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Joined 12 months ago

This basically sounds too good to be true. Making an FPGA core for 1 console is already a challenge, but making a new console that uses multiple cores and plays hundreds of games perfectly? Not gonna be easy.

Especially since they also want to add many more hardware features. The disc drive in particular stands out. I really wonder how they are planning to make all of this work. It's like they want to recreate the hardware accurately but also add features.

Will the FPGA core be less accurate because of this? Or will it emulate the real hardware perfectly with these extra features added by another chip? Probably the latter, but I'm really looking forward how this is gonna work out nonetheless.

Definitely an interesting project.

Pokémon, actually. Just a month ago I wanted to play Soul Silver. But man, it is tedious. There's so much slow dialog, long animations, and little inconveniences everywhere (even in the menus). And I feel like you also have to grind to progress, which I absolutely hate in games (but maybe I also just didn't play well enough, whatever). So yeah, quite disappointed with it since I remember the 3DS games being quite fun.

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Flashlights are an interesting one. I somehow ended up in !flashlight@lemmy.world and it's definitely a unique hobby. I'm not sure if I'm willing to really join all of you yet, but reading the posts can be pretty cool.

For me, it's probably CRTs, other display technologies and old hardware in general. It's fun to tinker around with stuff. And playing games, be it new or old, on CRTs is what I live for.

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Ever heard of the Trine series? 5 games by now (can only speak about the first 4 though), and they are really fun together. Basically 2d puzzle games with 3 different characters that all have their own abilities, which leads to many different ways to solve puzzles. Highly recommended.

I often find myself getting a notification 10+ minutes after I get a message

Oh that's interesting, sometimes I don't get notified at all

10 minutes sound pretty solid to me.

It is. Finished Trials and Tribulations last week. What an adventure.

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Man, TimeSplitters 2 is the goat. Still play it every now and then. Some levels weren't that great, but the characters, multiplayer aspect and just the overall "goofyness" of the game really make it stand out

To add to that, many IEMs (and many other headphones too probably) come with removable cables.

30fps would be a joke on the normal switch. All the Metroid Prime games are running at 60, even the MP Remaster. I'd be surprised if 4 would run at 30.

Were at the end of the generation, this game has been in development for years. If there's a time where the devs really know how to use the hardware to its full potential, it's now.

Definitely at least once a week, though usually more than that.

Happened to me too. it suggested to delete the app (there was even a button for it directly) but as expected, nothing happened :(

If you are comfortable with building a pc by yourself, you could try to get an older office pc and put a decent graphics card in there.

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Where's the problem? I've just looked through their page and it seems like they really improved it. Now I might consider getting one too, dammit

Fuck. Why are you telling us about it?

I should have never installed it, damn it

The Wii U Pro controller in general was great. Best battery life I have ever seen on a controller. Great dpad thats clicky but still uses membranes so it's still a bit softer than the one in the DSi or New 3DS systems. The sticks were incredibly smooth too for some reason. I would use it more today if it wasn't for the lack of gyro, which is a dealbreaker for many games for me.

they were great for a while still, after LCDs came on the market

and they are still great, if not better. I'd take a high-end CRT over a modern LCD any day.

I'd also recommend the universal android debloater. makes the whole process quite easy.

Well yeah, but it also looks worse.

If one still goes with upscalers and likes diy projects, the GBS-control is also definitely worth a look.

Oh, and there's the Wii mini too. Can't think of any newer system with a DVD flap.

Haha thanks for your suggestions, I'll look into it :)

And with CRTs, yeah, they can be pretty good. Of course, a calibrated CRT has perfect black levels, but that's not even the best part. OLED and Plasma can do that too, after all. What I love about CRTs is the motion clarity. During motion, every display except CRTs becomes blurry. That's the most important part for me. It makes a night and day difference for games.

I made a post about a high end CRT monitor here. This monitor can go up to 1440p or up to 160hz (not both at the same time, though). I love it.

And of course, a standard definition CRT is awesome for any pre HD console. They look awesome.

So yeah, I think we definitely lost something with the transition to LCD and OLED. I hope I didn't get into to much detail here, once I start with talking about the greatness of CRTs, it's hard to stop :)

hey man, thanks for the upscaled version!

That looks really nice! What cables are you using on your CRT?

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Oh, this is so cool! Great project for sure. I wish I got my GBS-Control working correctly in the first place haha

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Trust me, first things I do in Pokémon games. Didn't help.

Wait, the OG 3DS has that too? My New 3DS has that problem as well. Crazy that they managed to repeat that design flaw.

Oh I see, thank you.

Right, that's a smart idea. I'm definitely looking forward to how your project is gonna turn out!

Like the other guy said, you can get headphones with detachable cables like IEMs. They don't even have to be expensive mind you. I have a 22€ pair with a replaceable cable.

That's pretty cool. Hope you have some fun with it.

I would seriously consider it the best handheld of all time

you're so right with that. there is just something about the 3ds. playing on my 3ds always puts a smile on my face.

Yeah the SP is quite something special. It uses clicky buttons, but also keeps the rubber membranes which give it this softer clickiness. Not sure why Nintendo did that? Though to be fair it was also one of the first consoles to use clicky buttons, maybe they just hadn't completely figured it out yet?

Hm I'll think about it. Seems like this is really the way to go. I was playing on a modded DSi though, so I will probably have to switch to an emulator to use these kinds of cheats. Still, sounds like a good idea.

I was thinking about that. Thank you for the suggestion and also the link :)

I always thought about the differences of these 2 modes, but never tried it out. What exactly does it change?

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Alright, thanks for the info.

I never let my battery get below 50% if I can help it.

that doesn't sound great for the battery

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That makes sense. Looks awesome!

got the latter one from !mobilewallpaper@lemmy.world by any chance?

You did try to change the contrast on the GB you bought, didn't you?

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Neither the Wii nor the Wii U use emulation. Both have the hardware to play GC games natively.

But keep in mind that the Wii U's upscale of SD content is not that great. It wont necessarily look better than using a Wii over component cables.

You could get an upscaler, but you know, 480p or 480i is never gonna look good on a 1080p or 4k display. You have the choice between very blurry, kinda blurry, or really sharp and pixelated. Most prefer the latter, but none look truly great I'd say.