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Joined 1 years ago

Feels like: let's remove hospitals so that less people get injured 🤷🏼‍♂️

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because the word feminism has different meanings for different people. for some it means equality and a way to get there. for others it means men are bad and women should get priority treatment. communication is hard when there is no objective meaning for any of the words we are using.

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Give it time I would say. Nobody cares about not having a central mail index, because everyone is used to how email works.

Now with Lemmy we are changing the central approach of reddit to a decentralized one like email. It's not a big problem if you ask me, it's only that people don't like change. Still, I think it's crucial that we stay with the decentralized approach instead of creating the same problems we had with reddit/facebook/twitter and the likes.

We did it the wrong way nummerous times. This time, let's be patient and please do it the right way for once.

And don't forget that the big corporations are already trying to undermine the new approach. Look at meta and threads for example.

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Congrats GNOME!

Does anyone know if homedir encryption will utilize systemd-homed?

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20 years ago it was called TCP/Palladium and everyone was afraid this might happen. That was one of the reasons Microsoft implemented TPM chips.

Obviously everyone forget about it until now. Happy new times where Microsoft can dictate which files your, sorry, their computer is allowed to open.

Because then:

  • you also need to know the correct username
  • audits and logging shows which user used sudo to gain root access
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"I'll never leave Apple but the iPhone 11-15 are all the same exact phones," said one user in a post on X, formerly Twitter.

I'm getting serious

vibes here

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Your own nextcloud instance. Then move everything that is saved at Google over to your own server.

Calenders, Filesync, Contacts sync with android works really nice.

Knowing my data is stored only on my own devices and google doesn't know more about me than I do is a nice feeling.

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Thanks but no thanks. I'll stay with my debian unstable: less snap bullshit, no advertising in motd and newer packages (systemd 254 for example)

who said debian uses old packages again?

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concern trolling: be the change you want to see, instead of creating even more drama

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What happened here? I thought this place was supposed to be better then Reddit?

Every popular post is negatively charged.

Every comment has an underpinning of hate.

Everything is spun with some time of agenda that feeds half truths to make it look like whole lies.

questions and statements like this are creating drama. block users and communities that you don't like and go with your day.

the os should do as i say, that includes breaking it if i please. the problem are people writing into the terminal "i understand that i uninstall half my os with this command but want to do it anyway" and then wonder why half their os gets uninstalled.

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It's like email: it doesn't matter if you have an or address, you can send and receive mail to/from anybody. Lemmy accounts and communities consist of a name which includes the instance, just like e-mail.

That's it, I don't think a regular user needs to know more.

I have played lol for 10 years. Last week, due to some updates lol doesn't run on Linux at the moment, I switched to dota. I know exactly what you are talking about.

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What? That is easiest one of the worst parts of windows. It's just that people are used to this dumb endeavour

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what a load of bullocks:

Scientists still don’t fully understand the association between vaping and lung disease, so it’s unclear what role vaping may have played in Allard’s case.

Do you really think this won't be the norm in 5-10 years? Now it's some, in a few years OP is right, so why bother with your argument that not all cars are like this at the moment?

Baba to c4

What a nice idea for a puzzle!

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no package manager should put stuff into /usr/local, thats why its /usr/local. package manager should only put stuff into /usr/... not /usr/local. In the past some mainframes mounted these directory via nfs to do some kind of software management. It contains global stuff that is not managed by the package manager. install some software via "tarball and make" and it most likely puts everything into /usr/local/...

It's the best location for your needs. /home/shared is a bad idea. /home is reserved for home directories not some shared stuff.

/usr/local is specifically what you are asking for. i would put themes to /usr/local/share/themes for example. chances are gtk will already look there. You can manage permissions inside /usr/local as you like. since the package manager doesn't care for that directory there is no problem. giving write permissions only to root still is a good idea. it suggest to learn to use sudo when you are working on your system.

one of the main reasons the linux kernel is where it is today: "never break userspace"

unfortunately not every project keeps to this principle.

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I don't see the big problem in 1. Compare it to e-mail. If you want to switch provider you have to backup and restore your emails if you want to.

Nobody bats an eye that amiladresses contain a maildomain but with Lemmy everyone is used to the reddit way. Give it some time, people will get used to it.

The syncing and federation problems we are experiencing right now will get solved in the future, people will get used to the new naming scheme.

Point 2 is a great idea btw.

