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Joined 3 years ago

16 years ago, that was Reddit for me.

Guess we'll see.

"I used to have support for the Native Americans, but then a tribe massacred an outpost on the land that was slowly being carved from them by colonizers. Now I've lost all goodwill for their struggle"

The indigenous, oppressed peoples proceed to get wiped out and the colonizing states take over the entire land mass

This type of violence does not need to celebrated. It should be mourned as tragic. Its perpetrators condemned.

But so many are applying fairness or rules to a conflict that has neither.

If you create the conditions for war and terrorism, do not be surprised when war and terrorism come.

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"I don't like Reddit.

Its interface is ugly as sin. There are fewer users there and they're all pretentious, extremely liberal, and anti American."

-Some Digg user circa 2008/2009 (probably)

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It makes sense.

Most people who came here two months ago did so because they explicitly wanted to leave Reddit, but not because of Reddit content or the site culture. It was because admin decisions on third party apps and the API.

They still wanted Reddit, just with different Admins and different apps. Ideally, they'd have wanted communities to fully migrate over. specifically became basically a lifeboat, having been linked to from original third party apps.

Yes, it was created and had the technical and resource requirements to keep up with the new influx of users without constantly crashing (in the beginning), but nonetheless, that meant it got the largest influx of the migration.

It's honestly a bit strange for me to see people in here with two month old accounts saying "oh yeah the culture has just changed so much".

You all were the change. It's that influx of users that basically brought Reddit here.

Anyone who came here before the API changes did so either because they had some kind of issues with Reddit, whether it was the dominant culture or what, and wanted an alternative or because they were interested in the open source and federated nature of the project regardless of Reddit's own decisions.

Though tbf, pre migration, this place was basically dead. Posts would have a handful of comments at best and it was mostly Lemmygrad users and also FOSS enthusiasts. Hexbear was the most active Lemmy instance and was a chapotraphouse lifeboat formed in 2020 but it didn't federate so it was really mostly just as a general instance and Lemmygrad unless you explicitly knew and cared for Hexbear. Neither was very "toxic" in their own communities and there really wasn't much inter instance fighting, even if there still were people on who didn't care for grad, as far as I remember. I honestly mostly lurked and didn't participate often.

The apps also were much worse.

Things started picking up as the API announcement happened. That's probably when we had the best balance of positivity and user growth.

It exploded when the API changes went into effect and voila.

Still, I would say it's mostly still a bit better than Reddit and there's more effort in commenting for the most part.

I don't think I've seen a pun chain or a "he's not your buddy, guy" or anything like that.

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I had a university professor give me a 99 on a written exam because "only Jesus is perfect".

I didn't really care but it's also something I may never forget because of how bizarre I found it

I honestly hate stories like this. What is the use of knowing this? Who does it benefit to hear this story and proliferate it?

So we can all go "wow what a monster" in the comments?

How many things happened today that actually will affect our lives instead?

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Ok great. Do it.

Opposite conclusions drawn from Al Jazeera, Channel 4, and Forensic Architecture, from just what I've seen.

An independent investigation must be allowed.

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I've been busy all day, but I've just seen through talking with others how threads is basically blowing up today and lots of our local Twitter accounts, companies, bigger celebrities/influencers and more are going to it and sharing their accounts.

And it just makes me so fucking sad to see people embrace Facebook again when a decentralized, grassroots, non corporate alternative was already right there. It's a lot of "liberal" people, too.

Reddit 2.0. Always has been.

Have accurate assessments of US politics, socioeconomics, and foreign policy

Capital wins again. If only the FTC didn't sit on its ass for the last 40 years, maybe such market consolidation wouldn't be allowed and normalized.

Also shout-out to this comm. The Beehaw community seems delighted. You can sometimes really tell which instances skew toward leftists vs liberals

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Physical media is dying a slow and painful death.

Depends on the medium really.

The Criterion Collection is still kicking so its selected works are still getting highly curated physical releases. Vinyl records are growing in popularity for those enthusiasts.

It's video games that have the biggest issue, and it's saddening because they are the most in need of preservation due to patching, updates, licenses, DRM, etc.

Wish the big three would come together for some type of preservation goal at the very least.

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There are similar "defaults" on to what is on Beehaw and I imagine communities will spring up here if you need ones to subscribe to. I imagine this could cause Beehaw's general communities to lose sway over time outside the ones specific to their instance.

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I'm very happy that these agencies are blocking this acquisition. I had no faith they would.

There's nothing good about the fourth largest video game publisher (third for first parties) acquiring the sixth largest (third for third parties). We need more variety, not more consolidation.

It's definitely suspicious that there are no munitions remnants available for analysis. You would think there would be something. If there is anything, independent investigators need to be given access. Otherwise, the perception of impropriety will color peoples' analyses.

But the idea this has been "concluded" doesn't seem correct either.

As stated in this article, Al Jazeera, Channel 4, and Forensic Architecture reached conclusions that the air explosion shows the rocket was intercepted and destroyed, not misfired, and there is no causal link between the air explosion and ground explosion at the hospital.

The AP analysis argued against this, but did in fact note this was a possibility. I believe the CNN and others use the same arguments and resources as preliminary OSINT analyses.

