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and it'll also explain why nothing will come of it too.

but only if you know enough about the fediverse to be aware; if i had no logged into like i usually don't do on these days, i would never know and spend the rest of my time on lemmy.world trying to figure out why i can't find any pirating stuff to share.

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And one of the root causes is propaganda passed off as affordable education to school districts whose budgets are bieng intentionally choked off in favor of for profit education all across this country for the last 5 or so decades

that content keeps me coming back as an unregistered lurker and for much longer than all of the fediverse instances combined.

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If I’m going to spend all this money on living expenses I may as well do that somewhere better.

i did something similar between austin, texas and chicago, illinois. now my new place is 2x the size; w lots of amenities; costs less than texas; but most importantly, my new home isn't descending into a conservative fascist hell hole while everyone just sits around and watches it happen while simultaneously ignoring the clear reasons why and how to help it. lol

moderates are the reason why the extremist right groups exist per martin luther king's explanation: https://letterfromjail.com/

tldr: I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action”; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a “more convenient season.” Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.

this why i'm skeptical of reports that people will stop voting republican in the united states. primarily because it's been said before but also because climate change makes like harder and history has proven that whenever life gets tough; people become more xenophobic/racist/etc.

as a queer brown man; i don't want to be anywhere at all.

why 1949 and where?

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it's everywhere american conservatives have a relationship and right now it's strongest in africa

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because any and all barriers are effect means at preventing people from taking or doing something while still remaining legally valid.

genx is the most trumpy of all the generations and millennials are now in their early 40's; unless you're genz or younger, i wouldn't wait.

also living long enough to watch biden go from dunking on gays to get easy political points to being hailed as the most pro-gay president ever has convinced me that things change in ways that don't make sense so i now expect that, as wealth transfers from boomers to their younger relatives, we'll see fascist sentiments resurge due to newly wealthy people feeling like they need to do something to keep their new found wealth.

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difference they're not on lemmy; they're people to volunteered to work in a position where they have to deal with this behavior.

only poor people have to deal with rats and roaches; which is why they're still around.

But anyone dumb enough to try this would start Civil War 2.0.

i lol'ed when i got to this line because you perfectly described the circumstances describing nixon's resignation (excluding the execution).

and it'll work because it's texas; i'm so glad to have left hat shit hole.

republican policies create more republicans and now that they're a majority (per the article) a majority of the next generation will be republican.

fwiw: gay nightlife in san francisco was at its zenith in the 50's & 60's .

the san francisco we have today is a tiny dim more conservative ember of what it was back then.

i've learned first hand that not even the liberals in austin give a rats ass about voter suppression in texas; so she must be doing this for herself because she's not going to have an impact in uvalde and much less for the rest of the state.

r/topsandbottoms and r/pecsandpecbouncing are the biggest subs that keep me on reddit.

when it gets stuck on something like that, it's because of a hardware related change; did you update or modify your bios recently or change hardware drivers?

they're speaking for 77% of americans; who are you?! lol

My own back spasms were similar; but I've had them enough times that I've learned ways to manage the pain enough to finish a thought other than "ouch"

I've been able to reduce the frequency of occurrence by experimenting w my sleeping and exercise habits and learned that pregnancy pillows are worth their weight in gold for me; maybe they'll help you?

the article should be shortened down to this one paragraph to understand why they're just sitting there and letting it happen; tldr, the black caucus is a center right organization that's friendly right leaning causes like aipac:

More centrist CBC members and their political allies have been involved in combatting progressive gains in the Democratic Party. In June 2021, Jeffries, along with Reps. Josh Gottheimer, D-N.J., and Terri Sewell, D-Ala., another recipient of AIPAC cash, launched Team Blue PAC to protect Democratic members facing primary challenges from their left. And last June, Democratic operatives closely aligned with CBC leaders launched a new dark-money group to fend off primary challengers.

Living in Texas had taught me that, if Texas wants it, it is therefore bad.

since making the fediverse my new home; i learned that i spend an hour (maybe 2 max) before i run out of content and i can spend 4+ hours without noticing while scrolling reddit even though i no longer have an account there and can't participate in any conversations anymore.

i used to inhabit forums and bbs that did something similar to reddit and i learned that the downfall will be so slow that no one will be able to recognize it. one of them was still around and i took a look when i left reddit and saw that the die hards remained and now post over 75% of the content.

it's a bit like climate change; it's unquestionably happening but most either won't admit it or just ignore it.

make your billions by buying lots of small, but super profitable investments.

what if you're both?

this is true and it relates to this topic because multiple studies have shown that unions don't survive if brown people make up too big of a percentage of the workers; so if you're going to talk to a union and you see more white faces than any other, you now know to whom you're talking to and can start to understand why trump will always have an audience with union members despite trump himself being anti-union.

The fediverse has so little content that it makes it hard to imagine anyone paying for something that gives you less content and participation than any unregistered lurker gets from something like reddit for free

also: it's small town texas; i wonder if she actually expects to achieve anything.

nearly half of computer-related engineers/developers/technicians/analyst who refuse to believe that this and other similar programs that snowden revealed on purely ideological grounds is a huge source of fuel for my misanthropy; the fact that they tend to be the most successful and/or well paid in my field (software development) is a several fold bigger source.

we're so fucked

i love how the people he's screwed hard enough to be forced out of politics continue to publicly insist that they're best buddies with him in the hopes of continuing to woo some kind of base; especially pence. lol

Tell me you’re a white middle- or upper-class male without telling me…

also straight and clueless. lol

Israeli intelligence knew and did nothing at the behest of their masters

this and the fact biden was so un-apologetically banking on homophobic, sexist and classicist issues until well after it became politically convenient to change is exactly why i stopped voting democrat and i love that i've been able to convince other who i have a relationship with to stop as well.

thanks for saying

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Let’s see how the strategy of ignoring calls from your base a year before a contested election that your opponent polls higher in key states works out for them. It feels like the DNC is trying to lose in 2024 right now.

the "vote for the lesser evil" crowd are an overwhelming majority and, they not only don't care that dems don't deserve your vote; but will use that overwhelming majority voice to blame you for enabling trump.

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that number sounds too low.

assuming that the last election was 50% and that 50% of voters are republicans; about 70 million people could support her like this.

voting for the lesser evil will only serve to guarantee that you will forever be voting for the lesser evil and that you will reach the same evil that the alternative raced towards, but slower.

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i bet he's too smart to run; trump would have been better off if he hadn't run; and we'd all be better off and biden hadn't either.

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