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I'm using it. Almost 200 servers at work. No problems whatsoever. I almost smile reading news like this, because it shows me I did the right thing betting on debian

I'm 39, best thing for me was accepting that this is my way of live and trying to not worry about it. It kinda works, life is too short to constantly worry about things you realistically can't change.

better to focus on the manageable aspects that have big effects on your life than if your kitchen has been cleaned in the last two weeks.

My comment wasn't meant as a jab against systemd or gnome, I was just curious if there are different solutions for an encrypted homedir.

I really like the direction linux, systemd and gnome are going! Big thank you to all the developers! <3

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most of the time it works every time. :)

I'm using debian unstable as a desktop OS on all of my 3 regularly used systems: 2 notebooks and 1 desktop. And debian 11 on citrix virtual desktop at work. debian stable on around 200 servers.

I rarely have bigger issues in my day to day usage of unstable which includes surfing, gaming and coding. at the moment my bluetooth headset microphone doesn't work, which i guess is due to some changes to pipewire but only on my desktop. both my work and private notebook seem to not have issues.

this is one of the worst problems i had in the last 8 years. other then that, if you use apt-listbugs to exclude any updates with serious bugs by pinning them until a bugfree version gets released, you wont have any more issues then you get with arch for example.

if it's to cheap, the market wont be able to profit enough, so I'm pretty sure they will find a way to squeeze us dry anyway

They should have send an air balloon instead...

Just to correct a mistake: - ./vaultwarden:/data/ means that the folder /data/ of the container is in the subfolder vaultwarden inside the folder that contains the docker-compose.yml. it is not located in /. for that you need to remove the leading "."

If you remove ./ vaultwarden points to a volume named vaultwarden that need to be defined separately:

./vaultwarden = relativ path from the docker-compose folder

/vaultwarden = absolut path /

vaultwarden = a volume called vaultwarden

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Everything that's normal between age 10-20 is just as it is.

Everything you get to know between 20 and 30 is the hot new shit.

Everything after age 30 is just another fad you don't want to invest time to get to know anyway

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there are 10 kinds of people.

  • those who understand binary
  • those who don't
  • those who know ternary exists

Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition

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I feel the same way. Personally, I can't muster up excitement about getting to know someone just by looking at their last vacation pictures. I believe that a meaningful connection can only be established by meeting in person.

Going on 20 dates, only to end up feeling indifferent about everyone, in the hopes of eventually meeting someone I truly connect with, makes me feel like a grumpy old man.

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how anyone can take the IEA predictions seriously is beyond me:

Might be some dirt or moisture in the plug, that dried up/fell out in the meantime

things like “vim file.txt”, which is obviously not usually how files are edited

You what mate? Don't assume my workflow. "vi file.txt" is obviously superior to clicking inside some texteditor or file browser

Sure and there are pages helping you find communities, but there isn't that one central instance that works as a frontend to all the decentralized content.

I really wish to get a solution that builds of a free protocol, not on a single centrally managed instance of something that gives disproportional power to the instance hoster.

I fucking love the idea of activity pub. Everything can talk to everything and offer different features for different requirements like forums, short messages or even video distribution.

Internet, as much as anyone acts like it's not, is in its childs steps. We should really make sure in 100 years it's a communication tool for the masses, not another advertising platform.

OSS and open protocols are so important for the future. Who cares if some people feel overwhelmed by adding an @instance to some handles?!

Sorry for my bad English btw. ;)

IMHO: It's bullshit, wastes resources, ubuntus server implementation is proprietary and it fragments the package management of a distro. Snap is the worst, flatpak and appimage are tolerable since they are at least open source but i personally try to avoid these "solutions" like the plague.

apt for the win...

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I think another good analogie is the human eye. Only the center has high resolution, everything around it is rather shitty, but you never realize that, because the stuff you focus on is always in the center.

Try to look at your self into your eyes the mirror while you are not looking at yourself :)

This works but I'd just create a function and use that instead of creating an alias that creates a function and then calls itself.

if your containers are created with a docker compose file you can use docker-compose to target them all

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I robs your soul like facebook on steroids. I'm glad I got over the idea of finding someone online based on some self describing texts and vacation pictures.

I feel like even on tinder it's still the first impression that counts, but the first impression consists of meaningless bullshit, so even if you would connect with someone, the first impressions makes you loath meeting these peoples.

I am glad that I'm not the only one feeling like that. Fuck off tinder, bumble and the likes.