13 Post – 293 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You mean in international airspace over international waters?

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In what world does the Barbie movie have a plot that requires a map showing territorial waters of the South China Sea? Even if she was traveling the world this specific part of a map seems like it’s zero value added.

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Bigger and heavier vehicles (more specifically “trucks” which aren’t legally defined by their beds and encompass virtually anything larger than a simple sedan) are exempt from the majority of fuel economy standards. As a result many auto makers have just straight up stopped making “cars” and shifted entirely to larger vehicles because they can get away with more emissions. Yes, a 2023 SUV is slightly more efficient than a 2013 SUV, but so many more of them are being sold instead of cars that the overall emissions are way higher. I love my Ford Focus from 2017 but Ford literally cancelled every single sedan, coupe and hatchback other than the Mustang and now exclusively makes SUVs, trucks and a single sports car.

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The Chinese are absolutely allowed to fly planes there. What is against international law is unsafe intercepts and flying within 10 feet of another aircraft.

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I mean, California bans this as well and they aren’t exempt despite being where Reddit is located. Spez doesn’t seem to care what is legal.

Last I saw I thought he was also criminally charged since this was well outside the scope of castle doctrine or no duty to retreat. Both of them require a reasonable threat which was not present.

When it changed from "Social Media" to "Social Media" it really went to shit. That and when Google's new board decided "don't be evil" was no longer compatible with their goals. Yeah, the internet used to be great...

That is already a thing. The prohibited persons restriction of the Lautenberg Amendment applies to any possession, not just ownership. Even the military is required to continually verify that servicemembers are still legally allowed to be issues weapons for duty.

Until the exemptions for “light trucks” go away this won’t change. The current CAFE standards reward automakers for making even larger, less efficient and more dangerous “passenger” vehicles every year.

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Looks like she just bought it and the finger is whatever, maybe the slot wasn’t comfortable for her whole hand.

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I don’t get it, the title actually says what the point is… wtf is going on here. Shouldn’t it say “#1 pirated show of 2023 revealed!!!!” or “NETFLIX BEATS OUT DISNEY WITH SURPRISE PIRACY RANKING!!”

It’s almost 2024, I didn’t think meaningful titles were allowed anymore.

If you use it to control the TV the only thing it can do is turn it off permanently.

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Automatic probably would have had fewer since it would have missed with most the shots. Lethality like that requires controlled and aimed fire with individual shots.

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A secret service vehicle likely has fully automatic weapons inside as well as encrypted radios with current keys and who knows what level of sensitive real time info on presidential movements. It wasn’t just an “unoccupied car” it was a liability that could lead to real danger to the public.

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Where I used to live and work near Hartford range anxiety wouldn’t be an issue. Where I now live and work in Oklahoma it still is an extremely big issue. A friend in CO with an EV wanted to come visit but couldn’t make the drive in one day due to charging options. Hell, if I want to go on a 4 hour drive to Amarillo I need to carefully plan my fuel stops because there’s hundred mile stretches where I can’t even fill up my Ford Focus, let alone charge a Tesla. Range anxiety is a legitimate concern for much of the country.

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We can go deeper…

There isn’t much on top of the wing that is highly critical. Some planes you can’t even see the top from anywhere in the plane too. An actual issue like leaking fluids or damaged flight control surfaces are visible from the bottom. Something like a few missing fasteners really isn’t t that alarming. I’ve flown plenty of times with some missing, sometimes speed taped and sometimes both the first few times I asked the crew chief but eventually I became familiar with where and how many missing weren’t an issue.

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There are only fighter escorts if there is a specific threat with hostile intent that requires them. Most non-fighter Air Force aircraft don’t fly with escorts routinely.

Thank god. I was a little bit nervous he was going to pull it off. His signs have been all over town for over a month and only in the last week did I see any signs against him, there weren’t that many.

The article you linked makes no mention whatsoever of the oil being special in any way. Quick googling says it’s just crude that is high in sulfur and lower in gravity. So basically it’s a slightly cleaner version of the lower grades, nothing coveted or specifically sought after.

Meanwhile, your own article mentions that the lifting of sanctions is in direct response to election reforms and predicated upon further action to allow free elections and release political prisoners. Per your own source, the reason for the change is to encourage less dictator like actions and not US demand for their specific oil.

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As someone who has traveled across many countries all over the world. Anytime it’s illegal to say “this country is a shithole” quite often that country is a shithole.

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The percentage of people I know that like HOAs is absurdly small, including neighbors and acquaintances from the last HOA I was in. Almost everyone I know hates them but is forced to deal with them because almost every neighborhood has one. Towns require them for new zoning because it allows them to pass the buck on code enforcement and then a handful of people love them because it lets them power trip The vast majority are just stuck with them due to lack of options.

