1 Post – 86 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yes because nobody will hire someone with disabilities and finding a job is incredibly difficult without disabilities.

My parents are retired from jobs they had most of there life. I only ask out of necessity though.

Fuck capatilism

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Before I even read it I knew it was more ads or AI of some sort and yep it's both. Sure yeah we need more ads. Can I get a Microsoft store button on mouses now? Ohoh a dedicated 2nd screen for ads on every monitor. We must please the share holders and the rich!

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Tested this a while back, had me and my gf talk about kids like where going to have one and all that but never got any baby products before and never typed or asked any electronics about anything related to it.

Within like a few days we started getting ads for babies and expecting parents.

It's solid proof there always hearing us.

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Wait tell they see American platforms like Facebook!

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Factorio. Help I got 4k hours and I still get cravings.

Honorable mentions.

Rimworld, Dyson sphere program, Minecraft (before it became microcrap)

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Idk if Boeing keeps heading the way it's going....

Lots of people can't just straight up ditch it. I have had multiple websites just don't work with Firefox regardless of whatever add-ons I put. For me I just go into a Windows sandbox, but there's people who are not that tech savvy and it's often forced on them. Also iirc most schools have chrome books they let students use. So it's basically forced onto people.

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Remember, food insecurity Is a feature of capatilism and is designed to make people compliant, can't revolt if they can't eat.

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The real question is, why should we try to not eat beef for the environment, when corporations make 90% of all pollution in the world.

Maybe focus on the 90% of the problem and not the individual people who but meat?

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Kill pixels and destroy the pixelated worlds of video games and then create a paradise in it.

Why I now don't ever go there. The one dollar drinks and the fries was something I went to for a treat every once in a while, now I just not go to any of the fast food or even restaurants

Besides in and out because I know they won't change anything, they haven't changed anything sense idk forever

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Oh no are there going to try to block the ad blockers but then the ad blockers block the ad blockers blockers? When will it end? They can keep on trying to make it worse but people will just keep figuring out how to bypass it.

Is it absolutely certain and nothing I can do to change it?

If so fuck yes I'm pretty much immortal tell that date.

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A different take from a different person.

Accessibility for my disabilities, able to have the lights turned down when I have a migraine and can't get up because of pain, as well as reminders and timers with just my voice. Automation helps with my disabilities too.

As someone with dissociative identity disorder (formally known as very out dated term multiple personality disorder (which d.i.d. people really hate being called)).

Usually Never, sense we control one body I would be considered suicidal tendencies.

Although with d.i.d. everyone has different systems they have, as with just well. All Humans. All of us are different and present our d.i.d. in different ways. So theoretically a alter could, yes, but generally not very often.

Source = my whole fuckin life.

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Fuckin annoying tbh. Can't stand when giga corps do this and sense it's required for rcs I can't just go get a better foss alternative sense none of the people I text are tech savvy or able/willing to switch to something else and rcs is pretty essential for me knowing if someone read it or not.

If I could I would ditch all google and giga corps products but I'm way to poor to do that. And it's so ingrained into society it's hard to find anything that works with these proprietary shit.

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Reformatted windows and installed Linux.

Wait before the hate. This was the first time I did it and knew nothing about it and didn't know it would wipe my system. So I lost everything.

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What makes me irritated is when I go to any kinda uplifting news places it's usually low key abelism or sexism or somethings people don't understand can harm people which is weird

Aka inspiration porn

That's pretty much America after school too. If you are not a high achiever, your seen as not worth it and "lazy". Also Amerikkkas school system is what I believe to weed out people who don't conform to society, and make kids into better servants for capatilism. Imo of course.

Isn't this just a ban on Chinese evs? Just with extra steps? Make it impossible financially to sell it in the US pretty much is a ban without saying it's a ban

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Everyone always going to polyamory because of a bad relationship in there monogamous relationship is why there's so much bad negativity about it.

It's just consenting adults who love each other.

Still have the same drama and problems of monogamous relationships. But more problems and less problems, yet slightly different ,The same with anything


I would want to add more but it's so incredibly much my brain can't process and type that much.

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Just ea copy and pasting to steam again lol

End fucking capatilism and the religious cults (all of them, mainly Christians)

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Perhaps something gender neutral in case they wish to change their gender or name later in life

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I am the specs... Corporations own everyone and implanted chips into everyone.

Fyi ABA is considered highly unethical in the autism community.

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Truthfully it's mainly because of sexism and how people think that certain clothes = certain sex and gender or sexual orientation.

And reality you fail the capatilism fucks you up because failures is never a option is this capatilistic hellscape

Friend or partner usually works but there's other more cute fun things but if your not sure just basic is the way to go and as always. Ask them what they want but in a casual genuine way.

I'm sorry I legally not allowed to show or describe my looks online as it's considered a high war crime.

Tbh I don't think they care, I mean the government is pretty much reliant on Microsoft products like Outlook and Excel. So yeah they could if it became a enemy, but sense they can like cuckold the government to do things, it don't really matter much.

I use the app "should I answer" on Google play store. It worked pretty well for my partner who isn't really that smart with that kinda stuff and used to get lots of calls. But it helped her a bit mitigating it.

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Do you know of a wiki or link to this about trek boards and first email? Search engines now a days are getting on my nerves about not showing what I typed into it.

Only Facebook because I'm forced to in order to talk to my mom who helps me financially and she's not tech savvy enough for anything else.

From my own past and trauma, in my personal experience it's because my parents, family, ex friends/ partners that whenever they complimented me it's always because it's not true but instead they used it to manipulate me into doing something.

So whenever someone compliments me my brain automatically suspects there trying to harm me, even if I know that's not rational.

Manipulation, propaganda, deception, among other things. Mormons have been known to be extremely persuasive and pretty bad at guilt tripping people to join there ranks in there cult.

Also privilege And forced into it. Can't leave the church when all your family friends who you need to have in order to live will disown you and potentially be without a community or (because of dorms) housing among other things.

Why would I need to make a Wilson? I got enough people In my head. #d.i.d.

Where does one get a good rss feed viewer? My Google and ddg is full of shit adds that are not rss feeds

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The easy anti cheat that has root access and can allow hackers into your system? Nah