1 Post – 54 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

"Publicly funded" doesn't mean "publicly owned." Plenty of states give grants and tax incentives to film productions to entice them to work there. That's tax dollars going into a copyrighted work.

And being of a public figure has absolutely no bearing on copyright. If it did, paparazzi wouldn't exist, because they wouldn't be able to effectively sell their photos.

They're saying there was no measurable change in their lives driven by political leadership in the last 16 years? They're arguing in bad faith.

For the last 40 years or so, Republican voters have mostly been single-issue voters. They care very passionately about one thing, and will let almost anything else slide as a result. Being in favor of cable fees doesn't matter as long as they're anti-abortion. Being in favor of cutting social welfare programs that those very voters rely upon is fine as long as they're anti-trans.

For the most part, each voter only cares about one or two specific things, and the whole picture doesn't really matter to them.

That's a bad take. The case actually affirmed business judgement rule: the idea that the guy running the company knows how to run it better than the shareholders. It's part of why post-war America is considered the golden age of American manufacturing: Publicly traded companies invested in their employees and wages exploded across the board. A 100 year old court decision isn't the primary driver on a problem that's really only developed in the last forty or fifty years.

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I'm having a tough time imagining a scenario where you're in too much of a hurry to spend 30 seconds returning the cart, but not too much of a hurry to buy your merchandise and load it in your vehicle.

The fun one is where they brag that older workers are making "substantially more" because they're averaging $22/hr versus $13/hr in 1987. Adjusted for inflation, that $13/hr should be around $35/hr.

More people are working longer for less money.

Wait, so you're hoping that the American government is covertly manipulating the roughly 1 in 3 Americans who watch the Superbowl expressly to retain the incumbents power because it means we'd avoid a fascist autocracy?

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It's classic Two Santas from the Republicans again.

There's also a huge risk of this being misapplied. I remember way back in PS2 days, I was struggling with a jumping puzzle in the original God of War so much so that the game jumped in with a prompt offering to turn down difficulty. But turning down the difficulty in God of War reduces combat difficulty, nothing to do with the huge friggin' hole I kept falling into from mis-timing jumps.

Honestly, every game I've played that offers scaling difficulty based on performance has been because I sucked at the platforming parts that they couldn't make easier with a setting. Maybe it's a hint that I should stop playing platformers.

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In your opinion, who is worse?

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Where I live, all care has a six month wait list. I started a new job with new insurance back in April, still haven't been able to get in anywhere to see a new PCP. My dentist canceled an appointment on me last week and rescheduled it for February.

People say socialized medicine leads to long wait times to see doctors. Well, I'm not seeing them now anyway, so at least it's less or of my pocket.

It also gets rid of useless administration and enforcement costs.

Jaffe always struck me as a perpetual adolescent. The two GoW games he worked on were great for the time, but the stories were shallow excuses to showcase as much gore as possible. His other big property, Twisted Metal, was genre-defining gameplay but any narrative was just edgelord violence and/or crass humor.

The last "big" project I remember coming down the pipe from him was Drawn to Death, which took his signature juvenile tastes and combined them with horrible gameplay and eye-blistering art direction. As far as I'm aware, he hasn't worked on a game since.

I'm not saying the new GoW games are perfect, but I wouldn't say Jaffe has a trusted critical eye.

I have been saying this for years. The Senate is supposed to be where small states get an outsized voice, but by freezing the size of the House, small states have been getting an outsized voice in both houses on Congress and they've been getting a disproportionately high number of electors in the Electoral College.

Based on the 2020 census, Wyoming is the least populous state at 576,851 people. If that were used as the smallest number of people that could be in a district, the US's total population of 335,073,176 would be divided into 580 congressional districts. Over a third of the population is being underrepresented because the House hasn't added seats in almost 100 years.

I'd love to, but the text fades out after the first paragraph and is replaced with "This post is for members only."

