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Joined 9 months ago

Hot take: If I get the actual MP4/MKV/whatever, I don't actually care about this and think it might be a good thing, hell, I might actually purchase a couple movies and TV shows through it.

If it's just the same "license" that everywhere else gets you, then I ain't buying shit.

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What no repairability, a huge walled garden and the conditioning of teens to bully others over bubble colours does to a stock price

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"My baby keeps playing with the knife, instead of taking away the knife I'll schedule some behaviour classes"

The parents next day finding the baby stabbed itself:

They do update the learning material over time as recommendations for teaching the languages changes, plus they do have server costs to keep in mind.

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I think the day an adblocker starts charging people is the day that companies will try to sue them into non-existence with lawsuits they know will fail.

Either that or nobody will pay for it because they're used to getting adblockers for free. They'll just move to another one or maybe one that's FOSS.

The battery is the most expensive part of the phone

Lol no it's not? This is easy to disprove just by looking at the price of replacement parts. You can't tell me that the battery is more expensive than the processor of the phone.

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It's surprisingly good at making nonsense

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They did implement this from my knowledge. I think SomeOrdinaryGamers made a video where he showcases hardening a VM to beat the detection.

Because Japan.

To think he would've lived if he didn't act like a total nutcase and rely on alternative medicine...

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It's not a big truck you just dump something on

Brb let me completely rewrite all my unity projects and learn unreal in a single day

Well they want to prove who you are because a Google account is the central part of someone's online life. I'd imagine that binning off all that info quickly looked really suspicious and flagged something on their systems. They can't just let that slide because of the possible implications, someone might use that email as their bank account login or maybe it's linked to something really personal.

Is it out of the goodness of their hearts? Hell no, it's entirely to cover their asses from liability for damages.

"arch is spyware"

Would you like to open a GitHub issue as to how?

Similar experience from a European.

I own a 2015 Vauxhall Adam. It's a brilliant little petrol car, 3 doors, very small and very reliable.

GM canned the model in 2019. It makes no sense to me, if they had stuck a battery in it for an electric version I'd have been sold in a heartbeat.

But no, GM wants to focus on big cars that I don't want. I don't want anything bigger than a 3 door hatchback, I'm only 20 and have no kids, why do I need some massive fuckoff SUV????

That's the thing, it's not. Lots, and I mean lots of sites are plagued by bot activity. The ones hardest hit are the ones that only have email validation.

I could go to Google and create a new account right now, absolutely free.

Hell, I could write a script that creates a million for me for barely any money, just paying a CAPTCHA farm a nominal sum to solve the robot tests for me. This is why sites like discord are plagued with advertisement bots, the bar to entry is literally nothing.

Phone numbers cost money to create, and are in finite supply. Even PAYG (pre paid numbers for you Americans) numbers require you to go outside and purchase a SIM card from a store. They aren't foolproof, but they stop the vast majority of fake accounts.

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Comcast will take the taxpayer money, run a shit 5mbps line to the rural area, charge you out the ass for it and pocket the difference from the subsidies.

THANK YOU. I've been saying this for ages. I really wouldn't mind even £8 a month for the no ads since I spend a lot of time on YouTube, but I am in no way paying extra for bells and whistles I don't need. I already have Spotify, I don't want to and nor am I going to pay for an extra music service that I just won't use. I'm on an unlimited data plan for god's sake, I don't care about downloading videos.

Damn, and I thought brother was gonna keep riding out being good until the bitter end

RCS does function over a data connection (and WiFi!), however unless you're sending large files over the wire it's probably not going to have any effect on your data bill. Text messages are a handful of kilobytes large at worst. SMS/MMS have lots of issues to do with security and capability, and most handsets support it in some form already.

