow-up questions, but I wanted you to know that your help is appreciated.

At least instant coffee makes sense in an economical way: it saves steps and time. what i don't get are filter coffee machines, the coffee they make is always horrendous.

I don't use windows but I was curious and checked out the website, their proposition looks really interesting

I used gnome a long time ago and didn't really like it, but it might be worth a try. A lot of things change in ten years!

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It was a great info dump and I'm thankful for it!

on SteamOS you don't install things to your system (i.e. the equivalent to apt/yum/pacman/portage in other distros) because it's immutable, but there is a store to install Flatpaks for your user which I'm sure you can install on other distros (or something similar enough)

That's exactly what I didn't understand without knowing I didn't understand it!

SteamOS used to be debian based, it's now Arch based, not that that should matter to you because 90% of using a Linux for day to day will be through the DE or with commands that are the same for all distros, so anything with Plasma/KDE will look and behave the same as SteamOS.

While that's true, 10% is a big percentage!Especially when you first discover a distro, you spend a lot of time trying to understand how to install this and why is that not working, at least for me: not being unable to replicate what little knowledge I had about linux (from ubuntu and popos) on steamos really confused me, even though I tried to gather as much information as I could.

I guess steamos being immutable also played a big part in my confusion...

I know it's a week-old thread, but I just received the notification on the Instagram app about the subscription and I have a few thoughts. First of all, here it's actually 12 euros. As a relatively light user - I check Instagram maybe once or twice a day and FB once a week or every two weeks, just to keep in contact with people I don't text -, that's a lot of money to give to Meta for those services. I'm all for paying to have content without the tracking and the ads, but not 12 euros unfortunately. Which is, I guess, why they chose such a high price.

My bad, I edited my comment.

The sad thing is I knew at the time, but lack of games and, most of all, the lack of my friends having it, made the dreamcast lose in favour of its contenders.

reminds me of the improv "Bears gotta get knowledge" on the Dropout show Play It By Ear.

This one.

You assumed op were young because that allowed you to display your wisdom, while answering a question they didn't ask. when someone pointed that out and someone else said that ordering online had advantages because you could find things you otherwise wouldn't, you got defensive.

idiotic takes make them an idiot.

just before that comment i was in a thread where they (op hacktheprisons) insisted through dozen of comments that they've never seen anyone ever say that biden and trump are two sides of the same coin, as a justification to vote for trump or to not vote at all.