Personally I feel that if someone is chronically ill with a debilitating illness, the most humane thing we can do is allow them the choice of assisted suicide.

I think the most humane thing to do would be to treat them with the best care we as a society can provide without forcing them into massive debt.

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According to Spotify, Midnights has made me a Swiftie. I've listened to that record ...too much.

My fiancé was on the phone with her mother yesterday, explaining Project 2025 to her, and her mother literally said, "Oh, Trump wouldn't go along with all that. He used to be a Democrat, so he's petty liberal for a Republican."

No, you only need to abide by the laws of your locality. Just like within your own country in different states or counties. I can't buy alcohol on Sunday morning in my town, but I can if I drive to the next town over.

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Historians: All histories are fiction. Objective truth is illusory. Every narrative is the subjective product of its author and context, with no tangible bearing on reality.

Historians watching any film remotely connected to their field: Well that never fucking happened!

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I wish I'd bought a new washer/dryer before he pissed off China with that pointless trade war. Prices doubled overnight and have not come back down.

The difference being the PS4 wasn't backwards compatible. The remaster was intended for people who hadn't and couldn't play the PS3 version.

PS5 is backwards compatible, making this a little more bullshit.

I have a problem if I owe the bank a thousand dollars. The bank has a problem if I owe them a million dollars.

I agree in the case of single-family homes. Even in cases of 3 or 4 unit buildings. But how do you propose full-on complexes get run if not by a company? Very few individuals have the capital to buy a 50-unit building, and honestly, the US needs more dense urban housing to help reduce our impact on climate.

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This is not a joke, they believe this.

Except for the 78% of Conservatives in support of IVF. This article is literally about Republican lawmakers scrambling because everyone is in favor of IVF.

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But if you're not scanning your card with the checkout, how do they know what you purchased? Scanning on entrance just confirms that you entered the store, while scanning with checkout was used to confirm what you purchased on that trip.

Unless you're using a Costco-issued card at checkout, too, I would have same question. And if you are still scanning at checkout, then this isn't the time-saver they're purporting.

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The only solution is to Harrison Bergeron everyone.

extremely anticapitalist and pro-leftist

There's definitely some enlightened centrist bullshit crammed in there pretty unironically.

I think that's more about WotC giving up on cons and tourneys than giving up on artists. If they're having events at all, they're not putting as much money into them as they used to.

This. I bought a 32oz Nalgene when I was in high school. Lost it on a camping trip in my early twenties, and replaced it with the exact same one. I've had it and used it daily for over 15 years now.

Why are they spelling out so many Steve Bannon quotes in this article? His comments are irrelevant to that headline.

if your goal as a parent is to maximize success of your children.

"Success" is very subjective.

My BIL is a Catholic Libertarian. Almost forty and still lives with Mom and Dad, so he never had the brush with reality that your friend went through. He thinks he's politically savvy and always wants "civil debate" with me, but he's utterly insufferable.

I'm not looking forward to Thanksgiving next week.

If the current The Day Before drama is anything to go by, Hello Games could've done a lot less than turn NMS into a decent game.

It's funny how recognizing the legitimacy of the world court would just instantly remove one of the world's biggest problems.

I remember saying this about George W twenty years ago.

That's why the move is to edit all of your comments into jumbled nonsense and then delete them.

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most of the negative sentiment on cops comes from anecdotes

Oh, I thought it came from the years of empirical evidence of corruption, bias, and state-funded violence.

I'm American, I don't need to imagine.

Part of what makes it a significant other is that embarrassment is no longer a concern. Once you know you're in it for the long haul, it's about supporting one another. I've done things I don't even feel comfortable saying with the anonymity of the internet and admitted freely to them, because we're partners. My problems are their problems and their problems are mine.

Find a few dozen people you like and start responding to their posts. Other people will see them and reply to them, and you can build up a network of people you interact with socially.

It's not quick, but the patience helps to filter down to just the people you actually trust and want to interact with.