
2 Post – 40 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

A guy

I would consider this a service to the neighborhood. More bats, fewer mosquitoes.

Maybe he did start the fire!

I'm sorry but "Mount Fuego". Pretty low-effort name. Do they also have a Lago de Agua? Just sayin.

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Who's to say that maintaining the dignity of the office of President is not in the interest of the US? She is impugning his reputation therefore making him look weak which could embolden our enemies. She must disappear for the good of all Americans. It's not hard to justify just about anything as an official act in the interest of the US.

Future post - How do I get rid of raccoons in my yard?

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The joke is on them. I don't back up anything.


Who's to say what's reasonable.

when challenging the election, that is not an official act

Why not? He could make the argument that the election was stolen and ignoring it is in the best interest of the United states.

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You forgot the banking and insurance industries as well.

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As a DevOps guy, I can tell you we're black magic sadists. You should feel the pain. Not us.

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Stand-ups can become so proforma. What did you do yesterday? I coded. What are you doing today? I am going to code. Do you have any blockers? No. It gets a little repetitive after a while.

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It is a methodology to develop software quickly. It has some good things about it. But it can be very heavy on meetings and agile idealists are not very flexible. As many of the other comments say, a mixture of agile and some other methodology or starting with agile and developing your own process that works for your team or project is the best way of managing a project. I don't understand why so many people don't seem to write requirements when using agile. Even with agile I will not start coding until I have relatively clear requirements. It is not too bright to start speculative development without really knowing where you are going. https://agilemanifesto.org/

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They give many fucks about what their donors want.

His job is to support and defend the Constitution of the United states. You certainly can argue that protecting the integrity of the voting system is part of that job.

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Sunglasses. Would go thru 4 or 5 pairs of cheap plastic lense sunglasses every year. The lenses would always get all scratched. Bit the bullet and bought a pair of Costas 3 years ago. Lenses still look brand new.

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Commonly you will have a relatively broad goal of providing some functionality by the time a project is done. Every sprint, commonly two weeks, you concentrate on producing a piece of functionality that will get you closer to that goal. At the end of a sprint, many teams are expected to have what's called a minimally viable product that is technically usable. The problem with that concept is MVP almost always becomes production. That results in poor coding that is hard to support. It almost always involves rework later on, often when something is already in production. And you are not crazy. Not having a clear idea of what you're coding for is wasteful and very inefficient.

Is nicotine considered a drug addiction? Also, if it's bad enough, can it count as 2?

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What a cunt.

I literally made 15 10-inch crepes for my family this morning. Using 2 pans it took about 30-40 minutes. Made some raspberry sauce before getting the crepes going. All told, the whole process took less than an hour and was awesome.

The supreme Court is specifically saying the order is legal. He could say it's part of his official duties, in which case the order itself would be legal. His official duties include commanding the armed forces. If the president gives an order, a marine or a Navy SEAL cannot choose to not follow that order on legal grounds. They can choose to not follow on moral grounds but that refusal in itself would be illegal. Should it come to that, I would hope the vast majority of the armed forces would refuse the order.
In her dissent, justice Sotomayor specifically said that the president could order an assassination and could not be prosecuted for it. I am assuming she knows more than you are I about how the legal system works.

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And a pizza party?

DevOps is fun and you'll learn a lot in a short amount of time. You will have to learn a bunch of stuff about automation, how different technologies are built and deployed, source control, etc. It's a steep learning curve but awesome if you're up to the challenge. It is never boring. I've been working on DevOps processes since before it was called DevOps. I've always been happy to be in this sector. Keep in mind that there is no set definition for DevOps. Some purists will argue what I do, setting up the tools and automation then let the devs do their thing, is not DevOps. They might believe that DevOps means developers set everything up and support everything. Of course, that doesn't scale. Other companies just rebrand build engineers as DevOps. That's about the most boring thing I can think of, besides QA. :-) Good luck!

One broken orbital bone coming right up.

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We apologize for the inconvenience.

I'm a white guy in the Northeast US. My family came from Canada in the early 20th century. None of my grandparents ever owned land. They all were either homemakers or menial laborers. My family didn't own anything until the 70s. Should I pay reparations?

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Lincoln, New Hampshire

We've got a bunch this year. Never seen them before this winter.

Note to self: take up lock picking.

It's not family without a pizza party.

What about Groovy?

Mine is named "Machine".

I would think the worst ugly truth is that Ted Cruz is the podcaster.

They should kill his father Hudson instead. That guy was a dick.

I started 3d printing during COVID when people started talking about printing masks. I realized quickly that that wasn't a great idea but I had the printer at that point. Discovered quickly that it's was fun and useful for all kinds of stuff.
Printing lead to microcontrollers and minicomputera as I came up with cool stuff to print for neat home automation and various other useful tools.
This led to having a couple Raspberries kicking around which led me to extensive, self-hosted home automation. That's my current obsession.
I'm wondering where this goes next.

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Vyvanse changed my life. Without it, my career would have stagnated and my marriage would likely be over. I was diagnosed in my early 40s. I didn't realize how many of my issues stemmed from the frustration caused by being forgetful, procrastinating, aggressive, etc. The meds, along w/ years of therapy, help me manage my brain. I'm still the same person w/ many of the same issues but I am able to manage them much better. I'm not saying meds are for everyone. But be open-minded. Realize that ADHD is just like any other disease or disorder. You would take meds for diabetes or high blood pressure. It is the same thing.

I'm with you. I've been chewing paper my whole life. Love it. Am I broken?

If someone is blocked I'd be pretty cranky if they waited until the next day to mention it. Blockers are to be dealt with swiftly and with extreme prejudice.

Right? I find agile purists to be some of the least flexible people I've ever met. They are the exact opposite of agile. To be fair though, I have found that a good scrum master can be worth their weight in gold. You always know the status of a project and the individual stories. It can be very, very helpful.

Am I the only one wondering how often Borrero meets his gay lover?

Have you never had to tow a trailer? Haul lumber or stone? Bring home a large appliance or furniture? Help a friend move? Or are you just assuming anyone who uses a vehicle you don't need is an asshole?

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