2 Post – 65 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

Yeah but those are arguments to cd, the error says command not found

Edit: Sorry didn't see /S

There are basically two types of files. Text files and binary files.

Most information are stored in text files so humans can easily understand it, and it's easier to find errors, review, parse. But text storage takes more space than binary files. And many complicated softwares normally need multiple text files or data files, many of them just store them together as a zip file so that it's easier to handle. Examples are .docx,.pptx, etc files in MS Office, try unzipping them and see what they contain. Zipping also has advantages of reducing file sizes.

You can use your library for commercial projects that you have. Just have dual license that requires payment for commercial use or something similar. You don't have to pay yourself

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Underscore to delineate different parts, hypen to delineate words.

Like: my-resume_draft.pdf

And to make it consistent and easier to reuse parts for project names and such, I have a command line utility written for it. It caches the parts and uses a template system (support for generating current datetime in parts)

Available here (is in AUR too):

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Hey this solution seems to work but it's not perfect; I don't know how we can improve it, and nothing to replace it with, but let's take it down asap.

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So the AI boom has made the bots depressed too huh ...

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But if everyone is using it to mean something new then we need to record that.

For the OCR, have you tried tesseract? For printed documents it can take image input and generate a pdf with selectable text. I don't OCR much but it has been useful when I tried a few times.

You might be able to have a script that takes the scanner input into tesseract and output a pdf. It only works on a single image per run so I had to make script to run it on whole pdf by separating it and stitching it back together.

Without open sourcing it, it would probably been hard to market it and keep improving it though. Like if Linux was not open source project it probably would have had the same fate so many other OS before it had.

It's hard to screenshot dreams because you are in your dreams and have very low conscious control over your real body.

But you can start the screen recording before you goto sleep so that it'll be recorded automatically. You can extract frames. Good luck.

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I wouldn't say that. For primitives yeah, day or two. But if you want to build a proper program, it'll take time to get used to it. For my first few projects I just used clone everywhere. Passing by reference and managing lifetimes, specially when writing libraries is something that takes time to get used to. I still don't feel confident.

Besides that I do like Rust though. Sometimes I feel like "just let me do that, C let's me", but I know it's just adding safety where C wouldn't care.

Not much documentation. I tried to use it, but it was really hard to figure out anything.

Can you do makepkg in the clone of yay PKGBUILD from aur? That seems like a better solution than symlinking...

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Someone already talked about the XY problem, so I'll say this.

Why sound notification instead of notification content? If your notification program (dunst in my case) have pattern matching or calling scripts based on patterns and the script has access to which app, notification title, contents etc. then it's just about calling something in your bash script.

And any time you wanna add that functionality to something else, add one more line with a different pattern or add a condition in your script. Comparing text is lot more reliable than audio.

Of course your use case could be completely different, so maybe give some examples of use case so people can give you different ways to solve that instead of just the one you're thinking of.

I don't mind them making money off of it, as long as they contribute to the open source community by improving it, contributing upstream, or using it in other systems and keeping those open source as well. I want other people to benefit from the effort I made and published, and if someone wants to improve it, I want others to benefit from there too.

I don't want the case like insulin in US, where the first invention is free because they wanted everyone to benefit from it. But now it's super expensive because of the incremental advances other corps did that are patented. And the free version is no longer viable to use without those incremental improvements.

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M-x M-c butterfly

If there was an easy way to use rust or something on webassemly and use that instead of JS. I'd be so happy, but I can't find how to do it without npm.

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Yeah, I knew it wasn't a bot reply, but since I thought you marked it as such it was a fun comment.

It is kinda like that. We have a tracker that we added because they increased the insurance rate and said if you install this device we'll keep the rate low based on driving patterns.

Basically records how often you drive, hard break/sharp turns, after midnight drives, etc. We don't drive the car often so the prob of accident is low but we recently learned that they can consider not driving enough also bad saying it can make you drive recklessly or sth.

Did you solve it? Recently there was a problem with graphics thing and downgrading mess from 1.24 to 1.23 helped me. It was in arch with AMD graphics, but some people said Nvidia ones also had the problem.

Edit: mesa not mess

Just ask if it's correct. If not destroy the universe. Only The correct will survive, it's O(1)

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About the malware thing. Won't the Linux use increasing in organizations give incentive for attackers to make malwares targeting linux? It's not like we're malware free, it's just that average user is informed enough and there is low use of linux making it not worth as much to target desktop users.

I was thinking the same, smartphones would definitely do everything it can to make images sharp so it's probably not going to be easily stackable.

Still it feels like something should be there to combine the pictures to make better drawing, as there're softwares to generate 3D models from smartphone pictures.

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That's how you're supposed to use AUR, I think. All yay, paru, etc do is make it convenient to do that while also helping with searching and upgrading them.

I used planner recently

I also searched a lot z and didn't find good options. It works, but I don't like the way it looked.

Yeah it is sad that we don't have flash. But today I saw there's a program Ruffle (written in Rust) that can run flash, and add support to browser through extensions or something.

I'm fine as long as it is used in other GPL projects. I just don't want them to take this, use it on some proprietary code and make money/mine data and other things and not contribute to upstream or open source in general.

I hadn't thought about the network usages, I though GPL covered it. So, is AGPL everything GPL has plus software service from network? If yes, then I will use that license. EDIT: Saw that AGPLv3 is indeed GPLv3 + the network thing.

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If whatever changes/improvement they make is available for everyone to use, I consider that contributions to the open source.

That seems like a wonderful function. Considering android support external mouse with cursors. I hope someone can make a FOSS version and put it in F-droid.

Ever heard of open source?

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Please give me a couple millions.

I think that's why Github suggests MIT as default. Unaware people will just put that. Most open source people just code things they want without thinking much on other aspects. We really need some sort of enforcement to stop companies banking on voluntary work done for the community.

Similar. But I do contribute by adding things I want to some projects I use if it's simple enough.

And my pile of shit has like 40 stars, so maybe I have one or two other users besides me.

You know how people say "Devil you know is better than God you don't"?

Excel is that Devil people know. It's not the best tool for a lot of stuffs but it let's people do things.

I saw a co-worker generate sequence for formula in excel for another cell in excel. They wanted to do average of all January data, instead of averageif/sumif/countif etc, they generated a sequence a1+a13+a25...... And used excels' drag down thing to make the formula. I'm like who could even verify it.

It doesn't have cups? You should be able to install it and plasma's ctrl+p should work with it.

Thank you. I'm a PhD student, so I do not have access to Lawyers that I can ask, and it probably will cost me money to get their opinion if I seek professional lawyers.

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And how do I find a job like that?

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Thank you.

From my interactions with the people that'll fund this. It does look like they want me to just develop this. But my advisor has not done this kind of software development grants. And the people I talked to might also not know what their organization's legal requirements are put in contract. That's why I want to know what kind of language I should use in proposal so that it can be used as a point of discussion if someone from their organization says we can't do that. Instead of them just assuming I'll hand over everything.

Draw seems to disregard the form fields, so I could probably fill it in Firefox, and use draw to edit the auto calculated fields. It'll work for printed forms, but if any org uses pdf fields extractor wouldn't that be a problem?

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Further points:

I also have a lot of other libraries and programs that I have developed and published with GPLv3 license, so I also want to integrate them with the new program. Since I don't want to reinvent the wheel for things I have already done. And I'll probably want to integrate this software on things I might make in the future.