16 Post – 285 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's a Lose-Lose situation. Reddit has a fetish for that...

He almost destroyed EA. Switched to Unity and almost destroyed Unity. Now what project does he join next?

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I learn about most of Google projects, when they die.

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@zephyr echo "${HOME}/docs"

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This is such a dum post; love it. Here we go:

Ass Effect 2: Interesting aliens

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@Chozo The end of the video:

But Dbrand did offer

... is basically advertisement for the brand, packed into "a joke". Why would they mention it otherwise?

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Reddit might cut off Google and force users to log in to Reddit itself to read anything, if it can’t reach deals with generative AI companies to pay for its data.

On the one hand I really hope this happens. On the other hand, it would be devastating to the communities. But this shows how Reddit has the last say and can hold the content hostage on their platform. People need to stop using Reddit and switch to open and free alternatives, that is not controlled by a single entity / company. The problem is, there is lot of good legacy content and solutions that would be not available for most people searching the web.

But for the search engines who do not respect robot files, would still be able to index. Right? Ironically an AI could also write summaries...

@donuts I recently had a short conversation with someone from They denied the GIMP devs an account on their server, because GIMP is a slur word. And they made a public announcement of this fact. Looks like the moderation/administration people are assholes, if they act and communicate like that. This community is new to me and all I know is about this GIMP announcement and this new drama.

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That's what Google want you to believe, forget about and step back. It's not over yet. We just stopped the first wave and it will get harder with each wave.

@chiz X is so easy to search in internet. So many results; it gets never boring! Very unique name and brand.

Spez: Write it down, write it down! Let's rename Reddit to Z! Employee: Why Z? Spez: What do you mean why? Does X make any sense to you too? Employee: All right, I should have never questioned you.

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People seem to applaud this. But in reality, this is an attempt of making money in cost of the user privacy. So in the end, if Reddit does not pay, then the end users will pay for with their data being public. As a former Reddit user, I am not a fan of this, even if it makes Reddit look bad.

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@PrinceHabib72 Chrono Trigger also had New Game+, which basically created the term for RPGs. I played another JRPG long before Chrono Trigger, where enemies was visible on the playfield in dungeons: the infamous Final Fantasy Mystic Quest (fantastic soundtrack BTW).

@Greenpepper I actually appreciate how Musk ruined Twitter. I was never fan of that service anyway. That means alternatives have a chance to grow. :-) Thank you Elon.

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So you think the entirety of Reddit is using random usernames, with disposal email and a random generated password via Firefox? Really? Is this what you say on every data breach that involves user data? Even if that was true, an account getting hacked would be bad. Even old accounts that are no longer used by their owner could be used to spread shit and no one knows who is hacked and not. This is valuable. But that's besides the point. According the article the passwords and accounts are safe.

Users have private discussions or any other stuff, including their real email address and who knows what else. This is bad. This is really bad for the end user. The hackers try to make money, just like any other data breach. Only CEOs would try to talk this good.

I have some questions: How fast are read and write operations and random access? What are the expected prices, once it hit mass production for the average consumer? And how long is expected to take until this happens?

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@shnizmuffin For those who know less/more, original name was General Image Manipulation Program, before it got renamed.

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@invno1 I have never moderated a community, but can absolutely see this! They moderated, because they loved the community and understood how to do it well. Maybe there are friends too, who you learn and discuss stuff with over the years. An angry user (like me) can "just" leave without many consequences. But a moderator also feels responsible to its community too. So I can understand those who have a hard time leaving. Maybe there was hope that Reddit will turnaround too.

@onichama Good game artists of that time period knew the limitation of their current technology and created the graphics with it in mind. In some games more apparent than on others. The linked image (often cited) is a good example of a game artist being aware.

Company was ‘spending way more than we earn,’ CEO said in memo

It needs a genius to see that. All those contracts for timed exclusivity, all those games given for free. Most people just play free to play games on the platform and get the games for free. I thought the idea was to eat the cost and spend more money than to earn, so they can build a loyal customer base. If that wasn't the entire goal, what was it then? Why punish the staff (holy cow its 870 employees!) by cutting them off the company now? The store and launcher of Epic games already struggle to get better.

Unfortunately I can't read the article on Bloomberg, as it requires an account.

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@LastoftheDinosaurs There are filters for emulators called "Shaders" which can make games look close to a CRT look and feel. I use RetroArch to emulate games, which has first class support for such Shaders for use with any supported emulator core. If you want, have a look at what is possible with an article I wrote a while back, which has sliders to see a before and after effect:

Here a screenshot without and with my favorite Shader called "Royale" and a variant of the Shader that simulates even more characteristics, "Royale NTSC SVideo" :

@nekusoul I want to add that the mentioned Wii keys was always controversial. Dolphin core is part of RetroArch and the RetroArch team never included those keys, because they knew someday it would only mean trouble. That is why Dolphin is still in RetroArch available on Steam. That's why the installation of Dolphin core on RetroArch is a bit more involved, because they do it the safe way. Glad this project will continue to exist.

