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Joined 4 months ago

I didn't see it in the search. They may use other terms like 閉める or something, but we have no legal requirement here that I know of to allow for account deletion. No company I worked for did until we wanted to do business where things like GDPR (I think it's called) is a thing.

It can mean delete in some contexts.

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I think this article is wrong unless reporting a loss of a bit over 41k in USD is news.

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last I checked, FF doesn't have support for full-page translation of Japanese. It's basically the only reason I still use Chrome sometimes.

Using alcohol as a self-medicating behavior caused me more pain, ruined relationships, lost me jobs, etc. than anything else. Stay the fuck away.

You could try looking for 消去 but I didn't see anything with a google site search. I'm not going to visit the actual site.

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You can search for her takes on trans people and that will probably, but basically against basic things like gender-affirming care and positing that trans is a social fad amongst youth.

Binging with Babish - the content just drifted away. He started doing a show with another guy and I just didn't watch those episodes. Then, the content went further and I stopped watching.

Joshua Weissman - he just became insufferable at some point. I liked his older content.

Shadiversity, Sabine Hossenfelder - they have positions that cause hurt to people and that I morally do not agree with and won't give watch time or ad/sub money to. There are probably more here, but I don't recall. They're welcome to their opinions, but I'm not entitled to view them or fund them.

First we Feast - mostly watched it for Hot Ones (the Motz's stuff was fantastic!) but I got tired of Hot Ones, didn't know most of the guests for a long stretch (not living in the US or really consuming US media made me lose track of things). I also kinda got burnt out on the format.

Linus Tech Tips - to me, it just became the arrogant, egotistical Linus show. There was some other stuff that kinda put me off as well. Maybe it's better now, but I haven't watched in a long while at this point.

A number of creators I'm not thinking of - I hate when prescription meds are advertised (which isn't even legal in the vast majority of countries) and how they just want to sell dick pills without a real, non-conflict-of-interest doctor involved when the cause may not even be physical. I worked in healthcare for a long time and that just rubbed me the wrong way, particularly when creators in countries where it would be illegal for them on TV do it (and it may not even be legal/available in their country but it is in the country of at least US-based audience members).

Edit: and the 8-bit guy now, based on others mentioning things, checking other sources, and even checking up a follow-up video he made a year ago. I'll pass.

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He got locked out of his youtube income for a loooong time and had a rough time with it. He also had some legal issues that prevented him from doing some of the videos he used to do. I don't watch it as much as I used to, but I still watch some.

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I started to write a novel, but suffice it to say that I left nearly a decade ago and many things seem to be getting worse rather than better.

With as many people voting against trump rather than for Biden, I'm interested to see how much this does or doesn't do anything

Arguably, many people groups indigenous to what is now the US (and often times into Canada and Mexico as well) were each their own countries and sometimes joined into confederacies (for example the Iroquois Confederacy and some others). I do think indigenous voices frequently get lost (and that does need fixing), but I don't know if there's value in representing them as a single unit as though they were a single nation before. Many groups came over at different times, migrated around, etc. They're not even all in the same macro language families (and may have come from separate peopling events, but that's a whole other can of worms).

Wow, I didn't see it as I was working. It was somehow worse than I thought even after reading all the threads. Biden should not be there. I will be voting for whomever the democrats nominate because the alternative is worse, but the US is so fucked.

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And are surprised when the other 95.8 don't understand US Customary Units, but you saw this gag coming from 3 Rhode islands away.

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A lot of the top set come from latin and/or french (sometimes borrowed from one into the other first). Lots of words around the legal system, government, nobility, etc. come from those roots. Many from the Norman conquest but some earlier. Some even got borrowed in twice (not french but both shirt and skirt are borrowings of the same word at different times).

A lot of diplomacy was also french be cause that was the language for diplomacy for a long time. For some sciences, it was German.

A lot of the more working-class, I guess, and later words follow the old Germanic patterns (the base of a lot of old English coming from Anglo-Saxon and, to a lesser degree, old Norse)

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There could be a major road just out of frame. The trees are probably for a combination of windbreak (especially if this is amidst long stretches of open land), shade, and maybe privacy.

Me, living in Japan: that's cheap for pizza and a side!

