1 Post – 105 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

It was bad.

Neither do his voters.

The short sound bites are exactly what Trump is best at.

I don't like the Republican policy, but it is semi-coherent; isolation, xenophobia, anti-immigration, no abortions in red states, burn down the entire economy if it doesn't work for rural areas. The Democrats don't have a coherent policy; immigration yes but also no. Peace in Palestine, but also send weapons to Israel. Stop Russia at all costs, but send as little money and only expired weapons. This is the greatest economy of all time ever, even if you don't feel it and can't afford a house. Crime is down, too bad you don't feel safe.

Interesting to learn so much about how Fascism works, because of Trump. Making crazy statements, as a type of blind loyalty test is instinctual for fascist leaders. Alienates his followers from normal people, forces them to believe in even crazier things.

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It's like the 80s all over again; Neo-Nazi's, bad adult VHS movies, drug epidemic, Trump.

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Haha, Trump increased his shares to 1 Billion shares, from 78 million. Squeezig everyone else out.

Also, Truth Social values itself at $4Billion, LOL.

It seems nothing here smells right, from the valuation of the company to somehow Trump declaring he has 1 billions shares of the company.

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If you do enough crime, it's too hard to prosecute because no one knows where to start?

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This is just dumb, chat bots are the dumbest of technologies.

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Teenage girls are psychotic, getting into fights with a trans kid and beating them to a pulp. How many psychotically violent teens are in schools?

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Exactly. Where will they move to? Most older people want to stay in the neighborhood that they grew up in. It's not like an 80 year old will be selling their house in suburban Long Island to find a cheap room in rural Alaska.

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Interest rates were raised to kick people in the teeth, the Federal reserve says that it needs to keep kicking people in the teeth for a few more months.

Economists are saying that people are not being kicked in the teeth.

Logicians everywhere are banging their heads on their desks, as people are both being kicked in the teeth, and not kicked in the teeth.

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Interesting to see what happens, if he moves his companies to Texas. Texas is very rich, he'll just be another large company in Texas and nothing special. Many companies register in Delaware because of the lacks tax laws. I bet he won't find what he is looking for in Texas; a blind cult following.

"...anarchists looking to consolidate power...", they don't even know what anarchism means. Was this a dumb AI drivel content? Reads like it.

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He literally pleaded 'non-contest' to being a racist, when investigating for bias in his slum rentals.

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SCOTUS asks 'why are you hurting such a fine company, don't they have a right to sell tickets they way they want to, FREEDOM'.

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At the very minimum ranked ballots.

Democracy is already broken, the popular vote winner doesn't get to be president if they are Democrat, unless the margin is very large.

We know why the U.k. slipped into recession...Brexit.

I guess it's cheaper to use low wage National Guard members, than to hire more transit workers.

Businesses have already achieve what they wanted after the fall of the USSR, to establish themselves in Russia. They don't care about human rights. War is a good money maker.

...and you've been recruited into the Crusades. God speed holly warrior, may you strike the infidels down.

It's done from time to time. It's to lower the export value of goods. A country prints a lot more money. Say Almeria wanted to sell more cars to England.
Currently an American car is worth $30,000USD and $30,000USD can also buy 2 motorcycles from England (£‎24,000) .

If the world is flooded with more USD, then the person from England can still buy the American car for $30,000USD but the American can now only buy 1 English motorcycle, as the value of USD has fallen to British Pounds.

Great if you're English and buying an American car, bad if you're American and want to buy an English motorcycle.

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You're still advocating individual car ownership as a sustainable future...buses, trams, trolleys, LRT, trains. 6000lbs (2200kilos) just to get a few groceries is over kill.

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This misses an important point. Cities like Chicago and Miami compete globally, against places like Berlin and Sao Paulo. Smaller regional centers, like Oklahoma city, and Des Moines are ruled by their own elite and are not concerned by international affairs.

The wealthy in smaller regional centers don't have the ear of the Federal government, but they do employ most people in the local area, so locals are tied to their success. Locals also rely on them for donations to local hospitals, charities, and sporting clubs.

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"firms cannot change the contracts of older employees and cannot freely add higher-ranked positions to their organizations. In this model, a larger supply of older workers and declining economic growth restrict younger workers’ access to higher-paying roles and widen the age pay gap in favor of older workers."

1910 machinery starts to transform farming, killing small subsistence farms.

1920 factories in large towns start draw labor of off small subsistence farms

1930 cheap cars make it easier to travel great distances, small towns start to decline

1930-50s telephones, refrigerators, radios and TVs allow people to live even greater distances apart

1970s new pesticides allow for an even greater mega-farms, and fewer family farmers

1980s Free trade kills off most industrial jobs in small towns

1990s collapse of USSR means rush of cheap engineering labor, depreciates well paying technical jobs

2000s reinvestment into oil fracking and other oil extraction methods causes dutch-disease (taxes come from oil, so little interest in industry)

2010s spike in cheap synthetic drugs rolls through rural America

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If 1/7000 kids are the product of incest, I'm guessing that 1//500 have been lied to about their biological father; looking at you royal family of England.

The 'one person, one piston', rule is amazing.

The car industry, and regulations around cars need to rewritten. Small 1 cylinder cars need to be sold legally.

Many families I know would be happy using a golf cart for 90% of their needs. Leaving the big car in the garage for the 1 time a month they drive somewhere far, or in very bad weather.

The person that sewed your jeans makes $2 an hour, the electrician the comes to your house makes $200 an hour. This is 2 orders of magnitude in difference.
Our world view becomes skewed. As of this moment they're on double secret probation!

I wish that misuse of charity funds, and running a fraudulent University, verdicts where more in the spot light.

Intelligent design takes all 20 seconds to explain, 5 seconds if you talk fast.

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We are not a very reflexive species.

Pulling out millions of tons of fish from the Oceans is not sustainable. People don't care. If they don't see it, they don't even think about it.

We willfully blind ourselves in any way we can.

It's worth as much as the Saudis are willing to dish out bribing Trump, period.

Crazy that we are talking about an areas maybe 1/4 of the size of Chicago, when talking about Gaza. There are like only 6 land exists, 1 through Egypt and the rest through Israel.

I don't think that the Saudi prince or Chinese operative really care how the stock does. The problem is do you think you can short the Middle or China, or do you think that'll they'll keep dumping money in...since it's pennies to them and they earn favor with potentially the next POTUS.

They brought pipe bombs, hand cuffs and zip ties as tokens of affection for their elected leaders!

At the same time 'Suicide is on the rise for young Americans, with no clear answers'

We really need to juxtapose headlines more.

To add to this, Truth Social is mainly political, it's not a space companies find interesting to advertise. Women purchase things for the house so they control the purse strings of a household, the next major purchases are teens. These are the realms of TikTok and Youtube shorts. Older demographics don't buy much, are stuck in their habits.