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Open source nerd

Reddit refugee. Sync for Reddit is dead, all hail Sync for Lemmy!


I think this might be a "yes, but no" kind of thing.

Yes, these are test strips. Yes, they change color to indicate a reading. Yes, they use chemical reactions to cause that color change.

AFAIK: No, these aren't for testing blood. No, these don't seem to be for consumption by an electronic meter. And no, I don't think this is what OP was asking about.

Like, there's probably some good info, but not for this thread specifically :P

Source: Pulling it straight out of my ass, but it is informed by my limited experience with medical test equipment, and much less limited experience with electronics.

They get paid when the least amount of people they insure use their services. They're not incentivized to help those they've insured. The less they have to pay out to providers, the better the executive bonuses. Thus, they are diligent in collecting premiums, but can just sit on their hands when it comes to paying out.

The more the system denies and delays a claim, the fewer insured people are willing or able to put themselves through the bureaucracy gauntlet, the fewer pay outs.

They're not in the business of insurance, they're in the business of making money from the business of insurance. It's over-complicated on purpose.

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Also worth mentioning: if you fuck up the door trying to get into it,


Light percussive maintenance to bend a panel back into shape is one thing, but never ever try to take one apart if you aren't qualified. There are dangerous springs under tension that can and will kill you.

Get a professional

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Waow. MS can't decide if their users should have control of their hardware or not.

Your linux bootloader and efi config? That belongs to Windows, and it will make changes as much as it wants. A recovery partition that has no usefulness outside their own ecosystem? Yeah, they know it's fucked, and they fucked it, but it's your computer, you fix it!

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I'll admit I have zero insight and haven't looked into this, but at first glance, I don't understand why a desktop environment theme engine is unable to provide enough functionality for theme creators to do their thing without resorting to arbitrary command execution...

I trust KDE devs to address this quickly, but this is a pretty major oversight IMO...

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If you're looking for a name drop, Joplin does nicely for my uses.

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Me: fixes exposure to vuln

Also me: grabs popcorn

This is going to be an interesting story once this all quiets down...

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Ya know, this thread has inspired me. I'm a sound engineer, and find myself yelling "check one two three four" in the michrophone to test it all the time. I'm gonna start reciting the digits of Pi instead, and then as I learn them, I'll progressively advance how many numbers of Pi that I use in my everyday job :D

I work at a library, though. I should probably just go with poetry or Douglas Adams or something, but this makes me sound much more impressive

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This isn't about that specifically, but the gist of it is that they basically got a one-of-a kind prototype GPU water block from a boutique startup to review, and instead of reviewing it with the correct model GPU and sending it back as requested, they did their review on the wrong card, concluded it was crap, and then sold it at auction during their convention.

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My dude. The person you're replying to said nothing about whether or not they should be able to say what they want. They simply stated their opinion about what they said.

Log off for a bit and work on your reading comprehension.

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The only way to get it stable is to work out the kinks before releasing it to your user base and breaking their stuff in the process.

They're a small group of volunteers. It's amazing that they keep up as much as they already do.

The W bar is extremely low for this particular individual....

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Oh man, I would have learned so much so fast by breaking stuff and having to fix it. It's how I learned what I know now, just later. This is fantastic

That and age-gated items like alcohol and [some] medicines. If the one human managing the self-checkout horde is busy, you're just left waiting.

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Had a similar moment, but refused to work on the basis of safety, and don't regret it one bit. Installing speakers on poles for a rooftop bar 20 stories up, and we needed 6-foot ladders to reach the mount. Boss said do the thing, I said you can fuck all the way off until I'm in a harness. Boss didn't want to wait for the harness that was already on its way, and did it himself.

He knew he'd be turbofucked if it took longer than his boss thought it would take because he didn't think to bring a harness in the first place, and even more turbofucked if it came to light that he requested we work without it, so he just did it himself to save his own ass. It doesn't matter if he survived, he was a stupid idiot for stepping one rung up on that ladder without a harness.

