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This smells like an SEO article and the link is here to boost it in the Google results. There's literally no information in there that isn't just common sense.

I think of it more as a budding fascist dictator vs a senile moron. Which is why I'm extremely worried that the former wins. At least with the senile moron, the rest of the senate and staff can sort of hamper on reasonably without irrepairably dismantling democracy. This is a 1930s Germany type of situation.

You say that as if it was easy, and as if it doesn't come back again a few Windows updates down the road.

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My nVidia-branded plastic "sculpture" with a laser-etched 3D Eiffel tower and an actual pre-production GeForce 3 GPU embedded.

In the early 2000s I worked for a small game studio and got the attention from Nvidia for how we used their graphics cards. They wanted us to adapt our game to their new secret GeForce 3 project which was the first programmable GPU (as in shaders).

It was a crazy time with a lot of stories to tell. We got invited to the press conference for the new card, which was held in the Eiffel tower. Yeah, they actually rented the Eiffel tower.

As a thank-you for the work we'd done their developer relations representative had these made for all of the external game developers involved.

Are they?

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My neighbor cheated with his partner's sister, and now lives with the sister. The most aggravating part of it is that he has kids with both. Every other week his ex has to come by to drop off her kids at her sister's house since they share custody. From the kids perspective, their sibling is also their cousin.

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On the one hand, I strongly doubt their AI will do a good job at this and my first thought was that their sales will go to shit. I mean we all know how shitty all communication with Google is for mostly everyone because of what they already automated (developer relations for Android app developers spring to mind).

On the other hand, I'm not convinced the sales people were doing a good job either so maybe we won't notice a difference.

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I thought the point of the TPM was that the keys would be kept internally to the TPM at all times and that any data lanes would only be used for transferring payload. Why are they sending keys between the TPM and the CPU?

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When there is both Cisco video conferencing equipment and Skype/Teams-certified devices in the conference rooms because they are managed by two different departments that purchased conference equipment separately.

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I just think Microsoft Word is actively making the entire world less efficient. It's not made to produce documents that are easy to read. Don't have an obvious contender though. LibreOffice Writer just tries to be the same shitty product but free, LaTeX is way too technical and has horrible error handling. Markdown usability and quality breaks down if you make any serious use of tables and figures.

Since I'm not a US citizen I also think it's a threat to our country that our entire administration and every company is dependent on storing documents in an effectively proprietary format controlled by a US company, on cloud servers controlled by a US company. If compelled by the US government, Microsoft could put all of EU to a halt with the flick of a switch. National security calls for formats as central as this to be open standards supported by multiple competing products.

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What poorly thought out language. First they call FCC "tough", then they go on to imply that it's surprising that this wasn't a requirement before. IMO "tough" would be something that exceeds ordinary expectations.

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This is such extremely poor engineering that it throws me into a rage. There is nothing to prevent them from installing the update in the background progressively while driving and then just switching to the new version in one swift atomic operation (like changing the name of a directory) when it's ready

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Watching from Europe I have no idea what the problem is. The US spies on our data, the CCP spies on our data. I can see why the US government might worry that they can't access the data (except TikTok runs its servers on Oracle databases in the US just to satisfy them). But I don't understand why the citizens of the US would support tightening the monopoly to just Facebook and Google.

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Whether you're doing DIY or not, please check for available guidelines or regulations wrt safety in case of a fire. The fire fighters need to be able to spray your house with water without getting electrocuted. This is becoming an increasing problem where I live.

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Imagine going through the trouble to eat the entire chair, only to find that they have another one.

Yet many other countries do in fact calculate taxes for their citizens. You just need to check it and sign.

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Fisker found out Brownless got the car from an outside source

That typo is hilarious

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Every time a court finds that the USPTO has issued an invalid patent, they should be given a sizable fine. The patent system won't work as long as the USPTO has an incentive to turn a blind eye to shit patents.

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It's not about who you give a benefit. It's about your attitude towards reality and truth. Society has been going to shit lately because too many people prefer made-up claims that fit their identity and lifestyle, instead of fact-checking, justice, honesty and nuance.

Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean it's ok to accept lies about them.

Especially when the buttons move around in the GUI after an update so you accidentally press the wrong ones, or end up having to search the menus while driving.

Perhaps this could change when we have mainstream tactile displays, but until then buttons will always be better.

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Did you not read the article?

YouTube isn’t rolling out the anti-adblock to everyone. It seems to depend on things like your account, browser, and IP address. And if you’re not logged in or you’re in a private window, you’re safe. As a result, there are a bunch of people saying, “I use XYZ and I haven’t seen an anti-adblock popup yet,” unknowingly spreading misinformation.

They specifically address this in the article and say it isn't true.

On another topic, there are rumors circulating that we are fascists or supported genocide. These claims are completely false, and like most viral twitter threads, are coming from a single Mastodon user on a personal vendetta who didn’t provide any sources. Such slander doesn’t deserve any response and is best left ignored.

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Zuckerman vs Zuckerberg. Who will win, the man... or the berg? Either way, they're both Zuckers.

Says a company that makes an ad blocker

I actually have that teapot and I use it several times a week.

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"How many third parties?"


The thing we should do is to hold car manufacturers accountable for neglecting security in cars.

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They only want senior developers (and probably for the price of junior developers).

You know when you have a discussion or confrontation, and six hours later you realize what you should have said? My superpower would be the wits to always think of the right thing immediately.

In a corporate setting there usually isn't

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That's not water, it's pixels. I can tell because of the pixels.

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They actually stooped to this level? They used to advertise it as emotional support.

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Surely there are other programming jobs you can get? I work on IT service management software for mostly the public sector. We can't even use Google Analytics. How about embedded systems? Automation for factories? Medical software? I once worked on AI for detecting lesions in eye-fundus photographs, to screen for diabetes. There's plenty of specialized software for nice niche sectors, for example I did cost estimation and planning software for the construction industry. Or you can go work for some indie developer to make games. Put away some money and you can eventually start your own company to make the kind of software you enjoy making.

There are complex issues to solve, sure, but there's nothing complicated about the fact that we need to let humanitarian aid in and stop killing children, right this fucking minute. There are no excuses for what is happening right now.

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YouTube seems to think so

I'm a guy so I realize I don't see or understand everything from women's perspective, but I'm genuinely surprised by this. I've worked for decades at companies with mostly engineers and mostly men, and my experience is that engineers have on average much more progressive views than, say, my neighbors. My current company recently switched from a male to a female CEO and I haven't even heard anyone mention her gender, much less express any negative views in connection to her gender. My previous employer also had a female CEO and it just wasn't a thing on people's mind. At my current employer we have anonymous surveys to find problems in the workplace, and there were exactly zero people who reported observing any sexist actions.

I've heard sexist remarks twice in 20 years, and both times I was so flabbergasted that I didn't know what to do or say before the conversation had already moved on. So if I'm bad at speaking up when it happens, it's only because I didn't get enough practice.

I guess they mean use the password as part of the encryption key, or encrypt the key with the password. Bitlocker doesn't use the user's password in that way, which is why it can boot an encrypted system without user interaction. That part always seemed very sketchy to me.

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I upvote signal and downvote noise. Novelty is good whether I agree with it or not, redundancy is bad.