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Joined 1 years ago

My phone is my sole PC and has been for about 7 months now. I use it for everything. I'm using nreal AR glasses for a massive virtual 80" screen via Dex. I use a Bluetooth mouse and mechanical keyboard. I use libre office for real work, I do development work right on the phone. I also use andronix on the phone for when I need a more full blown Linux desktop for gimp, IDEs, GIS, etc.

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Anyone who isn't at least mildly interested that you know Morse code isn't someone you want to know :-)

Good filter technique.

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You can use superconductors to create Josephson junctions, which can be used for standard logic operations (but also useful in quantum computers). These junctions are much more efficient and much faster than transistors.

This particular superconductor will not be useful for transmitting power because the effect breaks down at very low current limits in this material, but it will be very useful for studying superconductors.

So contrary to what you said, this will in fact not be useful for power transmission, but could be useful for CPUs and GPUs, and could lead to computers that are hundreds or thousands of times faster and more efficient than what we have today.

To be fair this material may never see a practical use though.

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That's an aspirational goal but there has been no practical methods proposed to actually achieve it. Good intentions are a start I suppose. I don't think anyone really thinks we can do it at this stage. It's openly stated that it would require as-yet unknown technology to achieve.

e.g. We could engineer something to kill possums, but the Aussies are gonna be straight up pissed at us for wiping out their marsupials, if (when) it crosses the ditch.

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TLDR; the front side is 23% efficient, and the rear side 20% efficient.

They don't actually give an overall efficiency but it implies a total of 43%. They compare this to typical panels also at 23% efficient, so it's really remarkable if true. Other emerging solar tech is up to about 32% but if that could also benefit from multiple layers then total efficiency could become insane.

Seems a little too good to be true, really, but great if so.

Edit: Yeah, I don't think these efficiencies can be added like that. I guess the overall efficiency will depend on how reflective the ground under the panels is, and they will extract 20% of that. Maybe that's why they don't give an overall rating.

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Not that it is particularly relevant but we legalised prostitution in New Zealand in 2003.

"The number of sex workers in Aotearoa New Zealand has not changed significantly since decriminalisation, and there is no evidence of trafficking; in fact, the legal recourse granted to sex workers in the country has improved their ability to combat exploitation, violence, and health risks without facing the threat of a soliciting offence."

Although, there's still problems around working conditions and other things that need addressing it has been seen by most as a positive change.

Stop trying to stack overflow the fediverse, please.

Counting calories/macros is good thing to do to zero your brain in on what foods contribute what - it's honestly quite surprising and informative to do. But, doing it constantly is kinda obsessive and annoying. Same applies here too.

Don't sign up to lemmy.ml or you'll need to sign up again on a new instance when they get defederated. Tankies. I guess a blind eye is being turned right now because numbers are important for survival atm, but I wouldn't consider it a future-proof instance.

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I'm just using a Samsung S20+. You need a Samsung if you want Dex.

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I think it's intellectually lazy to stick with the stochastic parrot line of thinking now. There's a number of emergent properties that are appearing as LLMs scale that give them abilities beyond that paradigm. Check out the "Sparks of AGI" paper from Microsoft research - or more realistically one of the youtube summaries of it since its quite a big read... Here's one from the horse's mouth: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qbIk7-JPB2c

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It seems that federation is working on kbin, but not lemmy, so you will see lemmy posts on kbin, but not vice versa. It'll be sorted soon enough. It's just a bit annoying because I've replied to several lemmy posts and only now realise they won't be seeing them yet.

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I seem to recall seeing something about him not wanting to do that and throwing in the towel on it, but I may be mistaken, and he can always change his mind if so, anyway. But, god that would be great for the trajectory of non-corporate social media if he did.

Really weird you would recommend just lemmy specifically. It makes me wonder if you understand what the fediverse is. ;-)
Regards from kbin.

I'm located in a van in New Zealand so I only use mobile data. I pay NZ$40 (US$25) per month for "unlimited" data, which is all I can eat but capped at 1Mbps. I can stream 720p barely, but I mostly torrent. I typically use about 60-80GB a month.

Creating a new sub so I'm a moderator brought Boost back to life. Maybe that will help here?