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Neither Donald Trump nor actual conservative politics have any core foundation in the Christian faith.

Having a .22 under the Christmas tree and having unsupervised access to it are two very different things. I know plenty of people who got rifles for their younger children but keep them in a safe with their own guns until the kids are older.

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Now THIS is a shitpost!!

This isn’t anything they actively did though. The literal point of AI is that it learns on its own and comes up with its own response absent human interaction. Meta very likely specifically added code to try and prevent this, but it just fell short of overcoming the bias found in the overwhelming majority of content that led to the model associating Hamas with Palestine.

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The precedent is that an individual officer has no duty to protect any given individual on the basis that the collective police have a responsibility to the public as a whole that outweighs an individual. That argument doesn’t work when the entire department stood by and actively prevented any action against the shooter.

Lincoln didn’t qualify to be on the ballot in 10 out of 11 Confederate states. In Virginia northerners were successful in getting enough signatures to get him on but he got basically no votes.

She's an actress that I haven't seen anything about or even remembered existed for years and years. The zero fucks given of walking around with a brand new Glock and tacos is rather awesome though.

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Shoot jacketed and use cold water to keep the pores in your skin closed.

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There’s also the disconnect of what is being made by manufacturers versus what many people want. An overpriced and massive luxury SUV has never appealed to me, yet that is basically the primary vehicle being made. I could buy a new car if I wanted to, all 3 of mine are paid off but there isn’t a single new car being made that I want to drive more than my 2017 Ford Focus. If it was totaled tomorrow I would absolutely pay a premium to get it replaced rather than buy something new. When supply is low prices come up and used cars are a commodity that is desirable to many and not available from current manufacturers. 5000 lb EVs just do not appeal to me in any way.

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I wonder if they consider the NRA? It would be weird to exclude 501C3s but not 501c4s and PP operates separately as both.

Yeah, it would be interesting to see that ever happen.

Is it though? I would rather an iPhone 16 mini pro than a folder. I want usable form factor that is t a 2 hand monstrosity.

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There's a reason I specifically opened with how in CT it isn't an issue before explaining that in the majority of the country (notice I said country vs the population) it still is. Like the CT governor you still seem to not quite grasp the reality of what it is like to live somewhere other than a built up urban area. There are no buses here, there are no trains here. If I wanted to rent a gas car, I need to drive 120 miles to the city because there isn't a rental option in my town (which actually qualifies as a "city". It's an hour drive to the nearest movie theater. While NYC alone has more people than the entire state of OK, there are still millions of people living here that simply can't get by with an EV for day to day lives, let alone if they want to make a trip by any transportation method. Add in the fact that even with current developments and proposals battery energy density is a hard limit of physics and chemistry, unless a completely new method of energy storage is invented it will always be 1/100th of what gasoline has meaning EVs will continue to be absurdly overweight. Don't worry, I'm not in a rush to sell any of my ICE vehicles, at this point I might literally hold onto them forever because there isn't a single car being made new right now that I like better than anything I currently own.

Songs and albums that I’ve listened to for years have disappeared from my Apple Music subscription. I swapped completely to a paid service and never looked back until they removed things I could listen to last month.

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What about tacos?

There's a lot of unanswered questions, even after the investigation was completed. A FOIA request showed that the ATF was prohibited from inspecting any of the guns to check for full auto modifications. It was a deliberate choice by investigators to not determine anything pertaining to the function of any given weapon.

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He had bump stocks, the official investigation never determined whether or not he used them or if any of the rifles were illegally modified to be actual machine guns.

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The US version is a system that calculates the risk of loaning money vs being paid back. In order to be approved for a loan the credit score is used to evaluate whether or not it is likely to be paid back within the terms of the loan. As a result those with bad credit have trouble getting favorable terms for cars, housing and basically anything that can't be purchased outright. Does it negatively affect people for things outside of their control and perpetuate cycles of poverty? Absolutely, but it is based in actual fiscal risk to calculate sustainable loan practices.

China on the other hand took the US term of "credit" and abused the everloving shit out of it to punish people that the government dislikes. Did your cousin post a Xi Jinping Winnie the Pooh meme? Well too bad that you were shopping for a house, because your "credit" is no longer high enough to not be homeless. You should have thought of that before you were related to someone who disagreed with the government!

Not being able to demonstrate to a bank that you are financially reliable enough to pay back a loan is unfortunate, but a rational reason for an unfavorable interest rate or denial of a loan. Making people ineligible for even renting an apartment that is within their financial means because the dictator in charge dislikes you is a completely different thing altogether.