Not even any places deliver to where I live now so I have to drive a couple towns over.

If I have to give only a binary yes/no answer, the answer is no. In reality, there are lots of variables ranging from breed, pen size, herd makeup, season, socialization, hunger, weather, and even more that would factor in. That's without considering the other variable of you as a person they don't know.

Edit: that's not even to say the cattle or a bovine would intentionally hurt you. They're big, sometimes clumsy, have horns, etc. I follow some youtubers who have been raising cattle anywhere from a couple years to most of their lives and they still are very careful in a lot of their movements and interactions.

That was true of the small Ohio town I grew up in. Tons of anti-semitism, racism, hatred of non-straights, hatred of non-christians, etc. Most of the jobs were in agriculture and manufacturing. I no longer live in the US but, if I had to move back, I don't think you could pay me enough to live in that place again.

Fyi, it's "no holds barred" as in no type of hold is disallowed. "no holes barred" is a decidedly different sort of event

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But as a user, when I delete something, it should go away forever.

Years of working tech support in my past tells me that this is a lie. "OMG restore this!"

Wrong question, I would argue. If you have a morning headache, you should really find the root of that and try to resolve it making the medication unnecessary.

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I mean, why else would you sweep children into drains?

RIP little dude. My cousin died around the same age and also became an organ donor.

As someone who's been a software developer for over a decade and in IT even longer, I still don't use vi/vim for anything other than when crontabs have it set as the editor.

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The fuck is a "sizzle reel". I mean, I get what it probably is from context, but who comes up with this shit

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How long would it take to burn one? I remember when CD writers came out, and burning a disk at 1x meant the 60-70 minute wait.

As a back-up solution, I do like it. I'm wondering what the cost will be.

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I live in earthquake, volcano, and tsunami territory, so I think I'll keep charging to 100% for now.

When I lived in the US and went through a hurricane, we had no power for almost 2 weeks and that stuck with me.

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Japan doesn't generally have squirrels like in the US. I took my wife to DC and we spent a solid 10+ minutes taking photos and videos of squirrels around the mall.

The japanese article mentions some of it is sent to recycling companies with the one example using it for pig feed. The numbers are also probably higher because some had been thrown away before the volunteers/workers did their survey

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People should be able to do this, at least for simple programs. We used to do it all the time.

The original computers were often women as well.

Same. Something I can play, save anywhere to deal with life, and pick back up when time allows. I was one of those weirdos who really enjoyed Doom 3 when it came out (with the ducttape mod; that was one mechanic I didn't like) and grew up on old Commodore, Amiga, and PC single-player games and NES/SNES/Genisis RPGs. I want that again.

Just because your ears can't hear a difference doesn't mean that there is none. I deal with this a lot when Japanese ask me for help and can't differentiate between certain sounds

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Possibly a seed that survived a bird's digestive tract and had enough shit and nutrients to get that far. Not long for the world, though.

Bonus: fish populating an isolated pond can be caused by a birds as well

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We are polar opposites; I almost never want something not in fullscreen, hah. I've been using a mac for work for a bit over a year now and hate it.

  • 6-8 hours before bed: no more coffee

  • 3 hours before bed: no more eating

  • 1-2 hours before bed: shower + hot bath

  • until bed: low light (not blue light). No more non-fiction (no news, no work-related, etc.) and no games. Basically, nothing to get the mind/body worked up.

  • bed. No screens or lights. Light music or white noise if needed.

This works pretty well for me, but sticking to it 100% of the time can be a bit difficult.

IIRC, only a handful of countries in the world allow them for prescription meds. They should be gone.

My gut is that food safety rules here probably make that difficult (though I don't know for sure). They have a pretty short shelf life being raw seafood (in many cases) and are already steadily discounted as the day goes on before being tossed.

Edit: the article also mentioned things like Christmas cake that do last longer but can't really be turned into anything else. I bought a Christmas cake a day or two after once

Done. Your marriage status is now saved and can conveniently be retrieved in JSON format.

Nothing. I'm a software developer, but don't use any AI tools with any regularity. I think I only asked ChatGPT or similar something once about programming because the documentation was awful, but I do remember that as having been helpful.

The only thing that might be close, though not directly, is translation software (kanji be hard).