For once I'm interested in hearing the tankies' views on something.

It isn't just about stopping genes being expressed. It can also cause otherwise inactive genes to be expressed.

But also, some imprinting behaviour comes from brain development and is not directly related to epigenetics.

We know that simultaneously changing a whole bunch of subs between public and private drives reddit into the ground. Subs are not allowed to stay private or risk being taken over, but they can surely still change between the two modes provided they don't stay dark too long. So, every 48 hours simultaneously switch the subs between the two. Malicious compliance, right?

Yes, it's working again.

I've been using signal for a few years. I'm now in a situation that I use two different phones but signal only allows you to be connected to a single device, and you only see the messages in your history for the particular device you received it on. You can't migrate messages, the UI is extremely basic and isn't a responsive design so you have no control over window size on larger screens. There's just so many annoying little things about it, but overall it's pretty solid. I'm looking for a better solution now though.

It really needs some more effort put in on UI design, data migration and linked devices. Development is very slow. I hoped it would improve but nothing has changed for years.

If you make it to wherever you're going, please let us know the story!

FYI, you are able to edit titles on the fediverse in case you want to the missing word.

Reddit is now further away from a public offering than it was last year, Mr. Huffman said.

Well, that slightly warms my heart.

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The Khan academy approach to ai-assisted learning looks amazing and it's just a first attempt. I think having individual, endlessly patient AI tutors leading each student via the Socratic method will revolutionise teaching. Teachers actually have more time to socialise with the students, so fears that ai learning would deprive children of the social interaction may be put to rest. It looks really promising.


Oh nice. An entire language that is write-only.

No mention of The Handmaid's Tale... I guess it doesn't need saying.

I think you're right there. My bad.

Yes this is exactly what happened with the freenode -> libera split. Although we entirely lost some good people and the community was smaller, the reduction in toxicity made it all worthwhile. The type of people who defend reddit on this are not the type of people we want anyway.

This is the first real chance we've had to break the chains on corporate social media. We should all strive to make this work for the betterment of everyone in the longer term.

Much the same happened with the Slashdot -> soylent split but the community was already so small by then it had no chance of thriving. We don't need a huge chunk of reddit to survive and thrive though.

One of the things that weighs me down is posts making me dwell on the things that weigh me down.

I didn't see it mentioned, but reddit apparently doesn't advertise in nsfw subs, so it has more value than just the laughs it gives us.

See this is a problem because some people think the fediverse revolves around lemmy. It doesn't, and nor does it revolve around kbin (which is where this discussion you're viewing in lemmy is originating from). We're in the fediverse and any name should reflect that. But also, there's zero chance I'm ever going to refer to myself as a kbinaut or fedinaut, or k-bean. That's so cringe. It feels like snoo all over again. Kbinners is a natural and non try-hard name if you must refer specifically to kbin users but I don't see any reason for establishing or encouraging tribalism within the fediverse. I haven't seen a general fediverse or threadiverse name I particularly like yet. I'm kind of a fan of threader, threaditor or something like that though.

Lemmy is not the underlying technology anyway.


Yes, it's inevitable but stretching out the pain to draw more people to the fediverse is useful. The more news it makes, the more people will want to check it out, and a wee bit of viral, newsworthy drama could make a significant impact on the adoption trajectory. Plus, for petty people like me, it's a great source of entertainment.

And since we're fediversed, in kbin go to magazines, enter your search term. It will search across the fediverse.

This may be a silly question, but what is wrong with lemmy for this purpose? You're already there, friend.

yes and only responded to questions that vaguely related to the prepared answers they had. It was more a press briefing than an AMA.

Yeah, I just signed up to lemmy after using kbin for a couple of days. The problem described is really annoying.

I've just been sorting my comments by highest score and replacing a dozen or so each day with something like "-> fediverse". So far none have been restored. Most of the lower scored comments don't have value to anyone anyway so I'm just ordering by most impact until I get bored.

Not participating isn't the only choice.

On days I'm feeling particularly petty I go into discussions and vote down the good comments and vote up the bad ones just to make the signal to noise ratio worse. Yes, I'm that petty.

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Boost for reddit is still working. Any ideas why?