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Joined 1 years ago

I've said this before and I will say it again. This period of time will go down in history as a particularly dark time in human history. The fact that not only is this happening, but efforts to stop it from people with real power to change it is incredibly minimal. The world powers letting this happen is perhaps worse that the Zionists doing it.

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Reminder that there was a 56 year occupation and a 75 year ethnic cleansing before the 7th of October attacks

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You're 2035 years old? Wild..

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  • Reminder that multiple Palestinian villages have been ethnically cleansed in the West Bank during the assault on Gaza, by settler militias supported by the IOF.

  • Reminder that Israel rejected early proposals for hostage exchanges opting instead for carnage on the Palestinian civilians.

  • Reminder that Israel KNEW of the October 7 attack ahead of time and failed to do anything to stop it.

  • Reminder that Israel is by all accounts a setler-colonial ethnostate imposing apartheid on the Palestinian people.

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Years, decades *

Exactly. When someone thinks an occupied people living under siege and military occupation can just wake up one day and decide to hold elections I can only shake my head. Israel won't allow it, because they love Hamas being in power in Gaza, it provides a very easy excuse for their actions. Israel loves the status quo, because they can seemingly get away with anything as it is.

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Everyone including the US government knows that Hamas will survive this assault. It's not about Hamas, it never was. Hamas simply provided Israel with the excuse to carry out an ethnic cleansing that they've been wanting to do for decades.

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My support for Palestinian liberation has nothing to do with Algeria, sorry.

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If it was any other country your argument would be substantive. But we are talking about Israel and Palestine. Anyone who leaves will not be able to return. That's how it's always been. And for the Palestinians, their land is their existence. They will not give it up. They know the second they leave, it's been lost.

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All the supporters of Palestine that I know absolutely support the return of any hostages, including myself. However we aren't so one-sided to only demand that of Hamas. We also believe the 5000+ Palestinians held in Israeli prisons and military posts, many of which are illegally held without charges, unable to seek legal advice or see family, some of which are children, ought to be returned as well.

Don't be blind to what is happening. It isn't hard information to find.

Perhaps prejudiced is a more appropriate term. And I agree, I think we ought to avoid such inflammatory statements about an entire nation of people based on the actions of a relatively small few, even when those actions are despicable.

Ah, see it is lawful because Israel says so, therefore it doesn't qualify as terrorism. /s

To be completely fair, I don't think anyone is blaming Biden for all of the conflict between Zionists and Palestinians historically. What we are blaming him for is facilitating the last 7 months of blatant genocide and ethnic cleansing by sending money and weapons to Israel and defending them at every turn. without Biden's unwavering support, the last 7 months would look a hell of a lot different for Palestinians.

Israel actually have thousands of "prisoners", many of which are being held indefinitely without charges or trial. Usually when someone is being held against their will, without reason we call them a hostage. Israel has abducted more Palestinians during the "truce" than they have released. Israel is also seemingly responsible for many of the deaths of Israeli civilians on the 7th of October, including shooting people exiting homes in kibbutzim at the orders of the army.If you want to start sharing graphic, gory, NSFL videos, I have countless videos of Palestinian children without limbs, intact skulls, you name it. No one here is defending Hamas killing civilians. But they difference is that unlike you, we are not defending Israel killing thousands of civilians. The IOF is a terrorist army.

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I can think of one immediately that may fight the US for that title..

I've interviewed Palestinians nearly 10 years my junior (and I'm not that old) and was always impressed by their maturity. They seem to understand things far beyond what most people the same age in my own country can. I truly believe that Palestinians live through the stress, difficulty, hardships, etc that an average person goes through in a lifetime (or more), before they turn 18. It will always stick with me just how intelligent, caring, understanding and mature these kids can be.

Why are you bringing out Arafat in the 90s? Your comment lacks relevance to what you're replying to. Arafat has nothing to do with the fact that Israel wants Palestinians to leave Gaza.

I'm a fellow mandolin player! Couldn't believe what I just read haha. There isn't typically too many of us making ourselves known in places like this

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Israel began its occupation in 1947 when the soon-to-be state began ethnically cleansing the lands - removing the Indigenous locals out of their homes and villages. Yes - this sparked the 1948 war, which resulted in even more land being occupied. This issue did not begin with the 1948 war.

