2 Post – 28 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

They’re just stopping development of the Pro to focus on the cheaper model so not necessarily abandoned

As in are they actively giving me money or helping me pay my bills? No

But in the past they’ve helped in setting me up financially so that it was easy for me not to need their help. They made sure I started adulthood with no debt so I could start saving right away. And for my wedding present they gave me cash that massively helped my husband and I pay for our apartment’s down payment. We probably would have needed another 4-6 months to save up for that otherwise.

Wiki pages for communities. It’s a great way to collect useful information that would otherwise get lost in different posts

At this point, this community is big enough that we don't need bots to drive up content anymore.

I’m someone in that group. My last 2 jobs have been following a former manager. Now about 70% of the engineering department are from previous companies

I’m interested in the second one shown. It’s 5 stars but they’re sorry it doesn’t work…?

David Tennant

Nicely toned is probably ideal. But I prefer skinny than overly muscular like body builders. Tall and skinny or lanky was pretty much my type especially when I was younger. Now my husband has a bit of fat around the belly and I love that too.

Photos and videos for professionals. These days phone cameras are good enough for at least a backup device and they’ll transfer to laptop using cable. But I’d assume those people are on the iPhone pro models

I live in Australia now but someone already had a good answer for Australia.

I’m from Indonesia and there it’s most likely sweet iced tea if you don’t specify anything. But I think it’s more likely they would ask, warm or iced, and sweetened or unsweetened. You’ll get black tea with sugar syrup, sometimes regular sugar for warm tea. Lots of restaurants would often have iced lemon tea, which is also sweetened but with some squeezed lemon.

Tangentially related, is there a community with weird/absurd news that’s not quite oniony?

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I live in Sydney and it’s been pretty good for months. The only issue I’ve seen is when I have avoid tolls on, it might give me a much longer route than it should. I expect this is because toll roads around me are only tolled if you take certain on ramps/exits, and Maps fails to recognize that and avoids the road entirely. However, I've run the opposite issue with Google Maps a few times so it might just be our confusing roads

As long as cmd + k still allows me to find DMs and/channels I think it’s not too bad. I feel like I prefer the current design mostly because I don’t need a quick glance of the latest message, just that I have unread message, but I won’t know until I try

I had just rewatched this last night!

You care enough to post this and ask for people’s opinions. And then you get defensive when people respond with something that you disagree with. Being aromantic is perfectly fine. I’m aromantic but I’m in a relationship (getting married in a few days actually). Being “in love” with a fictional thing isn’t aromanticism, that sounds like a weird attachment issue while avoiding actual relationships

I don’t. But if it gunks up then it does gross me out and that’s when I clean it with paper towel or tissue

Wait. Is there a list of games this is true for? I ony have a Mac and didn’t know this

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I tried commenting on your welcome post there but it never went through :/ Got stuck with a loading spinner on the Post button.

Ah so fluoride treatment is what I thought it was. Here in Australia we still get it with every teeth cleaning. Granted dental is an add on with private insurance so not everyone has access to it I believe.

Or maybe we need a rule here to add a region tag if it’s a regional news

There are also a lot of inconsistencies in the pre/post Catalina 32 bit compatibility, I’ve found games that the steam page claims are not compatible but can be downloaded and played like hotline Miami.

Yeah this one I found out because one of the games I played had that issue. It's annoying that Steam's store page isn't reliable enough for Mac users.

Is there a place to discuss moderating? I'm new to being a mod and I was wondering if mods should be able to edit post titles/body to follow community guidelines?

Feels a bit similar to moving to Mastodon from Twitter. easier to browse here than finding people to follow on Mastodon though

Between me and my husband we have: Apple TV+, Disney+, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, YouTube Premium.

Used to have Optus Sports as well but funnily enough my account didn’t auto renew when it was supposed to. I got transferred 3 times trying to renew my account and still couldn’t get anyone who can charge my card. They don’t seem to want my money so I just stopped.

This seems to be a wider lemmy problem than I tried setting it up on and got the same issue. Posted to support here:
