4 Post – 34 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Learning the fediverse and attempting to moderate... 😎🥳


Summer body ready

1609 baby!


But what's the joke?

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Yeah, I never get all these comments saying "if Lemmy wants to get big" it needs to do X (probably some Reddit feature), and " if Lemmy wants to succeed" if needs to do Y (some niche thing most people dont need).

Like, it's already successful doing exactly what it was intended for.

Possibly Lemmy is a lot of peoples first foray into FOSS software, and being the biggest and best, and profits go brrr isn't the aim.

Capitalism is a hell of a drug when it's all you've known.

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Isn't that the problem being stated in the OP haha.

Why do so many website fail at explaining what they represent. I didn't really get what this was because it focused on its technology, not what it was aiming to achieve.

I installed it anyway, as I'm looking into synced Notes apps and that's what it seemed to do and this thing is looking pretty powerful actually. It might replace more than just Notes.

Sounds like fun. We've been waiting far to long off Gary Chess to release Chess 2. Let's do it ourselves!

Better how?

Check out AnyType for notes. I'm really surprised by it so far. It seems really powerful and I'm still working out what can be done.

I think its going to replace notes, task list, and become like a local pintrest for me.

I've seen them called digital gardens, because they like something you maintain and let grow with no specific purpose.

Upvoted using Arctius. I've been using it since 0.0.1 and very happy with it and the dev.

I think there are people coming from Reddit that miss the mindless scrolling content that only hundreds of thousands of users can create.

I did this all the time on Reddit, hours and hours of lurking, looking at memes and reading bullshit stories. Just endless content.

I don't have that here, and I like it. I do miss it, but I'm not desperate for Lemmy to drop in and replace it.

How many of those games are suitable for kids 5 and under really..?

Its not pronounced randevou though, more like ron-day-voo

For an extra few months of work, you could even grow your own tomatoes and herbs, and mine your own salt.

I really enjoyed the first one. It was a lot of fun. I think I completed most of the campaign.

Oh my god. I've never heard another human being reference this series or be aware of this series.

My mum read them when she was a girl and passes them down to me when I was a kid. For my 30th birthday, she hunted down the whole collection for me and now it's one of my most prized possessions.

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I came here to say both of these for the same reasons.

I read them both after reading some people saying they changed their lives on reddit. Siddhartha had some effect on my I still can't pin down, bit changed how I looked at my life. went down for a bit and no one knows why. We're seemingly back now though.

There is only one fully privileged admin (the original owner), and they're not super present. We have two other admins but they're restricted in what they can do (don't have access to the server itself I think?, can't upgrade).

A couple of users are setting up a new UK lemmy instance in response to this situation. One of those users is very keen for it to be a replacement, hence the posts. Not everyone is on board with it though. It's been put in hold while they iron some things out.

It's not an "official" replacement for in that sense, but it's another UK instance.

I really enjoyed this so much more than I expected to, and was so disappointed when I hit the point the that they had developed up to.

It's not a perfect game, has a few flaws I found, but the worldbuilding was somethign special. Excited for this.

"Stop scaring the hoes"

Come on man, do you think referring to woman as hoes is gonna help 😂

I've heard caffeine can have a calming effect on people with ADHD.

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Literally said how its spelt though? Am I missing something?

Do you know if it's possible to have some mild form of this? Me and my brother have been trying to work out our "digestive" issues for a few years with doctors with no success.

I can relate to the feeling of food/drink feeling like its "piling up" because sometimes I throw up last nights dinner when I'm brushing my tongue the next day.

It's something that's gotten worse as I've gotten older. I don't know if that plays into it.

For you. Red/yellow/green flags can be entirely subjective, and what's yellow for you can be green for someone else.

Looks like it hit that guy right in the lower back. What would one of those grenades do to someone like that? Would it kill them?

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Oh no. That's a real shame. I've been using Bandcamp where I can over Spotify for years. Fingers crossed this isn't the beginning on Band camp going downhill

Whomp whomp... :(

Hey, would you mind linking me to that ps1 graphics and blender community?

I'm guessing the vest takes some of the brunt, so most of that is going in their lower back and arse. What a way to go...

Is that some sort of Raikou?

I remember the character, but I mostly read ones that happened after him (the series spans multiple generations).

I think his name began with a B. I may try to dig through them and find the name of the book.

Sometimes hearing other peoples opinions can spoil something for you. I'm kind of glad I've never found any online communities based around Xanth now, because that's never even crossed my mind, and I'm sure there are many others that would do the same, where it's just some fun, silly story books from my childhood for now.

What's wrong with it being a niche thing. It's been around for long enough being just that.

I'm not saying Lemmy can't be more, just there's nothing "wrong" with it as is. I jdon't like people offering up the opinions I mentioned above.

Oh no. What happened with Bandcamp?

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