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Israel doesn't have to be gone in order for Palestinians to be free. People are protesting because this isn't a war, this is resistance fighters standing up against an occupation and apartheid system. A free Palestine does not mean Israel and Zionists wiped off the map. It means Palestinians living with dignity, human rights, and self determination; things they are not given now, and have not been given for 75 years.

Yes, there are those in the fringe that believe Israel needs to be wiped off the map. Any political situation will breed extremists. But in order for peace to be achieved, first and foremost is the dismantling of Israel's APARTHEID SYSTEM.

this is why we rally. Our governments must understand that we are tasking them with putting pressure on Israel to change its ways. This is how apartheid fell in South Africa.

Free Palestine.

Salam and shalom to all citizens of Palestine.

Edit: forgot to add: those extremists do not represent the movement as a whole

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Welp we found the hasbara, folks!

Bad ass. Can you fly me to my appointment later?

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I don't think they care whether they are legitimate or not to be completely honest. Hamas won the election in '06 fair and square, then defended against an attempted coup..whether that leaves them as a legitimate power or not is beyond my scope of understanding. One could probably also argue that they lack of elections for the last 18 years makes them illegitimate. But regardless, Hamas is an easy excuse whether they were elected fairly today or 18 years ago. I honestly don't think Israel would treat Hamas and Palestinians any differently if they won a fair election again next week.

That's okay, I'm not trying to get a response! Just trying to make sure people think about this with less bias.

I finally committed myself to getting BitWarden set up, maybe a year ago. I wish I had done it sooner. I use it to generate all my passwords, and I have it installed on my phone and desktop. I love remembering only one password and knowing all my other passwords are secure. For me it's a no-brainer.

I've been using Connect for Lemmy and I really like it!

Who has ruled over the other with military occupation, routinely unhoused, tortured, killed and terrorized the other for 70+ years?

Who decided they wanted the land and proceeded to ethnically cleanse the towns to make room for their own people?

Don't turn a blind eye.

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No kidding! Maybe I will look into starting one..

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I just ordered a pedal steel guitar yesterday and there's a chance it will arrive today. If it does, I will be spending some quality time with my new instrument. I have a rehearsal this afternoon for a gig next week as well.

I'll be spending time with my wife, perhaps playing some video games with my best friend, and likely playing some disc golf tomorrow.

Ah, Hoi An. One of my favorite places in Vietnam. I will forever cherish the memories my wife and I made there. Made friends with the lady that ran the hostel we were at, she gave us the most precious gifts when we left. I look forward to visiting her again.

To be quite honest I did not read through all the comments to see if this has been suggested already, but Child of Light comes to mind!

This is an absolutely striking photo. It has such intensity. Love it

Okay I did it! I honestly don't know the right way to link to communities so I hope this works. Let's get it going: !mandolin@lemmy.ca

@cottard@lemmy.world and @ritswd@lemmy.world you're invited too!

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Holding someone in "military administration", without trial, without charge, without access to a lawyer or family, for political gain sounds a lot like a hostage to me, ESPECIALLY when the detainee in question is a child, of which there are hundreds.

I'll take the chance.

I was so repulsed by that AMA, what a joke. It really solidified my decision to look elsewhere. Reddit just is not Reddit anymore. Gone is that entity that lives on only in my memories. As with many things past, present and future, money tends to ruin it all for us.

I felt the same as you. Here's how I managed to deal with my piles of accounts: get BitWarden set up, and pick a few main accounts to enter in and generate new passwords for. Delete your login data and cookies from your browser, then add accounts to BitWarden and generate new passwords as you come to need them. That way it's one at a time not all at once. Made it manageable for me! (BitWarden even prompts you if you'd like to save a login if it's never seen it before)

A ceasefire comes about as an agreement between the parties. That's why it is hard to get to (Hamas won't stop defending Gaza, and the IOF doesn't want to stop shelling/infiltrating). In order for the two parties to lay down arms even for a moment is with negotiations and agreements. We saw during the ceasefire, multiple negotiations, resulting in specific numbers of hostages from both sides released. These numbers weren't decided at the time of release, they were specifics negotiated and agreed upon between parties.

Everyone that I know, that is calling for a ceasefire wants to see a permanent ceasefire. Not one that begins with Israel stating they will return to obliterating Gaza as soon as its over, but one that results in a process toward Palestinian self-determination, ALL hostages released both by Hamas and Israel. Keep in mind, Israel holds thousands of Palestinians hostage, including many without charge or trial and during the ceasefire, Israel detained more Palestinians than they released.

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