Now, GeoConfirmed and other OSINT accounts (Oliver Alexander) are backtracking from their early hypotheses and concluding the Al Jazeera claim is in fact the likely scenario, arguing that the intercepted explosion is too far away from the hospital to be connected. They still think a rocket is the "likely" cause, however.

I wonder if we will ever know what happened for sure, but there is definitely more to this story.

You mean someone with a 2 year old account? You know what instances existed 2 years ago?

This is the direction the big companies are looking to move in. This is the direction Microsoft is banking on, too. Even if you like one service more, the end result may be the same. It's a matter of time before we see subscription exclusives.

GamePass subscribers are the pre-orderers and mtx consumers of yesteryear, normalizing the industry to practices harmful to general consumers.

The fediverse gets me excited about the Internet for the first time in a long while, warts and all.

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I typically patient game nowadays. I still have games from two years ago to get to and I'm currently slowly playing through Baldur's Gate 1 so I probably wasn't going to Day 1 this anyway.

But I thought about it.

Tbh, while I don't really care for the big name review sites, there's enough mixed reviews on the storytelling, procedural generation, and RPG systems, that I think I'm going to keep this in my wishlist for a while.

Might look at it closer later in the year and when I have more free time or just wait for the inevitable GOTY edition

It is incredibly typical.

My reaction to the sponsor list would be the shocked Pikachu meme.

Stop using the word "proletariat" when you clearly do not understand what it means and clearly have not read any of the theory from which the word was popularized

"Proletariat" != "impoverished"

What the fuck did you think was going to happen?

Microsoft would develop their existing first party studios and improve the quality of their first party titles, invest in third parties that they already had exclusive relationships with, or invest in up and coming studios?

Had Bethesda published a Microsoft exclusive since Morrowind?

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Most of them have already been named but the ones I'd choose are:

  • Ico
  • Shadow of the Colossus
  • The Last Guardian
  • Journey
  • The Last of Us
  • The Last of Us Part 2
  • Half Life 2
  • Bioshock
  • Mass Effect 2
  • God of War (2018) / Ragnarok
  • Kentucky Route Zero
  • Limbo / Inside
  • Abzu
  • And similarly RDR2

Edit: I could also potentially consider Dear Esther and Everybody's Gone to the Rapture. Similar to the other first person games I listed, they designed their environments so that certain features are prominent as you move forward into them, which to me qualifies as this type of "cinematography" or framing we're talking about in games

The customer is making the choice not the business. When you search for primary care physicians in most networks, you can search and filter by gender. Again, is this illegal by your insurance/network to allow this filter?

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I don't care for the drama on Hexbear. And I don't care for it here either. This post is drama baiting.

It is/was a terrible idea. It inherently devalues the end of the original trilogy and it's incredibly lazy.

My Lai was not an isolated incident.

Only one involved was convicted as stated, but then completely let off so who cares? The higher ups that enabled it were completely let off. Others who were involved in the cover up completely let off. The whistleblowers, etc were shunned and ostracized by the military for decades.

If the articles are news, they're news. End of.

Let's not pretend like this comm isn't overrun with accounts that (rightfully) post articles that are only critical of conservative policies and politicians. Are you going to ban them for not also posting critical of liberals? Must they criticize leftists?

This will be entirely used in a one sided way to censor criticism of Biden. I think that's obvious.

When you say dude, you're referring to...?

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If Dessalines is receiving money from the Chinese or other fascist government to develop the Lemmy sourcecode, even if only partially funding the project alongside other funding from e.g. the EU, then I can well understand why he would want to see them kept happy - on top of what he may feel personally.

You people are so lost up your own asses, you will never find yourselves. Conspiratorial nonsense driven by your McCarthyism 2.0 with a complete lack of self awareness.

But I guess I shouldn't expect anything more from a NATO funded user and instance, right? The Heritage Foundation and CIA signing the checks over here?

Is it illegal to choose your primary care physician based on gender? Maybe I'm not reading this entirely correctly, but why would it be illegal to similarly choose your ride driver by gender?

Wouldn't discrimination be more if Lyft refused to hire male drivers or something to that effect according to the civil rights act?

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The idea there are zero well designed AAA games is such a narrow outlook.

Indie has its place, but there are experiences that cannot be replicated in the indie sphere at the moment. Consolidation in the AAA space will not make the medium better.

Reads the brave, totally not circle-jerked comments in this thread

centrists understand the issues but don't think an extreme left/right solution is the answer

Think they do but typically show their ass as being completely ignorant of leftist politics.

but elements from both sides should be considered.

Rarely, and typically more so the right.

Then I guess they shouldn't be opening living spaces to other people for commercial purposes. Almost like doing that implies you have a responsibility to your guests

They are mostly MLs and they often ride the line on their rules on sectarianism, enough where I've often reported stuff to moderation that only sometimes is addressed.

But there are definitely anarchists. There has been an anarchist comm for a long time

What forum?

Does criterion channel not fill that role or does it just have too much missing from its library?


Imagine thinking it's wise to ignore the factors that led to the rise of fascism and believe there's nothing useful to learn from them.