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I felt getting ripped off by just reading the article. My recent PC build has 32 GB, is cheaper and the upgrade to 64 GB (meaning additional pair of 16 GB) only costs me around 100 Euros. It's nice that their devices are probably more effective and need less RAM, which the iPhones proved to be correct. But that does not mean the cost of the additional RAM units are more expensive. Apple chose to make them expensive.

It is. But the big plus is it's offline translation, without sending data through network (for privacy concerns and for quick operation). Edit: Oh, just got what you meant. The article title is not descriptive enough. I agree.

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@peter I'm not actually sure if this is a privacy win at all. I use Google for years with disabled history (and other stuff disabled) and this new change does not make any difference to my privacy. At the moment, still, the home feed recommendations is mostly about videos from my subscriptions, past videos and the newest one. All it does is take away that view, which does not improve privacy. What actually improves privacy is to disable the history, which you could do since years.

Edit: I totally forgot the link I wanted to provide:

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or merging the ad into the video stream itself. This would make it un-skippable

That's not true. Besides the point that people can skip any video content manually anyway, I already use a Firefox addon called "SponsorBlock for YouTube - Skip sponsorships", which is configurable and works for other sites as well. The skip points are community maintained, but with the help of AI it should be easy to detect ads automatically. The point is, there are already tools to help with skipping video encoded content.

It would be ethical, if 4.5 million dollar money was not required.

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@magic_lobster_party I can't believe someone wrote that. Incorrect answers do more harm than being useful. If the person asks and don't know, how should he or she know it's incorrect and look for a hint?

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@Gormadt They say Firefox is slow. Because in the past it used to, especially with the old engine and when Chrome was new, that's true. But nowadays it does not matter anymore and the speed differences are negligible. If that is the only reason to not use Firefox, then people should reevaluate their decision.

Then there is the argument that people do not like Mozilla. But they like Google more? Even if you use a Chromium based browser by a different company, you give more power to Google this way, as the engine becomes a bigger part of the web. Am I crazy for thinking that?

I use Firefox since version 1 as my default. Occasionally I switched to a different browser, but always came back to good ol' Firefox.

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While I understand this is humorous post, it's not crystal clear. That does not mean people lack humor, that only means we encounter a lot of trolls or idiots in the forums, that we no longer know if someone is joking or is being serious. So you should not call people being seriously wounded, if your joke didn't come as you wish it was.

In short, if it's not 100% clear (and it's not), then marking it as "sarcasm" is not a bad idea if you just making a joke without trolling or flamewar. That's just my thumb of rule. It helps you not get misunderstood.

@JDPoZ Most people not from that time think that CRT look is just bunch of clean black lines overlapping the image (keyword scanlines) without anything else to consider, and call it a day.

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I give you right about those overnight experts in forums. 100% true. But I would not give too much respect to the developers (unless they were forced to released it early), because they knew the game was not ready to launch. It's even their official statement:

Cities: Skylines II is a next-gen title, and naturally, it demands certain hardware requirements. With that said, while our team has worked tirelessly to deliver the best experience possible, we have not achieved the benchmark we targeted.

Then why the hell do you release the game? So it's another rushed game and that is you can blame the devs for. That is what upsets me personally the most from all those drama.

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@boredtortoise And last, destroy the technology. Mission completed.

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Nobody cares what Gamestop boss says, lol.

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@Cube6392 "Don't be sad it's over be happy it happened"

I like Romhacks (in other words modding of old games) that bring Halloween themed specials to known games. I haven't looked into it this season yet, but here is an example The Quest for the Candies (Super Mario World).

@qwesx I am not familiar with ZFS filesystem. How does it affect this or plays a role?

Matrix is decentralized, as the servers are independent from each other. They choose to cooperate, so that people can talk to each other. But the servers are run by different people or organizations and act independently. Or do I get it wrong? If so, can you explain why Matrix is not decentralized?

Every software should respect your freedom, not just software that controls your body.

@Elektrotechnik Here in the EU/Germany we was used to SCART connection, even on the SNES (and upwards). MULTI-OUT/SCART supported composite, Svideo and RGB. The image I had was cleaner than what I emulate nowadays!

@canpolat The article is written from the perspective of a Windows user. I'm not surprised. Software as a whole does not get worse; there are some software which get worse, and some technology getting in the way. And then there is software which get better, not worse too. If you cherry pick, then you can prove any point you want to proven right; especially on a very wide range of topics like software.

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