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Joined 1 years ago

I feel attacked by this post. I self host Home Assistant, recursive proxy servers, RSS readers, photo managers, vscode, media servers, download managers, backup solutions, git, password databases, economy trackers… And if I need to print from my macbook I have to email the file to myself because in twenty years I haven’t ONCE been able to host my printer on the network in a way that works for more than three days before randomly breaking.

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Well well well. Check mate, atheists!

As soon as I saw this post I jumped on xkcd. Glad I checked the comments before replying, or I would have made quite the fool of myself.

Oh no.


”Better known as Windoze”

Stopped reading right there. Edgy 14 year old script kiddies can think whatever they want. I’m not interested.

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Coal exist in the earth because back then the bacteria who could break down lignin and cellulose hadn’t evolved, so dead trees had the time they needed to compress. There are such bacteria around now, though, and that means there will never be any new natural coal.

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NB: this was before

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I have no idea what you’re talking about…

I’ve seen that in style guides ”because it should piss of everyone equally”.

So you’re saying they think it be like it is but it don’t?

My scrolling actually just stopped working with this post riiiight below screen…

Upvoting to save others from that fate.

Who’s a clever girl?

Word for word, which doesn’t make sense. So it’s like saying ”7 fruits that not are for dogs” as would be the word for word translation of correct Swedish.

Depends on the language the script is written in. If it’s bash/sh then it’s usually just $VARIABLE

I go the other way. I have linux installed pretty much just to run docker and qemu running windows with iommu passthrough. The performance hit is negligible, and with docker context you can run docker-cli and devcontainers and stuff in the windows vm like native.

With English as my second language, the difference between terrible and terrific has always confused me.

Not enough.

This made me happy. Thanks!

Sorry, I don’t see it. Do you mean in a reply to a comment?

I said I’ve been trying for 20 years. Obviously it’s a Brother.

Awww I had forgotten about that. Now I’m sad.


Took me weeks to get my modem to work with that. Had to keeep rebooting back to windows to disl up to the net and check documentation and tutorials…

After that things picked up, though.

For airpods, just double tap the one you have set to Play/Pause and it will resume in your ears.

I think OP needs to explain why a note taking app is not a diary app in their view.

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A scandal involving Bill Gates riding a horse through a gate might be called Bill Gates’ gate-gait-gate.

Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia is the fear of long words.

Reddit knows who you really are, but facebook knows who you want to look like you are.

I’d think you’re much more likely to click ads based on the latter.