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The game is complete and will receive no future updates from me, but will remain on sale for the foreseeable future.

That's the sticking point. A game could be complete, and receiving no material updates, but still need to be "updated". Sometimes the app stores require a re-compile and you will be bound by the new terms.

In the worst cases, a highly played but low earning game (like Flappy Bird) requires a recompile to update the minimum API level it supports in the Google play store. There are no gameplay changes what-so-ever. If you don't re-compile and update it, Google will de-list the game. But you also can't submit the update unless you accept the new terms.

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You can dislike Nancy Pelosi and not be a Trumper. They are not mutually exclusive.

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But also know that it's not a jpeg, and it only works because whatever app is opening the jpeg is able to read the webp format.

Support of Hamas is not the same as not condoning the attacks, it's a false dichotomy. Of course it helps that they're very anti-Israel, but it's not necessarily a 1:1 thing. They also provide necessities in the Gaza Strip, so people tend to support them because they appreciate things like healthcare and food.

There's a post on reddit about some dude who gave his phone to a friend (wiped it, new iCloud, everything), and the undeleted photos are from when OP owned the phone.

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Even back then we were told never to reveal that sort of stuff online. How many of us do you think were telling the truth?

He's a VC CEO, he's there to pump the company for everything it's worth for maximum stock returns.

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Google didn't tell him that they were going to delete the data until a week before. I think that's the issue. It's like when you tell someone a family member moved on, you need to use the word "die" or it's open to interpretation. Google needed to straight up say that they were going to delete the data after 6 months, but they didn't.

Generally, the cars fall apart around the battery, not the other way around.

For me, it's both more expensive and takes longer, to take the train.

Idk if this is true. there were fewer posts about voyager 2 on lemmy, but they were more comments on it and it was a better article. I found 2 or 3 posts about it on reddit, but very few comments.

You can preserve, protect, and defend something you don't support. Debate 101 at even a high school level is learning how to argue the side of an argument that you don't support.

So while in office, he preserved/protected/defended something he didn't support. He then lead some form of rebellion against it, causing him to be in violation of the spirit of the 14th but not the letter as it's written, so he should still be qualified to serve.

The Supreme Court would love this wordplay, except, if they actually accept it, they're not just invalidating the spirit of the 14th, but undermining it completely as it would never ever ever be relevant to anyone, ever again. And wouldn't that also be against their oaths to uphold the constitution?

So most likely Trump will be eligible for re-election because I have no doubt that if they can get away with the Citizens United ruling, they can and will do whatever the hell they want.

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Israel is the size of New Jersey. Gaza is something like 140 Sq miles.

Lithium batteries aren't going to thermal runaway at 46ºc.

Edit: I looked it up. it's ~66º, so maybe closer for comfort that one would like.

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archive of our own does a fundraising event, and asks for donations until they get to their target. I could see Lemmy instances following the same model; if they do it right and get themselves listed as a non-profit, they can even get fundraising functionality into an app, and set it up so that Apple doesn't take their 30% cut.

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Why just baby food? Why aren't there lead limits in all food?

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By progressive and youth, you mean millennials, right? Who are as old as.... 40.

I've never been able to make a single salad for less than the price of a salad at a normal-priced resturaunt, ever. Sure I can make 10 salads for the price of one, but it's really hard to buy 1/4 a tomato, or 1/2 a head of lettuce from a grocery store.

The average manager has no clue on either of these questions.

But being in person wouldn't help.

If something happens to your SSD, you lose all access to everything. And SSDs can die without warning, and be un-recoverable.

They should have built it to vigorous aviation engineering standards.

Microsoft may not be the best company, but it's moves like this that make me trust them more than just about any other company.

You can buy bamboo utensils individually wrapped in wax and brown paper. For most one time use items we already have a non-plastic alternative, it's just less convenient.

That's what happens when you don't rotate your tires. If you rotate them every 6000 miles or so, they'll be fine for a while. My stock tires are a year old and still look great.

And fix their quality, and upgrade their interior to have buttons, as well as be somewhat nicer than a Toyota for the price they're asking.

I don't, but I've had about 5 years to replace all of my perfectly good cables with crappy bluetooth audio/dongles.

You weren't around for the 2016 presidential elections.

Get an EV. The only expense is tires. I'm hoping my ev can last the life of the battery, which is supposed to be around 22 years.

But using a custom blockchain, so the price for coins is not set directly by reddit. So if the price goes up, they can just say "not our fault". Love it.

That's only relevant if you have a mythical car that can charge to 80 in 10 minutes. My car does it in about 90, the Solterra I almost bought has something like a 60 minute 10-80% charge time, and the fastest charging car on the market right now is the EV6 which is (IIRC) still 18 minutes to 80%.

Nevermind that the estimated 350 mile range in an ICE car is pretty spot on, where as a 250 mile range in an EV is best case scenario.

I own an EV, I think EVs are the future, but they're not there quite yet. Not completely, and not in a way that can compete with a RAV-4, CR-V, or Forester in terms of miles traveled and minutes spent filling up. And often, locations where you want to stop, aren't the same locations that have a fast charger.

Where I live, no amount of anything is going to get me away from a car. Even if I had a billion dollars to invest, I couldn't get rid of the need for a car, for at least 10 years. It's a nice position to take, but completely devoid from reality.

Our local hospital just switched from covid/flu/strep tests to individual ones, because they can bill more for 3 tests than one.

Also, never mix iron (not a vitamin btw) with dairy or tea. And take it with some vitamin C

Aside from it not being kosher (milk and meat) what's wrong with mixing the two?

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I think you missed the 1990s and 2000s when Israel tried that. Repeatedly. Then the said f it and implemented a blockade.

My work gave everyone who got it two days off to recover. It's more like a 20% chance of a 24-48 hour debuff, but you can't seriously tell me that you haven't heard of anyone having side effects.

The only problem is that MS already owned 49% of openAi.

Stations are often broken, or the billing doesn’t work, or they are in inconvenient areas.

ICE vehicles suffer from the same problems, we're just accustomed to them and understand how to work around the issues.

But it's not like insurance is going to help. If you buy a gun that gets used in a shooting, it's still used in a shooting. The only difference is that someone might get money, but it doesn't actually solve any problem.

What it does do is place a regressive tax on gun ownership.

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There's the matter of consent, and it might legally be along the same lines of giving someone a roofie so they don't remember in the morning.