For reference, this is the same dude who said that driving 17 hours in a van to a job site was just the same as sitting on the couch at home, so we should feel lucky that we're getting paid for it. He was not a smart man.

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Pro tip: configure a font that doesn't show open circles for unused braille characters to have a higher priority than your current font to get better-looking graphs.

On my system, braille characters are provided by DejaVu Serif, and it was as easy as just installing the font.

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When I got stuck whilst writing a cover letter for a job I really wanted (and needed), I gave up and had ChatGPT write one with heavy guidance. I was prepared for the interviewer to ask if I used AI to write it (applying to IT in a library, so I figured it might come up).

I concluded that I would definitely say "yes" if asked. If they were to accuse me of cheating, I wouldn't deny that perspective, but I would offer my own: When I reached my limits, I found the right tool for the job, understood its strengths, worked within its limitations, then validated the result.

I did not simply throw the job description and my resume at a robot then submit whatever it spat out without inspection. That would be irresponsible of me, and disrespectful to the hiring manager. I took care to make sure the result was desired and fit my needs, and I made several adjustments (both via prompt and via keyboard) until I was sure that it fulfilled my wishes.

Did I do An Engineering™ on the prompt? Fuck no.

But did I choose the right tool, learn how it works, operate it with care, then ensure the finished product was acceptable to the concerned parties? Fuck yeah, I did.

Come to find out, they didn't ask, and didn't care. I got the job and have been here for several months. Boy, am I glad I didn't let my inability to write an original cover letter ruin my chance at the best job I've ever had.

I agree that if there was enough space in the recovery partition to begin with, this wouldn't be a problem, but the user isn't the party that specified that size or the party that decided to add enough stuff to the recovery partition to exceed that spec.

MS knows that this is a widely-deployed configuration (they deployed it), but they're going ahead with an automatic update that is incompatible with that configuration anyway, failing to communicate to the user why the failure occurred, and refusing to automate a fix to the thing their automation broke in the first place.

Important note: zip ties (what is being discussed in the OP), and zip cuffs (cuffs that are made from similar material and tech) are very much NOT the same, and cannot be treated the same way.

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Billionaire is turbo upsetti that they are forced to pay for something they don't want to pay for, even if providing that something costs the provider money to provide it to them.


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The AI doesnt understand the former, only the latter.

Do you possibly mean "The AI evangelists" or something similar?

Like, I could totally understand it in the "software will also include the biases of those who wrote it" kind of way (a la Amazon's failed attempt at automating job candidate search). If the only incentive you're given as a programmer is "make it make money", then yeah, your AI is going to bias towards that end.

Just couldn't tell on first reading

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Anyone got a good rimjob_steve community to post this to yet?

Everything You Knead To Know. There's lots of massages to give to multiple partners!

I've never seen a more accurate description of ElectroBOOM in my entire life.

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For years, investigators and journalists working for Murdoch's British tabloids had hacked into the voicemails and emails of royals, politicians and the stars of sports, music, movies and more.

Waaaaaiiiiittttt... I've seen this one [before...](\))

That's an enby flag

Well, before talking about meds, remember that all bodies are unique, some side effects will affect people in different levels, TL;DR: YMMV, etc, etc...

I saw no negative sexual side effects on vyvanse. In fact, if there were any effects related to sex, it was that I could actually avoid distraction while there is an obviously important person to pay attention to.


Makes me think of this clip from Camp Camp

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Me want plant corndog delight

Running Arch, so not really exposed, but still had a compromised version installed.

I'm definitely not discounting the fact that this one W point is a drop in the bucket in comparison to the flood of L points he'a got lol

Dude's a grade-A dirtbag. Glad he's nice to his doggo, but still a trash human.

sed or awk might get you there, but something like jq which is meant for json might be a bit more ideal depending on your use-case.


If anyone wants to see this tunnel in all its glory, check out this video.

It's really an awesome feat of engineering. I hope the repairs are swift.

Hey, I live in Fucksville, and it's actually a nice purty place!

We do still have Industrial Pollution Dr, tho...