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Compliance person here. Background checks are run by a third party who we contract to gather information from authoritative sources like state agencies, governments and credit reference agencies.

No serious company would purchase profile data from a data broker.

actually it appears as though the House voted today to change the definition of anti-semitism to include criticism of the state of Israel, so in fact it now is anti-semitic to point out those things.


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“Yatsge” says the title

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geo engineering is a stopgap solution. it enables the continuation of fossil fuel burning, and rampant over consumption. it does nothing to prevent ecosystem collapse in our oceans, decline of breathable air or extinction of native species.

when you hear “geo engineering”, think of “clean coal” and “sustainable aviation fuel,” because they are one and the same

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for now

my all time favourite xkcd. if i was to get a tattoo it would be from this

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it’s pro hoc, not cum hoc. which is to not say that it is not objectively, very funny.

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surely the real loophole is just to rip the video to a torrent and endlessly seed it, then you’ll never die

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illegal where? do you think a website hosted in Russia or Pakistan is going to care about an american family whose details get listed there?

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i don’t think there are any. priority is based on how much you think you could take rival vehicles in a fight.

i thought he was doing a poo

in order to get his extreme version of Brexit through parliament, he purged everyone in his party who didn’t bend the knee. as a result quite a bit of stupid legislation was passed that made for good tabloid headlines but ultimately is piss poor quality because all the real politicians with experience were kicked out.

hundreds and hundreds of hours squashing people with the Manta

it’s waterproof and the battery is charged by a hand crank on the side

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i’m quite into:

  • competitive cooking shows where the chefs are regular folks who have real personalities (example: netflix barbecue showdown)
  • shows where people restore rusty cars and then try and sell them, often focusing on the economics of running a garage and the things that can go wrong when buying ancient vehicles. (example rust valley restorers)
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the closest you’ll get is probably SOC II Type 2 or ISO 27001. While nowhere near perfect, those certifications validate that organisational controls such as change management, employee background screening, SDLC and production access controls functioned over the past 12 months. An external audit by an accredited specialist is required to obtain those certifications.

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fuck me i tried to read this and instantly developed cancer in both my eyes

a pretty grafana dashboard? peak web traffic looks a lot nicer than i thought!

you make that comment, in a week where we have had a megacorp public assassination of a whistleblower and cypherpunk crypto money has risen to a record high value versus government money?

If this is okayed then the next government will presumably be the last. So if that’s not Biden then he is comfortable handing over the torch to whomever wins. That doesn’t seem like a particularly nice choice to have to make.


I’d love a small box with a button that literally just calls my phone, has a mic and speaker and nothing else, no screen, no software, no proprietary lock-in. just a button.

Yup, but you have to think “how would malicious software/spyware/whatever get in our source code and if it does, how would we detect it?”

that’s where ISO and SOC II add value and give some assurance that detective, preventative and corrective controls exist and are working to prevent an issue.

If the company maliciously inserts back doors into closed source code and sells it like that, no amount of external audit is going to defend against that because they’ll just hide the code from the auditors.

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yes so you’re agreeing with me

there’s like 3-4 more of the same show just with different characters, rust to riches, another one about the mexican border etc etc

… we got sweat and pain,

yes but then the US doesn’t expect to sell huge quantities of its cars in China and upset the market. Nor would China permit that.

that definitely won’t escalate the situation at all

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Except it’s not capitalism when China does it, it’s socialism. The EV manufacturers like BYD have had massive subsidies from the state to bring those products to market, and that level of state support and intervention is not palatable to Americans.

Political, Climate change and National Security concerns aside, the subsidies are how the US government are about to justify the tariffs.

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