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Joined 4 months ago

And pisspants everywhere will sit by and let Putin get away with yet another murder.

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You don't have to take anyone out. Completely cut them off from the rest of the world. Nothing in, nothing out. No financial transactions. Seize all Russian owned assets outside of Russia.

Squeeze the body hard enough and the head will pop.

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And of fucking course he won't find what he wants in Texas, because what he wants is his own fucking fiefdom.

Fuckin' bleeding heart RINO accepting Federal money like the fuckin' welfare queen they are. We need to just separate from the US and start our own country so we don't have to HEY WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN I DON'T GET MUH CORN SUBSIDIES?!?!?!??!

Texit would result in...

  • A perpetual Democratic majority in the US.
  • A sudden spike in available Federal road construction dollars, as Texas will no longer be usurping a massive chunk more than they contribute.
  • The closing and relocation of numerous military bases, which would utterly devastate a number of communities that only hang on because of the thousands of welfare queen freeloaders polishing knobs while wearing camo.
  • Texas suddenly needing to find sources for things like corn and wheat.
  • Tens of thousands of businesses instantly shuttering and moving to other states because they literally cannot be operated outside of the United States. Like... you know... the fucking aerospace industry or anything with encryption.
  • The sudden realization that they do not have a military and thus no way to defend their borders without Cletus and his yokel buddies.
  • The slightly less sudden realization that Cletus was vaporized from fifteen miles away by a missile fired from an F35.
  • A descent into Russia-tier dipshittery.
  • Getting hit in the face that without the Federal government to play off as the boogeyman the Texas legislature would have to actually fucking accomplish something for once.

That last one is what will insure none of these inch-dick GOP fucks let this happen. They KNOW they're worthless. They KNOW they're trash humans. They KNOW they have created a base that will absolutely murder them the moment the bread runs out.

So I'm all in favor of Texit. There are literally no downsides for me.

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"Why do people choose to live under bridges wherever they want instead of in one giant communal room where they have a cot they can be raped on when they try to sleep?"

It's spelled accommodation. For someone that supposedly graduated college you'd think you'd know that.

"THEY" don't refuse anything. Some people do.

Not that you give a shit. You just regurgitate whatever your asshole uncle tells you to without thinking.

Fuck back off to posting Fox News articles in your conservative circlejerk hut and stay there, shitbag. No real human wants to interact with you cunts.

Ah, yes, the Autodesk style "not a subscription."

Which lasts JUST long enough to get people to buy in on the lower levels before they pull the fucking rug.

What part of "early adopter" did you not understand before you wasted your money?

Oh, don't worry, as soon as the lunatic money dries up it'll be back to whatever the new purchasing billionaire wants.

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Meanwhile my brother in law apparently had some life-altering experience because his kids were cold in the house and still refuses to lift a fucking finger to get out of this shitbag state.

Mayonnaise motherfuckers will allow this state to flourish despite everything.

Yes, that's kind of how an investigation works you dingbat.

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The moment that the oligarchs and their precious babies can't winter in Cancun because their passports are worthless is the moment things start to change. Rapidly.

There is no such structure in the DPRK. It's an enforced religious cult masquerading as a country.

Any parent whose child catches measles should be beaten approximately 3/4ths to death with their own shoes.

You think any of these cousinfuckers in Alabama know the difference?

"A zygote? Is that like a billygote?"

Of course. Because it's always the "other" with right-wingers. Not a genuine human in the bunch.

"Come and Take It" is a reference to the Battle of Gonzales.\_and\_take\_it

There's little chance most people with those stickers know that though. It's the same group that unironically loves their Punisher skull shaped Thin Blue Line stickers.

American. Texas, specifically.

Keep the good shit going, dispose of the cruft.

That's what a baseball bat and dumpster are for.

Nowhere. I install whatever will actually get through the installation process without fucking itself up on the hardware that I'm using.

MOST of the time that ends up being Mint because the developers aren't idiots. SOMETIMES it's Ubuntu. But neither wants to install properly every time, because of course not.

I have only used a printed boarding pass once, when I decided last minute to take an extra bag and had to pay at the airport. They printed a new pass.

Otherwise, it's all been apps. Plane or train. App.

You can add the boarding pass to whatever wallet is on your phone. No wifi needed.

If you get ads from signing up for the app you just unsubscribe from them. It's pretty easy.

"Hey, honey, it's the episode where OP learns how the internet works!"

Because, as we all know, it's ONLY the Republicans that are out of session right now... right?


Oh no, a fake fucking downvote from an idiot that thinks downvotes matter.

Who the fuck cares? Why the fuck do you think anyone cares?

Ah yes, that well-known financial bastion of... North Korea... where all oligarchs go to hide their money.

I don't think you know how financial transactions work.

If you don't understand the difference between an enforced national religious cult (DPRK) and a tenuous "democracy" that's only allowed to exist for as long as the oligarchs are able to maintain their income...


Almost all cultures disappear within a century or two. Do you think Canada is anything like it was 200 years ago? Shit, it's probably not even what it was like 50 years ago.

45 years ago the US overwhelmingly voted Reagan into office. That asscunt would get so fucking rejected in primaries now for being a "RINO" based on his gun control policies alone. Things change. Everything changes. When I was a kid it was totally fine to run around with a Southern Loser Flag on your shirt. Should that culture return? Some people think so.

You can either be a troglodytic conservative dingus or you can contribute to the new culture and a better tomorrow.

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Be more literate. Learn the difference between a question and a statement and how these things change circumstances.

Also go away. You're boring.

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You seem like you have nothing to contribute but still feel the need to open your mouth.

You work in HR, don't you?

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Hey everyone, check out the guy that thinks it's clever to go "LOL U GONNA RESPOND TO THIS."

Next post is probably "LOL I LIVE RENT FREE IN UR HED"

So I downgrade my HR assertion and now assume you're an Astros fan.

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You're completely illiterate.

Stop talking.

It is, quite literally, every moment of every day. Your ignorance is fucking astounding.

Pick any time that Congress is not in session. There is ALWAYS something they could be passing to save one group or another. Painting this shit as "OMG CONGRESS DUN CARE" is the kind of garbage-tier anti-government horseshit that ends up with idiots voting for Republicans. "Well, if da gubmint dusnt do nothin' then why have gubmint?!?" You hear this shit every time Congress is out of session for any reason. There's ALWAYS some bill that just absolutely has to be passed even though none of it mattered six months ago. It's politically expedient to complain about it now, so that's what happens.

Congress is not full of goddamn robots, and their schedule is prepared well in advance. If you call them back to vote on this shit, you're necessarily delaying OTHER votes and hey, guess what, when they go on break there will be YET ANOTHER vote that wasn't done because they went on break that's NOW the big boogeyman bill that they should be voting on rather than going on break.

It's a never ending cycle of bullshit.

Pay more attention.

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Clearly fucking not.

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It's entirely what you implied.

Be more literate.

Shill for what?

Got a followup?


Didn't think so.

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It really seems like a lot of the anti-Linus crowd gives way more of a shit about it than the actual victim, which is about par for the course with anything involving LTT.

Wish people had the kind of energy for shitting on actual horrid companies that they do for this one.

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You are aware that every government is literally always leaving someone to die every moment of every day, right?

Welcome to the world. It's shit.

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