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I feel a way to combat suburban hellholes is to at least make it more cycle-friendly in those areas. Big stroads kill any chance of people being able to cycle to stores, I feel a lot of people don't want to have to drive to get to a Walmart, especially in hot months and would probably prefer to bike it instead. There's obviously also the health benefits of people cycling too. For those more lazy individuals, e-bikes and e-scooters are a good idea that can help them rely less on their car too, and are far cheaper to run than a full car.

Eliminating huge sprawling suburbs is a monumental task, but we can at least apply patch fixes for some things at the moment.

But it's not the game dev that handles the information, so the game studio wouldn't be at fault. The game dev never gets that info so isn't storing anything. Discord would be liable for any GDPR infractions.

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Google also offers official parts through iFixit, which is better than most other manufacturers. I recently replaced the battery in my Pixel 6 Pro myself.

I wouldn't endorse Mangakakalot, they had some involvement in the Mangadex DDOS/breach a couple years back. Not to mention unlike MD they're a scan aggregator, which basically means they take scans from other sites (like Mangadex) and slap ads on top of them.

Ya see that one where someone's landlord went loopy and cut power to their building because he'd consumed a bunch of conspiracy nut stuff?

Well you'd have to have gotten a lobotomy to want to buy beats in the first place.

But here's the thing - side loading, even on android, is an opt-in feature. The user has to actively go out of their way to sideload an app. Even if an app tries to do it behind your back, you must first enable its ability to do so.

Yes, this doesn't exist when ADB is involved, but in that case you have to go out of your way to enable USB debugging (and be stupid enough to plug your phone into someone else's computer). The vast majority of iPhones will never have sideloading enabled by their users. The EU isn't grabbing their balls and saying that all users must have it enabled by default, otherwise they'd be going after Android too.

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I'd agree if the ban extended to news articles online.

It doesn't.

Because of the potential fallout that would happen if they did. Apple doesn't want to ban one of their key apps, it would be like banning Facebook. The app ecosystem is a key part of any mobile OS' appeal, it's exactly why the Windows Phone failed. Apple doesn't want to lose users to Android which will have twitter even if it's banned through side loading. It's just too popular of an app, even if it's a complete shit hole.

I guess money won't fix arrogance mixed with stupidity. Such a shame...

Most mobile operators in the UK have stopped with SMS limits (unless you're on the really really cheap plans or PAYG). Guess people just don't use them enough to warrant caps on it.

Some people are about to mysteriously disappear

Not to mention that to host content on the scale that YouTube does is ruinously expensive both in terms of bandwidth and cost. It's enough to choke out any smaller competitors almost immediately.

They don't give you root access out of the box because the vast majority of users don't want or care about it, whilst being a pretty wide open door for bad actors. As far as I know, pixels are the easiest android phone to flash stuff too. I've only heard of Samsung blowing e-fuses upon flashing custom ROMs.

I asked it to do the same and it drew a nutsack:

You do realise data miners have been ripping WhatsApp to pieces to find traces of a back door for years right?

Nothing has ever come up.

I hate Meta as much as the next person, but when they say the messages are end to end encrypted they do mean it. Otherwise the backdoor would've certainly been found by now. Signal, iMessage and Telegram are the same.

Sure this isn't true for anything like Twitter DMs but for the ones that are end to end encrypted nobody has found a backdoor.

Google has been begging Apple to implement RCS for well over a year now. They wouldn't need to pull a beeper on Google since Google actively wants to help Apple implement their standard.

Oh my god you've literally just recommended me a dream app. PlexAmp has so many annoying usability issues and symfonium seems to have solved all of them, I can't thank you enough.

This is like closing a shop to prevent robbers.

Surely the solution is to make the grid they charge off of sustainable then????

I don't want to pay for YouTube premium because I don't want YouTube music. I already have Spotify, why should I have a redundant service that I'm actively paying for.

I have no issues with paying for YouTube since at the end of the day video hosting on the scale that YouTube does cannot be profitable by ads alone.

I just wanna pay like £5 a month for just ad free viewing, none of the extra fluff crap like downloads or playing in the background or YouTube music.